Exclusive! MCM: Alex Clay

Photo: Alex Clay Instagram

It’s Monday night so you know what time it is! Three words: Man. Crush. Monday.

YES. Meet this week’s #MCM: Alex Clay!

Besides being a footBALLER, Alex clearly has looks on his side too. 😉 Alex is a midfielder for the New York Red Bulls II, and played soccer in college at UAB where he was named co-captain his junior year, and it’s no wonder why!

Alex earned the Conference USA Golden Boot Award after scoring seven goals in conference play (yes, we said SEVEN) and was ranked second on the team in scoring with 22 points (eight goals, six assists) on the year. Alex was also named to the All-Conference USA Second Team and NSCAA/Continental Tire NCAA Division I Men’s All-Midwest Region Second Team. Dayummm.

Plus this guy’s a southern boy, born and raised- Hometown: Huntsville, AL! Shout to our Alabama readers! Check out what Alex told TCD in our questionnaire! You’ll love his guilty pleasur and will totally relate to how he answered what he does before a night out!

Enough of the talk, let’s here it from him! Meet…


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Next Christiano? We can only hope so! Keep up the hard work and the good looks Alex, you know the TCD gals will be rooting for you! 😉

Until Next Time,


The Scandal That Wasn’t: Alabama Alpha Phi

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It all started with Baylor University’s chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma (Shout out to the KKG’s!) that created a kick ass recruitment video, circa 2011. Since then, the recruitment game has forever been changed.

Before I begin here’s some terms for you non sorority and fraternity folk, a glossary if you will so you can keep up…
Rush/Recruitment- The process of pledging a sorority/fraternity
Chapters- Sororities
PNM’s- Potential New Members
Panhellenic Day/Pan Day- The first day of formal Sorority Recruitment when all the PNM’s meet women from each chapter
PC- Pledge Class
Greek Life- Part of a Sorority/Fraternity

Great, now where was I… Ah, yes- the game has been FOREVER changed.

I remember going through recruitment my freshman year and my mom made an excellent point. She said to make sure that I wear something each day that makes me stand out (as if that was hard 😉 ). And it’s the exact same thing for each chapter as well.

Every day of rush, each chapter wants to do something or wear something that makes them stand out from all the other chapters, like banging on the walls while yelling Hottie Tottie at the top of their lungs before the doors open or wearing white pumps on Pan Day. Recruitment videos are the exact same in this sense. They are typically going to consist of women prancing around in slow motion, hugging each other and laughing, showing off their beautful homes, wearing school apparel, sunglasses are probably involved, some way somehow sports teams will be incorporated, there will be glitter, and heaven forbid these women will be hot?! With these common denominators for each chapter, you must do something to make your chapter stand out!

Yet here we are, bashing on a completely innocent recruitment video (compared to ALL the other things on the internet? Really?).

There are so many different thoughts and emotions that are running through my mind as I hear one news story after another mock and ridicule the Beta Mu chapter of Alpha Phi, starting with AL.com. Here’s what baffles me: with all the things going on in our world (ie. the bombing in Bangkok, fires burning down central Washington, fires burning down large chunks of land across California, topless women wandering around Times Square, the 2016 elections, etc.), why is THIS gaining national media attention? Of all things?!

A bunch of hot, mostly blonde, collegiate women proudly promoting their chapter of their sorority in hopes of recruiting a bomb a$$ new PC should be the LEAST of our worries. Yet there is story, after story, after story, after story, after story, after story, after story about it. And yes, each link is to a DIFFERENT news source discriminating against this particular chapter of Alpha Phi (and that’s not even all of them).

As Elle Woods would say, “Why now? Why this [sorority recruitment video]?” 💁🏼🙋🏼 Heaven forbid anything like this happen to Delta Nu; you already know Elle would be addressing the public about their lack of intelligence when it comes to things they don’t know anything about. But I digress. 💁🏼

Tell me if I’m wrong, but what’s the difference between this recruitment video and this recruitment video? And this recruitment video? How about this recruitment video? And this recruitment video? And this recruitment video? (Shout out to Beta Rho, hey girls hey!) But seriously, see any significant differences? Not really.

The point of a recruitment video is not necessarily to promote the chapter’s scholarly successes, or philanthropic triumphs. Sure, maybe they should be, but let’s be real here- they don’t. Chances are, if you’re rushing and came across this video, you’ve been doing your homework on this sorority! Thus you already know about the chapter’s required GPA, the fact that they were one of the top chapters in the Greek System last spring, their symbol is the Phi Bear, their colors are silver and bordeaux, and their flowers are Ivy leaves, Lily of the Valley and Forget-Me-Nots. And if you didn’t know these things, chances are you didn’t really care to know them.

Still following? Here’s the point of a recruitment video.

