Will Smith Takes the NFL Head On in New Movie “Concussion”

Photo: Youtube Screenshot
Looks like Will Smith may be taking the NFL head on, literally.

The trailer for the new movie Concussion has been released, and Will Smith is playing the main role. If you read the GQ article “Game Brain” (by Jeanne Marie Laskas) back in 2009, this story will sound familiar to you.

Photo: Chocolate City
Directed by Peter Landesman, the film is based on the true story of the Nigerian-born forensic neuropathologist, Dr. Bennet Omalu (played by Will Smith).

Dr. Bennet Omalu? WHOOO-DEE-WHOOOO?

Oh ya know, just the first Doctor to discover and prove that repeated head trauma can cause a neuro-degenerative disease, called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which can lead to death.  

Yes, Dr. Omalu made his discovery after performing an autopsy on Mike Webster, the former Pittsburgh Steeler. Furthermore, he backed his discovery case after examining the brains of other NFL stars, including Terry Long, Andre Waters and Dave Duerson.

As if making the discovery wasn’t enough, Dr. Omalu had to fight to tell this new truth and make it known. And, well, the NFL wasn’t going to surrender to that fight easily.

As seen in the trailer, while Dr. Omalu is fighting for the truth, he is told, “You’re going to war with a corporation that owns a day of the week.” In fact, the NFL would continue to deny the connection, try to discredit him, accuse him of “fraud,” and even try to silence him.

This had all gone the exact opposite way that Dr. Omalu had predicted. Dr. Omalu said initially…

 “So I was excited. I thought the football industry would be happy with our new discovery. I thought naively that discovery of new information, unraveling new information, redefining concepts, I thought the football industry would embrace it — again, about my business experience — utilize it, turn it into some type of utility, some type of utility function to enhance the game. […] That was what I thought in my naive state of mind. But unfortunately I was proven wrong, that it wasn’t meant to be that way.”

Think about that for a second…

On top of all this, there is email proof that Sony altered the film to make sure it did not displease the NFL or cause protest. Seriously?! TELL THE TRUTH!

The movie will be hitting theaters on December 25, Christmas and, oh wait, smack dab before the NFL playoffs.



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Baywatch is BACK & You Won’t Believe the New Cast! (Cue the Slow Motion Running)

In the words of Juvenile, MOVE IT SLOW MOTION FOR ME because that’s right- Baywatch is back. babes, bikini’s, beaches and a lot of slow motion running is coming back to the big screen. And why wouldn’t TCD be all about it?

As far as the babes, Zac Efron and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson have committed to the remake film that is expected to start shooting at the beginning of 2016.  THE ROCK? ZAC EFRON? I know try not to faint…


Let’s just say that it’s highly possible that around filming time I may have a near death drowning experience where I need a lifeguard to save me. And somehow I feel like I won’t be alone?

Efron told Reuters,

“It’s going to be R-rated and it’s going to be badass.” Efron went on to say, ”I think we’re going like pretty big with it and I don’t think it’s going to be much like the old Baywatch to be honest. I think we’re going to kind of reinvent it in a big way, and he [Johnson] has big plans for it. I know he’s very ambitious.”

Johnson shared his excitement on Instagram with an oh-so glorious picture of the two wearing their bare-skin washboard abs.

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Photo: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Instagram

Not to mention that he left us hanging on a real cliff hanger in his caption:

“[…] and one more thing.. just wait ’til you see who we cast for our girls…”



Apparently, Pam isn’t too thrilled on the remake idea. When asked about the new movie, she has commented “no one appreciates the remakes.” She believes that there ’90s were a “simpler, sweeter time” for television, and that the remake won’t work in today’s modern day and era.

Maybe Pam is a little bitter since she didn’t get asked to be a part of the remake. Perhaps she is scared someone will top her original performance?

Guess we’ll just have to find out for ourselves who will be the new BAE of Baywatch….

Until then, I’ll be the swimmer who cried wolf. HELP Mr. Lifeguards! Save me! Mouth to mouth resuscitation!


