#99 Problems & Drinking is One


Aldon Smith has been released by the 49ers due to his most recent hit and run DUI arrest.

Smith, the former number seven overall pick in the 2011 draft certainly has talent, but legal issues have derailed his career.

Smith’s arrest last Friday was his third on suspicion of drinking and driving since entering the league in 2011 as a first round draft pick out of Missouri. Smith has accrued four seasons in the NFL-meaning he played in at least six games a season and is now automatically a free agent after the 49er’s released him.

Former 49er and now Hall of Fame inductee Charles Haley, told ESPN’s Jim Trotter,

“He needs help and I am not going to give up on him.”


At one point Smith was averaging nearly one sack per game. He totaled 33.5 sacks in his first two seasons with the 49ers, but just 10.5 over the past two years as he battled off field issues that limited him to just 18 total games.

Now will any other team give him a second chance? (Third, fourth or fifth, if you’re accounting arrest 😬).

Accounts against Smith include vandalism, hit and run and DUI, raising issues under both the substance abuse policy and the personal conduct policy. Given that Smith was suspended nine games last year under both policies, it makes more sense for teams to wait and see what happens with the league before making him an offer. PeteCarroll

Intriguing spots that Smith may end up are other teams in the NFC West like the Seahawks and Cardinals. After all we all know Pete Carroll loves a little controversy. 😉

But is Smith really worth the risk? Tweet us your thoughts @coachsdaughters !


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