The point of a recruitment video is to get 18-year-old women excited about sorority recruitment and the entire run process in hopes that they will end up in the sorority that is the best fit for them.

Some chapters have recruitment videos of just their members doing different activies (ie. getting ready for sports games, dancing with the school mascot, showing off old cheerleading skills, laying out by the pool/lake/at the beach, etc.), while others have the same or similar ideas but also include member dialogue talking about their experiences with their chapter.

What I’ve noticed the most about all the scrutiny with Alabama’s Beta Mu chapter of Alpha Phi recruitment video, is that people are down right PISSED that it only features hot, white, blonde (for the most part) women. First of all, I want you to take a step back and think about your own personal group of friends. Think about the people you spend the most time with. Think of their morals, what their beliefs are, what they like to do in their free time, how they dress, etc. Chances are you all have plenty of things in common and that’s why you all get along so well! But that’s not to say you are different in many different ways as well! That’s the exact same way that each chapter feels, and I can only imagine that’s how Beta Mu feels as well. The reason they have such great chemisty and get along so well is, because they all have so many things in common, and I’m not talking about their hair color and race.

Second, just because you don’t have something in common with this particular chapter does NOT give you the right to judge them for what they enjoy. That being said, before you try to fight me, ask yourself these questions: Are you a recent high school graduate about to enter sorority recruitment? If no, case closed. THESE VIDEOS AREN’T FOR YOU. What about the video is offensive? Are you really only offended because the women are beautiful and having fun?

I can’t emphasize this enough, since these videos aren’t for you why do you care?!  Literally, all these people arguing and fighting and saying how this Alpha Phi rush video is “tasteless”, and “classless”, and someone even stooped so low as to issue a backhanded apology?! I mean, really? Who’s the tasteless party involved?

If something wasn’t created with you in mind, it is not aimed as pleasing you, and it’s purpose is NOT to make you want to rush, why do you care? Shouldn’t we, as women, build each other up instead of tearing each other down? Society is already awful enough, shouldn’t we stick together?

I know the “right” (and I use this term lightly because I know I’m going to offend someone no matter what) thing to do would be to be politically correct, but honestly, think of it this way. I could be the most delicious peach in the world, yet there would still be someone who doesn’t like peaches. At the end of the day, people are jealous, whether they want to admit it or not because that video was harmless. Just like Keri Hilson says in Pretty Girl Rock (yes, I’m quoting Pretty Girl Rock), “Jealousy’s the ugliest trait.” Don’t hate these girls because they’re BEAUTIFUL! Not to mention there’s probably 500+ Marilyn Monroe quotes I could insert here.

I think it’s important to realize the impact that one individual’s opinion is making on not only the women of Beta Mu, but all potential sorority women. By ridiculing and verbally harassing these women all over the Internet, news and social media, we’re making Greek Life look worse than it is.

Greeks out-graduate non-Greeks 8 to 2. Since 1825, all but three U.S. presidents have been members of a fraternity. The first female senator was Greek. And while we hear, on average, of one hazing-related death story a year, we typically do not hear about the philanthropic work and community service Greeks participate in over non-Greeks, donating over 10 million hours of service and over $7M each year. Greeks also give around 75% of the money donated to universities. So don’t tell me Greek life is just binge drinking and partying. That’s a college association, not a Greek life association. Like many like to say, “Work Hard, Play Harder.”

And while we’re talking controversy, our editor always reminds us there will be haters, “and if they hate then let ‘em hate and watch the money pile up!”… Oh, What? That was Kanye West that said that? Whatever, same difference, you get the point.

There will always be haters and disbelievers. At the end of the day, you’re damned if you do and you’re damned if you don’t, so you might as well do whatever the hell you want. For starters though, let’s try and build eachother up instead of tearing eachother down. And ya know, maybe not spend so much time arguing over hair flips and slow motion skipping.

I leave the haters with this music video…

Oh, and for the love of God, IT’S PRONOUNCED ALPHA PH-EE.

Love & AOE,


e09dkyReUYAc4PjzUs-0Vs7HkC9_fV09GEkiXPvKvYkAlexa Kiss


Nick Saban is The Man & Can My Wedding Be Like This?

First of all, besides the fact that you’re 63 years old and that your 5’6 height would make me look like an amazon woman, NICK SABAN I LOVE YOU.

Not to mention the exorbitant amount of wins he has and the praise he receives from basically every single player he has ever come into contact with and/or coached, but he also F^&*king KILLED his speech at his daughter’s wedding.

Continue reading “Nick Saban is The Man & Can My Wedding Be Like This?”

The Best Team Picks of the 2015 NFL Draft


Remember how in Mean Girls when Lindsay Lohan can’t stop talking about the girls and she refers to it as “word vomit.”