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10 Things That Happened 10 Years Ago


Let’s take a trip down memory lane shall we… Here are 10 things that happened 10 years ago. Prepare to feel old…

1. The last season of Newlyweds. AKA the MTV reality television show that gave fans the chance to see the everyday marriage life between Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey. The term “blonde moment” becomes insanely common in 2005, due to Jessica Simpson’s fair share of contributions. We all remember the “Chicken or Tuna” moment. We thought Nick wasn’t amused, but perhaps it was the other way around. Jessica Simpson filed for divorce in December of 2005. I could still cry. I am still crying. It just felt so perfect at the time.


2. ABC announced that they will no longer be airing “Monday Night Football”, and that it will be televised by ESPN starting in 2006. Apparently ABC was losing money during that telecast.

3. The Pussycat Dolls released the hit song, “Don’t Cha.” TALK ABOUT MY JAM. Every millennial girl sang these lyrics as if they were the one that wrote the song. A gentle (not) reminder to your ex boyfriend that he totally effed up.


4. It’s gettin’ hectic in here, it’s gettin’ CHAOTIC!” Britney Spears and her second husband, Kevin Federline, had their own five episode reality tv series called “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic.”  Not going to lie, LOVED the song. STILL love the song (clearly).

5. Carrie Underwood won American Idol. And boy, oh boy, did that pay off. She is one of country music’s biggest superstars as of now.


6. Rihanna released her FIRST single, “Pon de Replay,” which also made the Billboard Hot 100 that year.


7. The movie, “Mr & Mrs. Smith” took the world by storm. Hence, the love affair between Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie began. Or Brangelina, I should say. Buh Bye, Jenn(ifer Anniston)! (Shed a tear).


8. Michael Jackson was found not guilty of all 10 felony counts against him. The charges against him included: four counts of child molestation charges, one attempted child molestation charge, four counts of serving alcohol to a minor and one conspiracy charge.

9. Lil’ Kim got sentenced to prison. Sentenced to one year and one day in prison, and fined $50,000 as consequence for lying to a federal grand jury about her accounts of a shooting that took place in 2001. Let’s be real, the prison jumpsuit would just add to her list of outrageous outfits. The icing on the cake, if you will.

10. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn starred in the hit movie, “Wedding Crashers.” This wasn’t the first time that this duo made us laugh until we peed. It’s okay to admit it when it comes to this movie. Oh, and this movie only made women realize how potentially vulnerable we could be at weddings. DON’T FALL FOR THEIR TRAPS LADIES! Unless you’re feel in’ frisky of course… 😉


11. Oh and how could we forget? Hurricane Katrina. DON’T YOU REMEMBER THAT? THAT WAS INSANE and such a tragedy. It has been estimated that Hurricane Katrina cost more than $100 billion dollars of damage. Never forget ❤


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30 Lines from Mean Girls You Probably Use Too Often


It’s Wednesday. And on Wednesdays, we talk Mean Girls. Well, and wear pink. DUH.

If you’ve clicked this post chances are you’re a mean-girls-aholic. No, you don’t watch the movie everyday, but maybe at one point in your life you did, and ain’t nothin’ wrong with that.

Put it this way- You know you’re a mean-girls-aholic if you can picture each of these quotes being said in the movie and can borderline act them out.

And let’s be real, you’re even reading some of these like “Ohhhh that’s where I got that line from.”

It’s okay. We’ve all been there. (I think?) Here’s the top 30 lines in Mean Girls that you probably use in your day to day life a little too often…

1.    “Get in loser. We’re going shopping.”

2.   “She doesn’t even go here!”200

3.   “Did you see a nipple? It only counts if you saw a nipple!”

4.   “On Wednesdays, we wear pink.”

5.   “It’s like I have ESPN or something. My breasts can always tell when it’s going to rain.”l

6.   “If you’re from Africa, why are you white?”


8.   “That is so fetch.”

