20 Celebs Over 40 Who Are Still Bangin’

Nothing is better than a little daily eye candy. Here at TCD we’re all about those famous hotties, even the “older” ones (and I use that term lightly), we don’t discriminate! (Hello MILFs and DILFs!)

Check out our top 20 celebrities who are over the age of 40 and still hot, hot, hot!

20. Bradley Cooper, 40


19. Sarah Jessica Parker, 50


18. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, 43


17. Courteney Cox, 51


16. Dennis Quaid, 61


15. Gabrielle Union, 42


14. Matthew McConaughy, 45


13. Gwyneth Paltrow, 42


12. Leonardo DiCaprio, 40


11. Kris Jenner, 59


10. Will Smith, 46


9. Nicole Kidman, 48


8. John Stamos, 51


7. Halle Berry, 48


6. George Clooney, 54


5. Connie Britton, 48

THE 48TH ANNUAL CMA AWARDS - "The 48th Annual CMA Awards" airs live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (8:00-11:00 PM/ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Image Group LA) CONNIE BRITTON
THE 48TH ANNUAL CMA AWARDS – “The 48th Annual CMA Awards” airs live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (8:00-11:00 PM/ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Image Group LA)

4. Brad Pitt, 51


3. Sofia Vergara, 42


2. Mark Cuban, 56


1. Jennifer Aniston, 46



Yup, they’re for sure all killing it even though they’re kinda “old.” But hey, it’s all about the MILFs & DILFs nowadays!

– Alexa

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Urlacher “The Linebreaker”

Okay, I just have to get this out. Being a Packer fan, there are few things I like about the Chicago Bears. One of those things is former linebacker, 8 time Pro Bowl-er BRIAN F***NG URLACHER.

You simply cannot bring up his name and say a negative thing about his 13 year career.

The 37 year-old is simply slaying his retirement. Literally slaying.

The former linebacker got into fishing with some buddies and now currently co-owns a fishing charter boat called the “Linebreaker”.

According to ESPN, the boat got its name when Urlacher couldn’t stop breaking lines off the boat when reeling in fish when a buddy of Brian’s said, “You’re not a linebacker! You’re a linebreaker!”

If you don’t believe me about this guy being a semi-pro fisherman, just check out the photo’s he post on his twitter of his adventures. You won’t be disappointed. (@BUrlacher54).


Well Urlacher, from the bottom of my heart, my hat is off to you. You taught me that defense wins games, and that’s a lesson a girl can never forget!


‪Your dearest Packer Fan

– Carly

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USA vs. Japan- Robo Style: May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor MegaBots


Putting me in the tech world is like Kim Kardashian trying to say that she actually had a say in her codes behind her video game, but hey… We all like to watch her try right?

All I know is if you’re going to put me in a tech conversation, I prefer iPhone over android and I’ve always wanted to watch real life robots brawl. Maybe it’s because I’m so obsessed with bumble bee from Transformers.

Although details are scarce, the US based company “MegaBots” sent a hilarious video to the Japan based company “Suidobashi Heavy Industry” calling out their robot and asking for an all out duel.

Will our rivalry with Japan ever end? Probably not.

Of course, Japan was just as creative in sending a video response back and agreed to let the shenanigans go down.

Wait a minute. You realize how big these things are right? They’re f*cking HUGE. Like actually Transformers size.


Anyways, to our knowledge, there isn’t really a date and time or place of when and where this will go down, but don’t worry I’ll let you know when I find out. Japan is presumed to be favored, but you know we bleed red, white and blue over here at TCD, so you know who’s corner I’ll be in.


Oh, and in case you didn’t notice, the robot is Green Bay Packers colors. I’m sold!
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ESPN Body Issue- Our Top Picks!

ESPN The Magazine annually posts an issue dedicated to none other than the beautiful, sculpted male and female athletes that kill the game, literally and physically. From all shapes and sizes, ESPN gets the up-close and personal view of some of our favorite athletes.

Here is my top 10!

Now go pick up a copy, read by the pool or use it as motivation to get that ass in the gym! (Uhm… Hello Paige Selenski, can I just have a few of your abs?! Hook a sista up!)

1. Kevin Love, F, Cleveland Cavaliers

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Photo: ESPN Instagram

2. Odell Beckham Jr.,WR, New York Giants

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Photo: ESPN Instagram

3. Ali Krieger, USWNT, Women’s World Cup Champion

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Photo: ESPN Instagram

4. Bryce Harper, Washington Nationals

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Photo: ESPN Instagram

5. Natalie Coughlin, US Women’s Swimmer, 6 time Olympic Medalist

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Photo: Natalie Coughlin Instagram

6. Venus Williams, US Women’s Tennis player

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Photo: ESPN “Bodies We Want”

7. Paige Selenski, US Women’s Field Hockey Player

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Photo: ESPN “Bodies We Want”

8. Dallas Friday, US Women’s Wakeboarder

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Photo: ESPN “Bodies We Want”

9. DeAndre Jordan, Center, Los Angeles Clippers

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Photo: ESPN Instagram

10. Ali Raisman, US Women’s Gymnast

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Photo: ESPN “Bodies We Want”

Well, I think I’m going to have to go do a spin class now and drink some green sh*t or something. Later!

