Ladies, It’s Time to Turn Down… For WATT- JJ is Single & Ready to Settle Down

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Photo: JJ Watt Instagram

So the world is freaking out about JJ Watt.

Right now you’re saying, “DUH Hailey.”

It’s no secret that JJ Watt is one of the hottest players in the NFL right now, if not arguably THE BEST player in the NFL. And when I say “hottest,” it comes with two equally important meanings. 🔥🏈

Catch my drift?

Turns out the most current “hot” topic on JJ Watt isn’t about his stats though. It’s about his personal life. More precisely, his difficult, yet hopeful search “to find the right one.” So, yes – you heard me – the whole world (every girl that watches the NFL) is freaking out about JJ Watt.

In his interview with, Watt commented on how his dating life has been going lately.

“People [I know] think that I’ve never dated before, or whatever. But I’m trying. I’m trying. I’m just unsuccessful. My schedule’s so crazy and life’s so busy, it just hasn’t worked.”

And now it’s my turn to chime in on the chiseled all-world Houston Texans defensive end.🏆 Did I mention chiseled?💪🏼

Well JJ, you stole the words from my mouth. Like, sorry I’m not sorry for being a career driven woman with a busy schedule! Squeezing in a full-time boyfriend just hasn’t quite fit into my whole “building an empire” schedule yet.💁🏼

And, as all of this hit the internet this week, Watt posted an Instagram to drop the mic.

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Oh yes JJ, you are fine. You are doing just fine, I meant. Just keep doin’ you.

But now that I’m thinking JJ, LIGHT BULB💡… We both lead similar lives- You’re single. I’m single.

Hey, just thought I’d throw it out there…😉


– Hailey

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