Speak Easy, Will Ya?


Let’s go to the bar.

But nowadays it’s not like you can just go to any bar. You need to go to the bar that’s the hot new thing. You know- super exclusive, trendy as hell. Some may even be a secret…


Oh yes, I’m talking about speakeasies.

Like the Gatsby era, there are some secret “speakeasy”-like bars that are still in our midst for us to rage in. LET’S GO. Wait, I just realized, it’s a secret. WELL, let’s just see if you guys can actually get in.

What? Get into a speakeasy? What, like it’s hard?


My friends and I went to one in Los Angeles, more specifically Culver City, called the Blind Barber. 

The name carries significant meaning. For starters, the entrance is a full on barber shop. And, this entrance isn’t just for show. It literally runs as a barber shop by day, & then the entrance to a secret bar by night. When you imagine what a barber shop looks like, that’s what this was. Think: black and white floors, the classic red, white, & blue barber pole, scissors, razors, two rows of barber chairs. The whole shebang.


Before even entering the barber shop, we had to state the entrance password to a man. The man acts really nonchalant & doesn’t look like a super obvious body guard standing next to an entrance door. He actually just looks like a guy that happens to be walking on the curb past these shops. Perhaps, he paces down a few shops back and forth all night? I’ll never know because I wasn’t there to hang out with guard.


Once we stated the entrance password to him, he escorted us through the barbershop, a bunch of right & left turns, & then VOILA! Next thing I know we were at the top of a staircase and could hear some bumpin’ music and a sh*t-ton of people. We all looked at each other with a twinkle in our eye and shared a couple fist pumps to the music – AKA HERE WE GO, IT’S RAGE TIME BETCHES.


Not only was it a full bar, but the Blind Barber happens to be known for their gourmet grilled cheeses. Drunk girls and carbs- Yeah, they go well together. 🙋

Now, this is just my account of one of the speakeasies I have been to. Of course, there are other speakeasies out there. It’s just a matter of whether or not you can find them and then know the password… Good luck! 😉



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Drink of the Week! Lynchburg Lemonade

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THIRSTY THURSDAY. Time for a TCD drink of the week! (But let’s be real, we don’t need it to be Thursday to find an excuse to make festive drinks.) 💁

Due to the simple fact that I live in Tennessee, it’s pretty much still summer and I refuse to drink anything but whiskey… And why shouldn’t I?! Why not throw some good ‘ole Jacky Daniels in the mix! As long as you keep your sh*t together, you’re golden. Cue our drink of the week: Lynchburg Lemonade. Or in other words, the perfect boozy lemonade to polish summer off with.

Here’s what you kiddos will need…

Shopping List:
Jack Daniels Tennessee Whiskey
Sweet and Sour Mix
Cointreau (Triple Sec)
Sprite Zero (Because really, who likes calories…)
Fresh Lemons, Limes and Oranges

Get a big pitcher- The more the merrier, obviously.

And, we’re just going to eyeball this because, quite honestly, I don’t need a measuring device to tell me how much whiskey I need… Am I right people?!

1-part Jacky D
1-part Sweet and Sour Mix (I substitute meddled oranges with lemon and lime juice for the freshness!)
1-part Cointreau
4-parts Sprite Zero

Mix it all up and then cut your lemons and limes, and stir them in!

Put ice in some glasses, and pour! Garnish with lemons and limes and you’re a Lynchburg Lemonade pro!

And when you’re south of the Mason Dixon line, when we say pour into glasses we mean generous pours into large mason jars. 😉

Drink up!

– Carly

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#99 Problems & Drinking is One


Aldon Smith has been released by the 49ers due to his most recent hit and run DUI arrest.

Smith, the former number seven overall pick in the 2011 draft certainly has talent, but legal issues have derailed his career.

Smith’s arrest last Friday was his third on suspicion of drinking and driving since entering the league in 2011 as a first round draft pick out of Missouri. Smith has accrued four seasons in the NFL-meaning he played in at least six games a season and is now automatically a free agent after the 49er’s released him.