9.   “Don’t have sex. You will get pregnant, and die.”tumblr_m23cxcc3Ec1qfow46

10.  “Whatever, I’m getting cheese fries.”

11.  “Oh my god. Danny DeVito! I love your work.”

12. “I can’t go to Taco Bell. I’m on an all carb diet.”

13.  “I’m not a regular mom, I’m a cool mom.”mean-girls-10

14.  “You smell like a baby prostitute.”

15.  “I don’t hate you ‘cause your fat. Your fat ‘cause I hate you!”

16.  “Boo, you whore.”

17.  “I’m a mouse, duh.”dc14b2bbb4b134534251c12381f5d120

18.  “That’s why her hair is so big. It’s full of secrets.”

19.  “Somebody wrote in that book that I’m lying about being a virgin because I use super jumbo tampons, but I can’t help it if I’ve got a heavy flow and a wide set vagina!”

20.  “So you agree? You think your really pretty?”

21.   “One time, she punched me in the face. It was awesome.”


22.  “Ex-boyfriends are off-limits to friends. That’s just like, the rules of feminism.”

23.  “How many of you ever felt personally victimized by Regina George?”

24.  “And I’d be like, why are so obsessed with me?”

25.  “Four for you Glen Coco! You Go Glen Coco!”rs_500x230-131003121726-tumblr_m2vcf9jv8z1qkcoi8

26.  “Made out with a hot dog? Oh my god, that was one time!”

27.  “That is the ugliest effing skirt I have ever seen.”

28.  “On October 3rd, he asked me what day it was.”… “It’s October 3rd.” tumblr_mbc1arQwj31r9ktnn

29.  “Is your muffin buttered? Would you  like us to assign someone to butter your muffin?”

30.  “I wish I could bake a cake filled with rainbows and smiles and everyone would eat and be happy.”

Well that’ll do it! Now that you’re all feeling ultra betchy go rock your humpday 😉

– Taylor

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20 Celebs Over 40 Who Are Still Bangin’

Nothing is better than a little daily eye candy. Here at TCD we’re all about those famous hotties, even the “older” ones (and I use that term lightly), we don’t discriminate! (Hello MILFs and DILFs!)

Check out our top 20 celebrities who are over the age of 40 and still hot, hot, hot!

20. Bradley Cooper, 40


19. Sarah Jessica Parker, 50


18. Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, 43


17. Courteney Cox, 51


16. Dennis Quaid, 61


15. Gabrielle Union, 42


14. Matthew McConaughy, 45


13. Gwyneth Paltrow, 42


12. Leonardo DiCaprio, 40


11. Kris Jenner, 59


10. Will Smith, 46


9. Nicole Kidman, 48


8. John Stamos, 51


7. Halle Berry, 48


6. George Clooney, 54


5. Connie Britton, 48

THE 48TH ANNUAL CMA AWARDS - "The 48th Annual CMA Awards" airs live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (8:00-11:00 PM/ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Image Group LA) CONNIE BRITTON
THE 48TH ANNUAL CMA AWARDS – “The 48th Annual CMA Awards” airs live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (8:00-11:00 PM/ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Image Group LA)

4. Brad Pitt, 51


3. Sofia Vergara, 42


2. Mark Cuban, 56


1. Jennifer Aniston, 46



Yup, they’re for sure all killing it even though they’re kinda “old.” But hey, it’s all about the MILFs & DILFs nowadays!

– Alexa

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Ben Affleck, Matt Damon & Warner Bros Are Taking the FIFA Scandal to Hollywood


After the embarrassment of the FIFA scandal, Sepp Blatter’s resignation and the largest soccer drama of the summer, Matt Damon, Ben Affleck and Warner Brothers have acquired the rights to go Hollywood and bring the downfall of the group to the big screen.

Photo: NESN

The dynamic duo will produce the film and Gavin O’Connor will direct. Buzzfeed investigative reporter, Ken Bensinger, bases the movie off the book “Houses of Deceit.” The FIFA organization released a film of their own, “United Passions” which is now the lowest grossing film in U.S. history. Ouch.

