Get Out! JoJo Just Released Three New Songs

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Photo: JoJo Instagram
Leave, GET OUT! Right now.
How about a little throwback action to our girl JOJO!
 JoJo has three new songs that she just released on August 20th! Holla! Just a refresher, JoJo sang Leave (Get Out) back in 2004.
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Photo: JoJo Instagram

In regards to the new releases, JoJo says,

“It’s wild to be coming back at 24.”
If that doesn’t make you feel old, then I don’t know what does. It’s been over 10 years since I first Leave! Get Out! ?
Holy Hannah, someone get me a drink! 🍷🙏🏼
Here’s the names of all three of her most recent releases:

These songs are almost as awesome as Jojo is. Give ’em a listen! Will there be more to come? I guess we will just have to wait and see!
Until Next Time,
e09dkyReUYAc4PjzUs-0Vs7HkC9_fV09GEkiXPvKvYkAlexa Kiss

The Scandal That Wasn’t: Alabama Alpha Phi

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It all started with Baylor University’s chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma (Shout out to the KKG’s!) that created a kick ass recruitment video, circa 2011. Since then, the recruitment game has forever been changed.

Before I begin here’s some terms for you non sorority and fraternity folk, a glossary if you will so you can keep up…
Rush/Recruitment- The process of pledging a sorority/fraternity
Chapters- Sororities
PNM’s- Potential New Members
Panhellenic Day/Pan Day- The first day of formal Sorority Recruitment when all the PNM’s meet women from each chapter
PC- Pledge Class
Greek Life- Part of a Sorority/Fraternity

Great, now where was I… Ah, yes- the game has been FOREVER changed.

I remember going through recruitment my freshman year and my mom made an excellent point. She said to make sure that I wear something each day that makes me stand out (as if that was hard 😉 ). And it’s the exact same thing for each chapter as well.

Every day of rush, each chapter wants to do something or wear something that makes them stand out from all the other chapters, like banging on the walls while yelling Hottie Tottie at the top of their lungs before the doors open or wearing white pumps on Pan Day. Recruitment videos are the exact same in this sense. They are typically going to consist of women prancing around in slow motion, hugging each other and laughing, showing off their beautful homes, wearing school apparel, sunglasses are probably involved, some way somehow sports teams will be incorporated, there will be glitter, and heaven forbid these women will be hot?! With these common denominators for each chapter, you must do something to make your chapter stand out!

Yet here we are, bashing on a completely innocent recruitment video (compared to ALL the other things on the internet? Really?).

There are so many different thoughts and emotions that are running through my mind as I hear one news story after another mock and ridicule the Beta Mu chapter of Alpha Phi, starting with Here’s what baffles me: with all the things going on in our world (ie. the bombing in Bangkokfires burning down central Washingtonfires burning down large chunks of land across Californiatopless women wandering around Times Squarethe 2016 elections, etc.), why is THIS gaining national media attention? Of all things?!

A bunch of hot, mostly blonde, collegiate women proudly promoting their chapter of their sorority in hopes of recruiting a bomb a$$ new PC should be the LEAST of our worries. Yet there is story, after story, after story, after story, after story, after story, after story about it. And yes, each link is to a DIFFERENT news source discriminating against this particular chapter of Alpha Phi (and that’s not even all of them).

As Elle Woods would say, “Why now? Why this [sorority recruitment video]?” 💁🏼🙋🏼 Heaven forbid anything like this happen to Delta Nu; you already know Elle would be addressing the public about their lack of intelligence when it comes to things they don’t know anything about. But I digress. 💁🏼

Tell me if I’m wrong, but what’s the difference between this recruitment video and this recruitment video? And this recruitment video? How about this recruitment video? And this recruitment video? And this recruitment video? (Shout out to Beta Rho, hey girls hey!) But seriously, see any significant differences? Not really.

The point of a recruitment video is not necessarily to promote the chapter’s scholarly successes, or philanthropic triumphs. Sure, maybe they should be, but let’s be real here- they don’t. Chances are, if you’re rushing and came across this video, you’ve been doing your homework on this sorority! Thus you already know about the chapter’s required GPA, the fact that they were one of the top chapters in the Greek System last spring, their symbol is the Phi Bear, their colors are silver and bordeaux, and their flowers are Ivy leaves, Lily of the Valley and Forget-Me-Nots. And if you didn’t know these things, chances are you didn’t really care to know them.