Welcome to my life when it comes to football. It’s even worse in the off-season. Like, is it football season yet? Because I could really use some Sunday sessions with beer pitchers and wings, watching a good old game of pigskin. Because now, I’m watching golf on Sunday’s and then some oh, I don’t know, college rugby?

Enough ranting. Let’s talk football. Particularly, let’s talk about the NFL Draft and who really stacked up and is on their way to a good start to the season.


Now you know the Jets were going to make this list. Honestly, the poor team had to. If they didn’t get a good draft this year than YIKES. They can’t afford another season like their past one. However, after the draft picks they snagged this year, they’re bound to move their way up the rankings.

First round: Leonard Williams, USC Defensive End
Leonard Williams was the best player in the 2015 NFL draft, and the Jets got him as the 6th pick?! Lucky dogs. Leonard Williams is a force to be reckoned with on the field. He was like the college version of JJ Watt, in other words, no one wants to line up in front of this kid unless they like pancakes. Williams ended the 2014 season with 80 total tackles, 9.5 tackles for loss, seven sacks, one interception and three forced fumbles. Bottom line? He’s a boss.

Second Round: Devin Smith, Ohio State WR
Talk about opening up some serious play option for Geno Smith. With super quick feet and explosiveness off the line, Smith gives the Jets the opportunity to do something they have struggled with the past couple seasons, SCORE. Smith does a good job of tracking the ball deep and has the opportunity to be a big playmaker, as long as he can keep a hold on the ball. 

Third Round: Lorenzo Mauldin, Louisville OLB
When I hear Lorenzo Mauldin’s name two words come to mind: persistence & character. Let’s start with persistence. Mauldin started all 13 games in 2013 despite the fact he was struck by a vehicle on his mo-ped heading to practice in August. Mauldin never gives up on the play and has a knack for getting his hands into passing lanes. Beyond talent this guy has CHARACTER. After living in 16 different foster homes growing up, Mauldin developed a mindset that nothing would stop him from reaching his dream. Like the Jets or not, this is a player TCD will be rooting for big time this season!

Fourth Round: Bryce Petty, Baylor Quarterback
Yes, Jets head coach Chan Gailey has announced Geno Smith is without a doubt the Jets starting QB for the 2015 season. But hey, it doesn’t hurt to have this guy waiting in the lineup behind him. Petty led Baylor to back-to-back Big 12 championships and went 21-4 as a two year starter. He was also a NFL Combine top performer in four categories.
Vertical Jump: 34 in
Broad Jump: 121 in
3 Cone Drill: 6.91 sec
20 yd Shuttle: 4.13 sec


Obviously, the Dallas Cowboys need to be mentioned. The Cowboys need more man-power on defense and boy did they stack up. Five defensive players to be exact. But after their first round pick they got lucky. Real lucky. Like we’re talking three first round picks, but only had to use one actual first round pick.

First Round: Byron Jones, Connecticut CB
Now don’t be fooled by “Connecticut” being by this kid’s name. The Cowboys had the 27th pick of the first round and they sure got what they bargained for. You might remember Byron Jones from the NFL Combine, because he was the top performer in five of the categories. Yes, FIVE.
Vertical Jump: 44.5 in
Broad Jump: 147 in
3 Cone Drill: 6.78 sec
20 yd Shuttle: 3.94 sec
60 yd Shuttle: 10.98 sec

Second Round: Randy Gregory, Nebraska OLB
Gregory was still left in the draft and the Cowboys made sure to pick him up like a good habit, even though Gregory’s character may not include the best habits. But who other than Jerry Jones is willing to take a risk like that. Do I need to go through a list of players with attitude problems that worked just fine in the Cowboys line up? That’s another story. Overall, Gregory is highly skilled with pass rushing and should be able to add to the Cowboy’s defense. Oh, did I mention after two seasons he ranks ninth on the school’s all-time sack list with 17.5 sacks. In two seasons? OK. We see you Gregory.

Third Round: Chaz Green, Florida OT
Green is a good choice for the Cowboys because he has the potential for position versatility. He can blitz, block and he has a keen sense of football intelligence, which is not to be overlooked, as some of these players can quite literally be described like Turley from The Longest Yard aka “just hit that guy” mentality. Not to say that doesn’t work though. Look at Margus Hunt. That’s another story. Bottom line? Green could fit anywhere on the Cowboys O-line.

Fourth Round: Damien Wilson, Minnesota LB
With Sean Lee’s original health concerns, this is a hole the Cowboys thought to fill just in case. One of Wilson’s strengths that will help bring consistency to the Cowboys defense is Wilson’s ability to block at angles. In order to make the starting line up for the Cowboys he will have some things to improve upon, but overall, good snag for the Cowboys.


Of all the teams picks this year, the Giants did well to fill places they need fixed immediately. Like, possibly fixed as of opening day.