Former 49er and now Hall of Fame inductee Charles Haley, told ESPN’s Jim Trotter,

“He needs help and I am not going to give up on him.”


At one point Smith was averaging nearly one sack per game. He totaled 33.5 sacks in his first two seasons with the 49ers, but just 10.5 over the past two years as he battled off field issues that limited him to just 18 total games.

Now will any other team give him a second chance? (Third, fourth or fifth, if you’re accounting arrest 😬).

Accounts against Smith include vandalism, hit and run and DUI, raising issues under both the substance abuse policy and the personal conduct policy. Given that Smith was suspended nine games last year under both policies, it makes more sense for teams to wait and see what happens with the league before making him an offer. PeteCarroll

Intriguing spots that Smith may end up are other teams in the NFC West like the Seahawks and Cardinals. After all we all know Pete Carroll loves a little controversy. 😉

But is Smith really worth the risk? Tweet us your thoughts @coachsdaughters !


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Drink of the Week! Serrano Chile Margarita


It’s thirsty Thursday, so you know what that means… Time to quench your thirst with a little bit of alcohol!

With summertime in full swing, let’s turn up the heat.

TBT to how Nelly put it back in 2002, “It’s getting hot in here (so hot), so take off all your clothes.” This drink ain’t too far off from that definition. To be honest, this spicy serrano chile margarita can make you do just that.


I keep it simple & to the point- aka shot glasses are my measurement.

– 1 or 2 shot(s) of Peligroso Silver or Peligroso Anejo Tequila
(Do 2, don’t be a b*tch)
– 2 shots of fresh squeezed lime juice
– 2 shots of simple syrup (So yeah, none of us own simple syrup so here’s how to make it: Bring equal parts of water & sugar/Splenda {if you’z a skinny betch} to a boil. For example, 1 cup water & 1 cup sugar/Splenda)
– 2-5 Serrano peppers (Cut these and use to garnish your drink, or use jalapenos/baby red peppers if you’re a p*ssy and can’t take the extra heat)
– Sea salt for the rim (if you’re feeling feisty add some chili powder to the rim as well)

Look at you go hottie (LITERALLY).



FYI, this drink is best made if you let the cut up serrano’s marinate in the tequila for a day or two before using. Then you have spicy tequila good to go! But if you’re in a hurry and want it quick, use these ingredients, cut up some peppers and toss a few into your glass!

SPIT FIRE MY FRIENDS… Or keep that to yourself until you get home.


– Hailey

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Drink of the Week! Fishers Island Lemonade

It’s Thirsty Thursday, so you know we got a new drink for you fools to try out this weekend.

Fishers Island Lemonade.

Fisher’s Island, New York is a nine mile long island with a year round population of 230 people.

There is only ONE bar, called the The Pequot Inn, which has been in business for over 100 years and serves the best drink I have had all summer.
With 9% alcohol in a small can, it gives you a bang for your buck. This lemonade is a much heftier take on a vodka lemonade with the addition of honey sweeteners and corn whiskey. You can find Fisher’s Island Lemonade in New York, Connecticut and Rhode Island with distribution expanding worldwide this summer!
How to make it your own/spice it up/add a unique twist: 
Pour in a chilled mason jar over ice, if you’re feeling festive…
Sprinkle in some rosemary or add a fresh rosemary sprig, if you want to make the hipsters jealous…
Add a slice of lemon to garnish, because after all, it is summer…
– Enjoy with seafood, steak or a salad on a warm summer day! But beware… they will creep up on you!
Follow on Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter: @FILLEMONADE
– Morgan
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Drink of the Week! Blackberry Whiskey Lemonade


So this one may involve you not being so black-out to make it, but if you succeed you’ll be in hog heaven. This is for all our whiskey ladies! Because really, what other kind of lady would you want to be!