Still following? Here’s the point of a recruitment video.

The point of a recruitment video is to get 18-year-old women excited about sorority recruitment and the entire run process in hopes that they will end up in the sorority that is the best fit for them.

Some chapters have recruitment videos of just their members doing different activies (ie. getting ready for sports games, dancing with the school mascot, showing off old cheerleading skills, laying out by the pool/lake/at the beach, etc.), while others have the same or similar ideas but also include member dialogue talking about their experiences with their chapter.

What I’ve noticed the most about all the scrutiny with Alabama’s Beta Mu chapter of Alpha Phi recruitment video, is that people are down right PISSED that it only features hot, white, blonde (for the most part) women. First of all, I want you to take a step back and think about your own personal group of friends. Think about the people you spend the most time with. Think of their morals, what their beliefs are, what they like to do in their free time, how they dress, etc. Chances are you all have plenty of things in common and that’s why you all get along so well! But that’s not to say you are different in many different ways as well! That’s the exact same way that each chapter feels, and I can only imagine that’s how Beta Mu feels as well. The reason they have such great chemisty and get along so well is, because they all have so many things in common, and I’m not talking about their hair color and race.

Second, just because you don’t have something in common with this particular chapter does NOT give you the right to judge them for what they enjoy. That being said, before you try to fight me, ask yourself these questions: Are you a recent high school graduate about to enter sorority recruitment? If no, case closed. THESE VIDEOS AREN’T FOR YOU. What about the video is offensive? Are you really only offended because the women are beautiful and having fun?

I can’t emphasize this enough, since these videos aren’t for you why do you care?!  Literally, all these people arguing and fighting and saying how this Alpha Phi rush video is “tasteless”, and “classless”, and someone even stooped so low as to issue a backhanded apology?! I mean, really? Who’s the tasteless party involved?

If something wasn’t created with you in mind, it is not aimed as pleasing you, and it’s purpose is NOT to make you want to rush, why do you care? Shouldn’t we, as women, build each other up instead of tearing each other down? Society is already awful enough, shouldn’t we stick together?

I know the “right” (and I use this term lightly because I know I’m going to offend someone no matter what) thing to do would be to be politically correct, but honestly, think of it this way. I could be the most delicious peach in the world, yet there would still be someone who doesn’t like peaches. At the end of the day, people are jealous, whether they want to admit it or not because that video was harmless. Just like Keri Hilson says in Pretty Girl Rock (yes, I’m quoting Pretty Girl Rock), “Jealousy’s the ugliest trait.” Don’t hate these girls because they’re BEAUTIFUL! Not to mention there’s probably 500+ Marilyn Monroe quotes I could insert here.

I think it’s important to realize the impact that one individual’s opinion is making on not only the women of Beta Mu, but all potential sorority women. By ridiculing and verbally harassing these women all over the Internet, news and social media, we’re making Greek Life look worse than it is.

Greeks out-graduate non-Greeks 8 to 2. Since 1825, all but three U.S. presidents have been members of a fraternity. The first female senator was Greek. And while we hear, on average, of one hazing-related death story a year, we typically do not hear about the philanthropic work and community service Greeks participate in over non-Greeks, donating over 10 million hours of service and over $7M each year. Greeks also give around 75% of the money donated to universities. So don’t tell me Greek life is just binge drinking and partying. That’s a college association, not a Greek life association. Like many like to say, “Work Hard, Play Harder.”

And while we’re talking controversy, our editor always reminds us there will be haters, “and if they hate then let ‘em hate and watch the money pile up!”… Oh, What? That was Kanye West that said that? Whatever, same difference, you get the point.

There will always be haters and disbelievers. At the end of the day, you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t, so you might as well do whatever the hell you want. For starters though, let’s try and build eachother up instead of tearing eachother down. And ya know, maybe not spend so much time arguing over hair flips and slow motion skipping.

