Drake & Serena Williams… A Perfect MATCH

Photo: Hollywood Life

Drake and Serena Williams, DATING?!

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time we heard it. This has been discussed years ago (when Drake tweeted some raunchy ish at her)…

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And then, more recently, when he was seen cheering Serena on at Wimbledon in July. But let’s just say that it has been confirmed that they are more than friends again.

The two were recently spotted making out while in a restaurant in Cincinnati. Not sure what the couple ordered to eat, but it was definitely hot and steamy over at their table! One thing we do know they ordered was tequila shots! Aye, aye!

I couldn’t think of a better way to feel more comfortable getting all kissy feely with a man at a high end restaurant, with six other people, might I add. TOTALLY gives justification. A woman and her tequila– ya, there’s a lot of things that can happen. AND, we all know that Drake could have totally been whispering in her ear some of his loveable rap lyrics…

“If you let me, here’s what I’ll do,
I’ll take care of you…”

Mhmm… We don’t doubt that you would Drakey boy.

Drake and Serena are both very private people, and they say that they are both each other’s types.

Serena’s ex, Common even weighed in on the subject…


Although these are both words familiar to Serena on the court, it looks like she might be having a whole lot of love in this match off the court. 😉


hailey headshotHailey Kiss

Why Is Everyone Freaking Out About Steve Sarkisian Wanting to F*&%ing Fight On

2008-0808-USC19-SteveSarkisianHere at TCD we’re about three things: Babes 💋 Booze 🍺 and Ball Games 🏈. Steve Sarkisian covers two of the three in the past week (sorry for passive aggressively implying that you’re not a babe, Sark #GoCougs!)


On Saturday, August 22nd Sarkisian allegedly mixed prescription medication and alcohol and yelled a long string of profanities before he was pulled off stages, resulting in him embarrassing himself in the public eye.

Here’s a video of the best clip of the speech…

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve seen a dude (or five) embarrass themselves at many a frat party back in my day. The only difference between that and Sarkisian, is that he is in the public eye (being the HEAD COACH at USC) and frat stars simply aren’t. Being in the public eye at almost all times requires you to really keep your sh!t together.

But here’s what gets me: SO F*&%ING WHAT! If anyone else was to go out and get plastered and string together choice words, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t hear people making a big deal about it (unless someone dare say anything politically incorrect… But I digress). Yes he’s in the spotlight, yes he’s a role model for younger men (and women), yes he has an example to set, yes I’m sure he has university guidelines he has to follow, but at the end of the day, he’s only human!

While I do believe it was the wrong place and wrong time to say these things, what are you going to do? We can debate, and debate, and debate; we can argue about how he has a problem, how he needs to go to rehab; we can go as far as saying he needs to be fired. Apparently it has come to light that Sarkisian is also going through a divorce and man, we know that’s tough. It may not be an excuse but it should be enough for people to give the poor guy some slack.Washington-steve-sarkisian

At the end of the day, Steve Sarkisian is just like you and me. A dude who loves to get his booze on and fight on. Just like Miley Cyrus (LOL) says, “everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days.”

WE NEED TO GET OVER IT. Even though let’s face it, this may or may not have occurred because he’s a former UW Husky… What? Who said that?

Sarkisian issued an apology Tuesday, and also stated that he will not being consuming ANY alcohol during the 2015 season. We’ll see how long that lasts… Either way, good luck with that, Sark. We all know the Cougs wouldn’t be so concerned with this BS because let’s be real #WinOrLoseCougsStillBooze.

– Alexa

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Julianne Hough is Engaged to Hockey Stud Brooks Laich

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Photo: Brooks Laich Instagram

Well, we know that Julianne Hough is shining bright like a diamond right now! I mean, HELLOOOO, she just got engaged to a bangin’ pro hockey player!

 Sorry boys, she’s officially off the market for good, and has been taken by one truly swift gentleman.

The little blonde bombshell recently just got engaged to the NHL Washington Capitals hockey player, Brooks Laich! Laich worked with Lorraine Schwartz for months on designing the custom ring that would perfectly suit Hough. Lorraine Schwartz? Custom ring? But WEIGHT, there’s more…..


The couple both posted the exciting news on August 18th on Hough’s Instagram with the caption:

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And then this presh photo a couple days later on her Instagram with the caption:

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The two of them have been together since February of 2014 and we couldn’t be more excited for them!

