Urlacher “The Linebreaker”

Okay, I just have to get this out. Being a Packer fan, there are few things I like about the Chicago Bears. One of those things is former linebacker, 8 time Pro Bowl-er BRIAN F***NG URLACHER.

You simply cannot bring up his name and say a negative thing about his 13 year career.

The 37 year-old is simply slaying his retirement. Literally slaying.

The former linebacker got into fishing with some buddies and now currently co-owns a fishing charter boat called the “Linebreaker”.

According to ESPN, the boat got its name when Urlacher couldn’t stop breaking lines off the boat when reeling in fish when a buddy of Brian’s said, “You’re not a linebacker! You’re a linebreaker!”

If you don’t believe me about this guy being a semi-pro fisherman, just check out the photo’s he post on his twitter of his adventures. You won’t be disappointed. (@BUrlacher54).


Well Urlacher, from the bottom of my heart, my hat is off to you. You taught me that defense wins games, and that’s a lesson a girl can never forget!


‪Your dearest Packer Fan

– Carly

carly 3Carly Kiss

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