I leave the haters with this music video…

Oh, and for the love of God, IT’S PRONOUNCED ALPHA PH-EE.

Love & AOE,


e09dkyReUYAc4PjzUs-0Vs7HkC9_fV09GEkiXPvKvYkAlexa Kiss


You Get Paid to Do WHAT?! Random AF Professions that Make a Dope Living

happy-housewifeAs a little girl I always dreamed of being the cutest little housewife: cooking and cleaning for my husband, tending to the kids, being the hottest MILF on the block, duh. Okay, so maybe the last part was a late addition, whatever you get the point.

Basically, I didn’t want to grow up and get a big girl job, I wanted to do something that I loved: taking care of the people that mean the most to me.

I mean, I’m pretty sure they call what I want to do (without the whole “husband” factor…) “nannying” or “a maid” or “servant.” Erroneous! Erroneous on all counts!

But seriously, why shouldn’t you be able to make a living doing the things that you love? I mean, there are people out there who actually make a living doing the craziest stuff! Here’s a look into just some of the careers (other than my dream of “nannying”) that would be sick AF to have!

Professional Video-Gamers

Pretty sure this is what I would look like if I had to game 14 hours a day… Sorry Penny!

I’m not kidding. Team China composed of Zhang Pan (Mu), Chen Zhihao (Hao), Zhang Ning (xiao8), Wang Jiao (Banana) and Wang Zhaohui (SanSheng) currently make $1,005,661 each. Holy CASUAL?! Where do I sign up?! Oh wait, I can barely beat Mario Kart- Someone bring me a glass of wine to drown my sorrows…

Professional Sleeper

Yes, you read that right. There are people out there who make, on average, around $15,000 a year simply by sleeping. Now that’s not nearly enough to live off of (at least for me, I could blow through that in one trip to Nordstrom 💁.) However, that’s a nice cushion to an already existing job. I’ll take another BIG glass of wine, because, you know, sleep…

Professional Shopper

OKAY. All jokes aside, this must have been made for me. So where do I sign up to be a professional shopper? I’d love to channel my inner Rachel Green and spend other people’s money! This is totally a real career. You get to make your own hours and choose which jobs you do and do not want to do. CRAZY! I’ll take another glass of wine now, because, you know, alcohol and credit cards work really well together. For all you judging me right now, clearly you need a glass of vino yourself.

Professional Water Slide Tester

Again, totally a legitimate thing. How AWESOME would it be to ride water slides all day then write about them at night (and often times be quoted in magazines and brochures)?! SIGN ME UP, again. The job has few responsibilities, although the few you do have are very important and, you know, could mean life or death for the future riders. Livelihood aside, who wants to drink some wine (or margaritas if we’re going to be near water?) and go ride some wild water slides?! Not sure that’s part of the job description though…

Professional Hotel Guest

UHM YES?! This too is a legitimate career and all it requires is that you stay in a hotel for a few days and write about it (strong writers only, I assume). This job would be so kick-ass, because you’re required to enjoy all the amenities in the hotel, heck you enjoy that drink (or three) in the bar then go and enjoy a great massage at the spa, because, well, why the f*ck not?

With all of that being said, I am absolutely considering quitting my day job and enjoying the finer things in life. Because playing video games, sleeping, shopping, riding water slides and staying in fancy hotels all while drinking copious amounts of wine sounds good to me, obviously! Cheers!

– Alexa

e09dkyReUYAc4PjzUs-0Vs7HkC9_fV09GEkiXPvKvYkAlexa Kiss

10 Things That Happened 10 Years Ago


Let’s take a trip down memory lane shall we… Here are 10 things that happened 10 years ago. Prepare to feel old…

1. The last season of Newlyweds. AKA the MTV reality television show that gave fans the chance to see the everyday marriage life between Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey. The term “blonde moment” becomes insanely common in 2005, due to Jessica Simpson’s fair share of contributions. We all remember the “Chicken or Tuna” moment. We thought Nick wasn’t amused, but perhaps it was the other way around. Jessica Simpson filed for divorce in December of 2005. I could still cry. I am still crying. It just felt so perfect at the time.