  • 12 ounces of fresh blackberries
  • ½ cup of sugar
  • 5 ounces of Whiskey
  • 5 ounces of lemon juice
  • 6 ounces of blackberry syrup (which you will make)
  • Mint leaves


For Blackberry syrup

  • Put the blackberries and sugar in a saucepan over medium heat
  • Cook 20 – 30 minutes. Stir occasionally until you have a thick syrup
  • Let syrup cool before you add to drinks

For Blackberry Whiskey Lemonade

  • Combine all ingredients in large shaker
  • Shake well
  • Pour over ice in glasses
  • Top off with mint leaves

Shaken not stirred baby!

Sip this puppy sitting on the porch as soon as it’s 5 o’clock!

Hell, no judgements if you crack it before then, you know we will be!



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Drink of the Week! Pink Lemonade Moscato


Lemonade is where it’s at!

Plus this recipe is so simple you’d have to be real TuRNt to not get it right. So start pouring peasants!

Pink Lemonade Moscato


  • 1 bottle of Barefoot Bubbly in Pink Moscato Champagne
  • 1 two liter of Strawberry Lemonade soda (if you can’t find this, any pink lemonade drink will do)
  • Fresh lemons
  • Fresh raspberries
  • Sugar


  • Cut the lemons (DUH)
  • Mix that entire damn bottle of champagne with half of the bottle of the lemonade into a pitcher… Just the kind of ratio TCD likes!
  • Rim each glass with some suga suga
  • Add fresh lemons and raspberries to each glass so you look like the classy betch you are..
  • Serve cold, obvi.

Now go drink your fancy AF drink while laying on the front of a yacht cruising through Mi-A-Miiii. Or just drink it lying by your blow up pool in your backyard. Either way works. At the end of the day you’re drinking so we’re definitely not going to judge!

Bottoms up!


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How to Smuggle Alcohol into Events without Getting Caught

So let’s face it. Smuggling in alcohol to events can make or break an event. Especially if you’re on a budget and don’t want to pay twelve bucks for a beer. Alas, here are the best way to smuggle a ton of alcohol into events without getting caught or even suspected at the security line!

  1. The Sunscreen Flask
    Hiding booze in your sunscreen bottle comes in clutch when going to an event or concert. Especially for events like Stagecoach and Coachella where you are outside, it is so common for people to have a sunscreen bottle, that security doesn’t think to question it.
  2. The Wine Rack
    This allows you to bring up to 25 ounces of whatever alcohol you want in a place nobody will think to look because they are too busy staring at your recent growth in chest size! The only problem with this method is that it isn’t the hottest looking bra, so make sure it is hidden under a hot outfit.
  3. The Beerbelly
    If you are in the mood to rock or embrace the new trend of having a beer belly while in public (I mean, the “Dad Bod” is in,) this shouldn’t be a problem when it comes to getting through security as long as you have the right shirt to pull it off!
  4. The Binocular Flask
    Or the ultimate BEER GOGGLES?! This method allows you to bring up to 16 ounces of alcohol in each lens. IS THIS NOT THE COOLEST INVENTION YET? While also not the most attractive at least you’re bringing humor to your peers. Just make sure the event you’re going to makes sense for bringing binocs!
  5. Tampon Flasks
    BEWARE-most men might freak out at the site of these, but as soon as they realize they need a shot, all their cares go out the window! But use this male fear to your advantage and make sure a male security guard is checking out your bag, so he won’t even bother wanting to question what type of tampon your rocking in that bag. Just be careful with these suckers as they tend to spill easily if you don’t get the top on correctly! These came in CLUTCH at Stagecoach this year for us TCD gals and no security guard bothered to ask questions! ;))

These tricks are bound to work, and if they are not, then maybe you don’t need the extra drink and need to re-evaluate your smuggling skills. For real though, these tips will work, just make sure you have your poker face on and a little “Mission Impossible” mentality!

Happy smuggling people!


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