No Donald Trump, You’re Fired



The real estate mogul and 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump has been under media scrutiny recently for comments he made in regards to illegal immigration.

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best,” Trump said. “They’re not you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems and their bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs, their bringing crime. They’re rapists. And I assume some are good people.”

NBC Universal has officially cut ties with Trump after those statements, which means no longer airing “The Miss USA/Miss Universe pageants” which is affiliated with the Trump ventures, and Trump has formally stepped down from “Celebrity Apprentice” to focus on his presidential bid.

But “focused” or seriousness is the exact opposite of Donald Trump’s campaign, as was made clear at his announcement at Trump Tower. Reporters were front and center and the American public were upstairs with the sole focus on Trump himself, introduced by Ivanka Trump.

But now his comments have hurt him with ventures such as NASCAR, ESPN and others. His twitter response is below courtesy of Sam Stein…

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Make America Great Again!? After those comments!?


Last time I checked we’re not doing so bad… Not sure how that’s going to change courtesy of “President Trump.”


– Morgan

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Hey Now! You’re an ALL STAR, Get Your Game On, GO PLAY!

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IT’S HERE YOU GUYS! The MLB All-Star Game!

I know, some of you may not be as thrilled as me, but since the winner of the game (American League vs National League) gets home field advantage in the World Series, you know I’m praying, wishing and hoping the Astros will be there! THIS IS A BIG DEAL!

Not to mention it’s so much fun! I went in 2011 in Arizona…


And in 2012 in Kansas City…


I mean, how can you not have fun?! All of baseball’s biggest stars are there and boy do they put on a show.

This year’s All-Star game and festivities will be held at the Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati, home of the Reds.

There will be events going on all weekend, but the good stuff doesn’t start until Sunday.

Sunday 7/12


This is a game played for players in the minor leagues. It allows the greatest prospects to show the world and their team what they’ve got! Some current MLBers who played in this game: Kris Bryant, Mike Trout, Bryce Harper and Carlos Correa.


Check out former players, rappers, actors and coaches play a little softball. Here’s the roster this year!

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I see Snoop D-O-double G on this year’s roster! Can you picture him running the bases?! #LOL.

Monday 7/13


My favorite event! Great hitters hitting bombs. This years contestants are: Todd Frazier, Kris Bryant, Prince Fielder, Albert Pujols, Anthony Arizona, Josh Donaldson, Joc Pederson and Manny Machado.


Tuesday 7/14


Like I said before, these teams have home field advantage in the World Series on the line aka they actually give a s*** if they win or not. Check out the starting lineups:

American League 


National League 


If you don’t see your favorite player on there, there’s a chance he’s on the reserve list. 

There you have it! It’s time to kick back, grab a drink and enjoy some baseball. You know that’s what I’ll be doing!


– Paige

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Winning Winnipeg! US Women’s Soccer Wins World Cup


That’s right! Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past couple days, you should know our USA women’s soccer team won the 2015 World Cup Sunday against Japan. And boy, oh boy, did we dominate! You see what I did there? It’s very clear that our women’s soccer program is much more successful than our mens soccer program. Even though their paycheck doesn’t seem to reflect that. (What’s up with that?!)

Since our guys couldn’t do it, our girls had to bear the duty of getting the World Cup Trophy and bring it home to America. Girls rule, boys drool… duh.

The game started hot and heavy when Carli Lloyd scored the first goal of the game, only three minutes into the game. This happened to be the quickest goal scored in a Women’s World Cup Final.

And she didn’t stop there. Lloyd proceeded to score two more goals: one in the fifth minute, and one in the 16th minute.


Damn girl, we like the way you work it.

In between Lloyd’s goals, Lauren Holiday scored a goal in the 14th minute. And just to top it off, Tobin Heath topped the game off with the final & fifth goal for the United States in the 54th minute. The women finished the final game of the World Cup with a 5-2 win over Japan.

And the post game festivities were definitely tear-worthy if you love this beautiful country as much as we do here at TCD. It could not have been better timing that our girls won the day after our Independence Day, July 4th. Alex Morgan kissing the Cup, Wambach holding the flag up behind her with pride  after playing in her last game… I just get chills thinking about it!

Talk about feeling proud to be an American. GOD BLESS THE USA! And God bless our fabulous US Women’s soccer team!

– Hailey

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