2. ABC announced that they will no longer be airing “Monday Night Football”, and that it will be televised by ESPN starting in 2006. Apparently ABC was losing money during that telecast.

3. The Pussycat Dolls released the hit song, “Don’t Cha.” TALK ABOUT MY JAM. Every millennial girl sang these lyrics as if they were the one that wrote the song. A gentle (not) reminder to your ex boyfriend that he totally effed up.


4. It’s gettin’ hectic in here, it’s gettin’ CHAOTIC!” Britney Spears and her second husband, Kevin Federline, had their own five episode reality tv series called “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic.”  Not going to lie, LOVED the song. STILL love the song (clearly).

5. Carrie Underwood won American Idol. And boy, oh boy, did that pay off. She is one of country music’s biggest superstars as of now.


6. Rihanna released her FIRST single, “Pon de Replay,” which also made the Billboard Hot 100 that year.


7. The movie, “Mr & Mrs. Smith” took the world by storm. Hence, the love affair between Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie began. Or Brangelina, I should say. Buh Bye, Jenn(ifer Anniston)! (Shed a tear).


8. Michael Jackson was found not guilty of all 10 felony counts against him. The charges against him included: four counts of child molestation charges, one attempted child molestation charge, four counts of serving alcohol to a minor and one conspiracy charge.

9. Lil’ Kim got sentenced to prison. Sentenced to one year and one day in prison, and fined $50,000 as consequence for lying to a federal grand jury about her accounts of a shooting that took place in 2001. Let’s be real, the prison jumpsuit would just add to her list of outrageous outfits. The icing on the cake, if you will.

10. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn starred in the hit movie, “Wedding Crashers.” This wasn’t the first time that this duo made us laugh until we peed. It’s okay to admit it when it comes to this movie. Oh, and this movie only made women realize how potentially vulnerable we could be at weddings. DON’T FALL FOR THEIR TRAPS LADIES! Unless you’re feel in’ frisky of course… 😉


11. Oh and how could we forget? Hurricane Katrina. DON’T YOU REMEMBER THAT? THAT WAS INSANE and such a tragedy. It has been estimated that Hurricane Katrina cost more than $100 billion dollars of damage. Never forget ❤


zBsDF4Y5mjt2LdMIbZJeGFjnEncvwsnyPbY6D1zWwJgHailey Kiss

Pastry School Creates 100-Pound Blackhawks Chocolate Stanley Cup

As you all know Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, but they don’t just have one trophy… Courtesy of Chicago’s French Pastry School, the Chicago Blackhawks have received a 6 FOOT, 100-POUND chocolate Stanley Cup.

“It’s made from pure Cacao Berry couverture and took about 150 hours to create before being shown off at the Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz’s private party.”

There is nothing better than having two trophies, right!? (Especially when one is made of chocolate!)  It looks like the Blackhawks got their cake and ate it too! 😉


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Teen Challenges Nike to Create Sneaker for Disabled Athletes

Photo: YouTube Screenshot

Talk about going after the big guns.

At age 16, Matthew Walzer, a young man with Cerebral Palsy (a disorder that impairs control of movement due to damage to the developing brain), wrote to the CEO of Nike (Mark Parker) and asked if Nike could create a running sneaker for disabled athletes.

Walzer states,

“Having my parents tie my shoes at 15, 16, it’s frustrating to me because I’ve always been the type of person, despite having a disability, always want to do everything by myself, for myself.”

Well, guess what? Nike made it happen.

Photo: Nike

The sneaker, Zoom Soldier 8 Flyease, is now available and retails for $130 dollars.

In order to design the sneaker, Nike used the sneaker designs of Lebron James as a template and designed new technology so that Walzer, as well as many other disabled athletes, can get in and out of the shoes, adjust the shoes, and close the shoes all by himself.

LeBron James states in the Nike release video,

“He inspired us at Nike to be able to bring something special for the masses.”

Walzer received his official pair of sneaks a few weeks back and even better, was able to meet one of the faces behind the design of the shoe- Mr. LeBron James himself.

Photo: Nike

Talk about a dream come true!