The sleazy story that will be told will include bribery, corruption and the rise and popularity of American soccer. Chuck Blazer, a higher level FIFA executive, admitted to multiple charges of tax evasion and money laundering in 2013 and then went to work undercover for the FBI.

This great news, however, comes at a bad time for Affleck, who has just announced a day after his tenth wedding anniversary with Jennifer Garner that the two will be splitting up and getting a divorce.


“After much thought and careful consideration, we have made the difficult decision to divorce,” the couple told People in a joint statement. “We go forward with love and friendship for one another and a commitment to co-parenting our children whose privacy we ask to be respected during this difficult time. This will be our only comment on this private, family matter. Thank you for understanding.”

Sorry to hear about the split Ben and Jenn, but on another note, TCD is looking forward to this FIFA drama to hit the big screen!

– Morgan

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There’s a Super Troopers Sequel, & We Couldn’t Be More Excited


“I’ll believe ya when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet.”

If you didn’t read that in an Irish accent like Captain O’Hagan in Super Troopers I no longer want to sit on the couch with you and pass a blunt- The legal kind of course. 😉

In 2001, Jay Chandrasekhar wrote and directed while also starring in the Stoner classic SUPER TROOPERS.

According to IMDb, on March 24 Broken Lizard launched a campaign to raise funds to produce the film. And in just 24 hours they exceeded their $2 million goal ending with $4,509,081. Although not much is sure about release dates they have promised to continue updating us via brokenlizard.com.



Blaze on stoners and #letfarvaout.


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Entourage was… Ehhh


After the release of the new Entourage movie, the most devoted fans of the show and critics were extremely (wait for it) negative with their responses and feeling disappointed.

Seriously?! I mean, okay, the movie wasn’t mind blowing, but it wasn’t horrendous people.

EntourageThe movie received only a 30% on the tomatometer on Rotten Tomatoes, however, 75% of viewers said that they “liked it.”

Entourage fans will enjoy the fact that all major characters are back together including Adrian Grenier as pretty boy actor turned director Vince, Jeremy Piven as super star Hollywood agent Ari Gold, and of course the beautiful Emmanuelle Chiriqui as Sloan (one of my first girl crushes).

What they might not find entertaining (or intelligently written) is the fact that there are over 50 cameo appearances by celebrities in the film. Billy Bob Thornton plays Larsen McCredle the financer of the film and his son is Joel Osment (YES, the creepy little kid from “The Sixth Sense”). The men are giving the guys a hard time about the film “Hyde”, the movie Vince is starring in and directing with the oversight of Ari Gold as the studio-head.

And Ronda Rousey’s appearance! How could we forget that. Ugh, we just love her. If you don’t want to see it, you should at least go for her.


As an Entourage fan, it’s nice to see that after all this time, their bonds remain the same, but some of their ambitions have changed as well as Turtles weight! Okay skinny mini, we see you grinding!

My Opinion: Definitely worth the ticket price to munch on some delicious movie theater popcorn, and wish you were just another one in the Entourage living it up in Hollywood. Because really, what else do you peasants have planned for this weekend?


That’s what we thought. Get out there and go see it.


BONUS: Here are some of the best Entourage quotes and catch phrases of all time****

  1. “Let’s hug it out.”- Ari Gold
  2. “I’ve been working steady for the past 12 years, minus the last three.”- Johnny Drama
  3. “Call me Helen Keller, because I’m a f*cking miracle worker!”- Ari Gold
  4. “Nobody appreciates their girlfriend until they get herpes from the next broad.”- Johnny Drama
  5. Got MILF?”- Ari Gold
  6. “Nobody’s happy in this town unless their losers, look at me I’m miserable and I’m filthy rich.”- Ari Gold
  7. “I got into this business so I didn’t have to work.”- Vincent Chase
  8. “I would get banged in the ass for an Oscar.”- Johnny Drama


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