Exclusive! WCW: Sam Clark

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Drum roll PLEASE… We here at TCD would like to introduce you to our FIRST ever WCW…

Meet Sam Clark!

Besides being a total babe, Sam puts the cherry on top for fitting the role of America’s Sweetheart every day she puts on that Dallas Cowboys uniform. Oh yeah. She’s a DALLAS COWBOYS CHEERLEADER. Aka what every girl DREAMS of doing! Oh and if that wasn’t enough she also managed to snag the cover girl spot of the Dallas Cowboys Swimsuit Edition! Killing it.

Plus the girl’s got brains- Sam graduates from SMU in December and is a sorority gal! (She’s a Theta! Shout out Theta ladies!) Sam calls California home but loves being in the great state of Texas.

But enough of us telling you about her! Check out what Sam had to tell TCD about her lifestyle and the fun fact she told us that some people wouldn’t know about her- it’s a good one!

So without further a due… Meet TCD’s first ever WCW…


001And just because we can here’s some more pictures of Sam for your enjoyment. You’re welcome…

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Thanks for chatting with TCD Sam, you’re a doll! We’ll be keeping our eye out for your cute face next to the boy’s big ole star this season! Pony Up girlfriend! 😉

Until Next Time,


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