This is what life should be all about, helping others. So meanwhile as teens lick donuts to support Ariana Grande, Nike is doing real sh*t making shoes for a great cause!

Well done Nike. Bravo.


– Briana

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Jimbo Fisher Banned His Players From Bars, Ouch

JACKSONVILLE, FL - JANUARY 01:  Offensive coordinator and future head coach Jimbo Fisher of the Florida State Seminoles walks the sidelines while taking on the West Virginia Mountaineers during the Konica Minolta Gator Bowl on January 1, 2010 at Jacksonville Municipal Stadium in Jacksonville, Florida. Florida State defeated West Virginia 33-21 in Bobby Bowden's last game as a head coach for the Seminoles.  (Photo by Doug Benc/Getty Images)
Photo: Jimbo Fisher Twitter
Sunday Funday. Margarita Monday. Taco Tuesday. Wino Wednesday. Thirsty Thursday. And obviously everyone goes out on Fridays and Saturdays.

And where might one go for all of these fun drinking festivities, you ask?

BARS! Duh *hair flip*

But if you are a football player at Florida State, it sure looks like those activities are out of the question for you. After running back Dalvin Cook was officially charged with battery after allegedly punching a woman outside a Tallahassee bar, head coach Jimbo Fisher declared bars off-limits.

So much for attending the daily bar festivities. Maybe if they could keep their hands to themselves and off the women they could be feeling festive like the rest of us. I guess there are always house parties guys?

– Alexa

e09dkyReUYAc4PjzUs-0Vs7HkC9_fV09GEkiXPvKvYkAlexa Kiss

A New App for You Peeps to Download: SWEEBLE


As we all know, social media just continues to keep growing and growing, and guess what? We got another app hitting the scene that you should probably download as well.


This app, seen by the cute little blue jellyfish, is similar to instagram in the fact it is a photo and video sharing app, however it works a little differently. On Sweeble, you can like things just as you would on instagram, but the way you do so is represented by the amount of time you hold down on the photo.

_MG_9335So if you hold down on say, Johnny Appleseed’s photo for 10 seconds vs. one second the heart will grow to be much bigger, therefore making your like worth something greater. You know on Facebook when we like something and we’re like I wish I could like this 10 times, Well, that’s the idea here.

You can like something more than what you’re limited to on other profiles. Just make sure you get as much liking as you want when you first like a post, because once you’ve liked it for however amount of time, you’ve already liked it.

Just like other social media outlets, on Sweeble you can follow your friends or total randos including that blonde babe you secretly stalk and accidentally like 150 week old photos of. Yeah, she and her brunette babe buddy are on there too.

For all you serial-posters, you’ll like the fact that the casualness of posts on Sweeble falls somewhere in between Snapchat and Instagram, so post away! There’s no judgments on here for posting more than once a day.

So why should you download Sweeble over these other up and comers in the social media world? Let’s ask the President Jason Zucari himself…

“Time is our most valuable resource, and why not use that as a metric to show how much you like your friends and families posts. For the first time on social media we can truly measure the degree of how much we actually like our social content, vs. a single binary “like”.” – Jason Zuccari, Sweeble President & Co-Founder.

Not to mention Sweeble throws some dope AF parties!

Screen Shot 2015-07-21 at 12.47.29 PMDon’t believe me? Just watch!

Check out the BTS look TCD got when we covered the Sweeble and Arsenic Magazine party in the Hollywood Hills last week. Straight fire.

Side note, have you seen Arsenic Magazine’s Snapchat story lately? UHM, let’s just say it’s HOT, HOT, HOT!

Definitely a follow decision you won’t regret. Well, unless you hate babes and boobs and are a communist.

Back to Sweeble!

The meaning of the jelly you ask?

“There is a type of jellyfish called Turritopsis Dorhrnii which is immortal. The liking system on Sweeble is based on how long you touch something. And similar to a jellyfish, the longer you touch or hold down on Sweeble the ore intense of a like it is. And if people aren’t liking your sh*t on Sweeble, people say why you jelly?” – Barrett Barnes, Sweeble CMO.

So why so jelly betches?!

Go download Sweeble and find the TCD girls on there! Give a girl some time and show some love! 😉

– Courtney

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