First Round: Ereck Flowers, Miami OT
Let’s get PHYSICAL! PHYSICAL! If anyone is asking for more physicality on the offensive side of things for the Giants, you would think it’s Eli Manning. Manning took 28 sacks last season for 187 yards. Ouch. This is where Flowers comes in. At 6’6, 330lbs, Flowers tips the scales with sheer force and power behind him. I mean, the kid was a top performer at the NFL Combine with 37 reps on bench press. WOW.

Second Round: Landon Collins, Alabama S
If there is a team that needed to fill the safety position for the sake of their season, it is the Giants. Hence forth, Landon Collins. Honestly, the Giants are so desperate to fill this position, there’s a reason they traded up to snag this guy. Don’t be surprised if Mr. Collins gets some starting time in the next year, or you know, starts on opening day.

Third Round: Owamagbe Odighizuwa, UCLA DE
Yet again, here is another player that could see some starting time as a rookie for the Giants. Odighizuwa has no problem converting speed to power as a run defender and is as persistent as they come when it comes to pass rush.


SAN-DEE-AYE-GO (clap) SUPA-CHAR-JAS! Let’s just say the Chargers need just that. A super charge. And what better way to do that than add some super speed to the lineup.

First Round: Melvin Gordon, Wisconsin RB
A running back picked in the first round aye? If that’s not a dead giveaway on some speedy talent at this offensive position than I don’t know what is. Besides being one of the most exciting players to watch this past college season, Gordon does WORK on the field. He totaled 2,587 single-season rushing yards (the second most in FBS History.) Barry Sanders holds the number one spot with 2,628 yards in 1988, and let’s be real. Gordon would’ve passed Sanders if he wasn’t pulled after the third quarter of the Nebraska game, aka the massacre of a game where Wisconsin won 59-24 and Gordon broke the FBS single-game rushing record (at the time) with 408 yards. He also won the Doak Walker award, was Heisman runner up to Marcus Mariota and was a combine top performer in four categories.
40 yd Dash: 4.52 secs
Broad Jump: 126 in
20 yd Shuttle: 4.07 secs
60 yd Shuttle: 11.00 secs
No wonder the Bolts traded up to snag Gordon while he was still available.

Second Round: Kyle Emanuel, North Dakota State OLB
Now here’s the defensive super charge the Chargers needed. Emanuel totaled 19.5 sacks his senior year and against top 25 opponents, he tallied 16.5 tackles for loss and 10 sacks… in just eight games. Granted, Emanuel’s numbers may be considered a bit “inflated” as he is a small school prospect. Bottom Line? Emanuel is a big physical hitter, and should be a good match up with Denzel Perryman at linebacker for the Chargers.


Here is another team that really needed some fresh talent and a good draft. With the third overall pick in the draft, it would be pretty hard not to get a good update.

First Round: Dante Fowler Jr., Florida OLB
Third pick overall in the draft, and Fowler is obviously a catch. Just check his numbers. Fowler led the Gators with 15 tackles for loss, 17 quarterback hurries and 8.5 sacks. In 2014, Fowler also tallied at LEAST one tackle for loss in every game except one. Impressive.

Second Round: TJ Yeldon, Alabama RB
Straight from the belly of the beast, the crimson tide beast that is, Yeldon is to be credited with a good amount of Alabama’s success the past couple seasons. My favorite stat showing Yeldon’s athleticism that is sure to impress, is that Yeldon is the first true Alabama freshman to rush for 1,000 yards. But wait there’s more to it. Yeldon did all that while (wait for it) backing up Eddie Lacy, Green Bay Packers superstar RB.  Not too shabby. The only concern here is that the Jaguars may be relying too heavily on Yeldon. But I mean, who else do they really have to rely on? Sorry I’m not sorry. #truth

Other Notable Picks:

Houston Texans
Third Round: Jaelen Strong, ASU WR
Atlanta Falcons
Third Round: Tevin Coleman, Indiana RB
Chicago Bears
Fourth Round: Jeremy Langford, Michigan State RB
Minnesota Vikings
Fourth Round: TJ Clemmings, Pittsburgh OT

Cleveland Browns
First Round: Danny Shelton, Washington DT
San Francisco 49ers
First Round: Arik Armstead, Oregon DT
Chicago Bears
Second Round: Eddie Goldman, FSU DT
Minnesota Vikings
Second Round: Eric Kendricks, UCLA ILB

Phewph! Glad I got that out of my system. Only 93 more days until the NFL season starts… Great.


4xoo_DISSo2IRKGnMyjUlkzyWu_wdWqpOqUiQu7__kgCourtney Kiss


Other References:
Best and Most Worrisome Picks of the 2015 NFL Draft
NFL Draft Grades: Bears, Texans, Falcons Earn High Marks