– Morgan

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This Dad Teaches His Son a Lesson He Will Never Forget

After hearing his son was being a bully at school, as punishment, this father put his son in the ring with a professional boxer. Oh yeah. I said pro boxer.


I have a feeling this kid’s about to get straight Mike Tyson’d.

Continue reading “This Dad Teaches His Son a Lesson He Will Never Forget”

Drown in the Drought! California Drought is Actually Making Better Wine


California girls, yes, we’re unforgettable.

I mean, it’s obviously the truth if Katy Perry wrote a song about it! Well, KP actually does get one thing (partially) wrong. Sh*t, I’m so sorry to go against you at the this very moment Katy because you’re one of my faves, literally. This is a rare moment in time for me.

It’s definitely warm and wild over here on the West Coast, but as of right now, it’s definitely not “wet” or “where the grass is really greener.”

Yes, we, California, are in a drought. IN THE SUMMER. 🆘

Before you get your panties in a bundle, you’ll be happy to know that I have a solution as to how we can quench our parched throats due to this drought.



Yes, wine is the solution my people. In fact, why don’t we just drown ourself in my solution? Perhaps Jesus should just come back to Earth and turn all our water into wine and in turn, solve World Peace.


Apparently this drought, one of the worst droughts in history, is actually making its wines taste better!

How you ask? Well let me get all scientific on you… When grapevines are deprived of water, the roots dig deeper into the soil to find water. This process produces smaller grapes that get more ripe, concentrated and flavorful. I’m salivating just thinking about my glass of wine right now.


Although the grapes are getting tastier, the number of grapes being produced has gone down. This might cause an obvious problem, especially for the cheaper wines aka less grapes being produced = higher wine prices people.




Because for now, the wine is better than what it’s worth. Go on and buy me a bottle or two while you’re at it, because I’m seriously parched over here.


– Hailey

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No Donald Trump, You’re Fired



The real estate mogul and 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump has been under media scrutiny recently for comments he made in regards to illegal immigration.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said. “They’re not you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and their bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, their bringing crime. They’re rapists. And I assume some are good people.”

NBC Universal has officially cut ties with Trump after those statements, which means no longer airing “The Miss USA/Miss Universe pageants” which is affiliated with the Trump ventures, and Trump has formally stepped down from “Celebrity Apprentice” to focus on his presidential bid.

But “focused” or seriousness is the exact opposite of Donald Trump’s campaign, as was made clear at his announcement at Trump Tower. Reporters were front and center and the American public were upstairs with the sole focus on Trump himself, introduced by Ivanka Trump.

But now his comments have hurt him with ventures such as NASCAR, ESPN and others. His twitter response is below courtesy of Sam Stein…

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Make America Great Again!? After those comments!?


Last time I checked we’re not doing so bad… Not sure how that’s going to change courtesy of “President Trump.”


– Morgan

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Anyone Down for SEXploration? Because Pornhub is Going to Space


PornHub is (wait for it) going to SPACE. Like, as in spaceships and NASA and all that sh*t.

I have no words. Literally. No. Words.

Read that again: PornHub is- Going. To. Space. 


Yep, you read that right. Someone over at the PornHub headquarters had the brilliant (or not so brilliant) idea to take their videos to space. The film will star adult entertainers Eva Lovia and Johnny Sins.

Hmm… I have SO many questions that I don’t even know where to start.

First, let’s talk about how unoriginal this is (sorry, PornHub). PornHub isn’t the first company to have this idea. In 2006, Laura Woodmansee wrote a book called Sex in Space, which detailed the plans to make a porno on the Mir space station (which is no longer around).

Second, logistics. How the f*ck is this supposed to work?!



Sex in space cannot be easy. I mean, I’ve never been to space, let alone in a spaceship, so I don’t exactly know what the setting would look like or how things would work out, but I cannot imagine things would be simple. I mean, physics… Then again, I’m not even sure I passed that class.


Regardless! I can image those who are into the whole bondage thing would really dig this…


Lastly, everyone’s least favorite subtopic of sex: the repercussions. Typical trips to space last anywhere from 10 to 440 days, which can be a wide range of time. However, what happens in space won’t always stay in space, this isn’t Vegas after all.

Babies (and STD’s) are no joke, so wrap it up people.


Safe sex is great sex, after all.


So this is weird, right? It’s not just me?


If this is something you think you would be into, feel free to donate here, to make your dreams a reality. The fact that they have already collected almost $235,000 from just 1,333 people in only 29 days is SHOCKING, to say the least.


So enjoy you little porn gurus, you.


May the force be with you… Or not with you if there’s no gravity, I guess?

– Alexa

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