CONGRATS TO THE LUCKY COUPLE and that boss a$$ ring.

Feel free to invite TCD to the wedding, we’d love to cover it… 😉



hailey headshotHailey Kiss

Exclusive! WCW: Sam Clark

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Drum roll PLEASE… We here at TCD would like to introduce you to our FIRST ever WCW…

Meet Sam Clark!

Besides being a total babe, Sam puts the cherry on top for fitting the role of America’s Sweetheart every day she puts on that Dallas Cowboys uniform. Oh yeah. She’s a DALLAS COWBOYS CHEERLEADER. Aka what every girl DREAMS of doing! Oh and if that wasn’t enough she also managed to snag the cover girl spot of the Dallas Cowboys Swimsuit Edition! Killing it.

Plus the girl’s got brains- Sam graduates from SMU in December and is a sorority gal! (She’s a Theta! Shout out Theta ladies!) Sam calls California home but loves being in the great state of Texas.

But enough of us telling you about her! Check out what Sam had to tell TCD about her lifestyle and the fun fact she told us that some people wouldn’t know about her- it’s a good one!

So without further a due… Meet TCD’s first ever WCW…


001And just because we can here’s some more pictures of Sam for your enjoyment. You’re welcome…

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Thanks for chatting with TCD Sam, you’re a doll! We’ll be keeping our eye out for your cute face next to the boy’s big ole star this season! Pony Up girlfriend! 😉

Until Next Time,


Speak Easy, Will Ya?


Let’s go to the bar.

But nowadays it’s not like you can just go to any bar. You need to go to the bar that’s the hot new thing. You know- super exclusive, trendy as hell. Some may even be a secret…


Oh yes, I’m talking about speakeasies.

Like the Gatsby era, there are some secret “speakeasy”-like bars that are still in our midst for us to rage in. LET’S GO. Wait, I just realized, it’s a secret. WELL, let’s just see if you guys can actually get in.

What? Get into a speakeasy? What, like it’s hard?


My friends and I went to one in Los Angeles, more specifically Culver City, called the Blind Barber. 

The name carries significant meaning. For starters, the entrance is a full on barber shop. And, this entrance isn’t just for show. It literally runs as a barber shop by day, & then the entrance to a secret bar by night. When you imagine what a barber shop looks like, that’s what this was. Think: black and white floors, the classic red, white, & blue barber pole, scissors, razors, two rows of barber chairs. The whole shebang.


Before even entering the barber shop, we had to state the entrance password to a man. The man acts really nonchalant & doesn’t look like a super obvious body guard standing next to an entrance door. He actually just looks like a guy that happens to be walking on the curb past these shops. Perhaps, he paces down a few shops back and forth all night? I’ll never know because I wasn’t there to hang out with guard.


Once we stated the entrance password to him, he escorted us through the barbershop, a bunch of right & left turns, & then VOILA! Next thing I know we were at the top of a staircase and could hear some bumpin’ music and a sh*t-ton of people. We all looked at each other with a twinkle in our eye and shared a couple fist pumps to the music – AKA HERE WE GO, IT’S RAGE TIME BETCHES.


Not only was it a full bar, but the Blind Barber happens to be known for their gourmet grilled cheeses. Drunk girls and carbs- Yeah, they go well together. 🙋

Now, this is just my account of one of the speakeasies I have been to. Of course, there are other speakeasies out there. It’s just a matter of whether or not you can find them and then know the password… Good luck! 😉



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10 Sexiest, Tatted BABES of Instagram… You’re Welcome

Meet your new WCW’s ladies and gentlemen. Here are the hottest tattooed girls to follow on instagram…
Let’s start with these babes that we had to give honorable mentions…
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This dark goddess looks great dressed up and classy or in a good pair of sneaks and a hat. Shawna Crenshaw definitely deserved a mention on our page!
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With her ever changing awesome hair, her bad girl style and her interest in unusual art, Lucy Ford kills it. And her 10.5k followers agree.
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Redheads anyone? Mary Leigh Maxwell is tattooed from the jaw down in all color. Not only could she be on the cover of every tattoo magazine out there, but she is so damn beautiful she could be on the cover of Vogue. Like, can I please have your bod? Her 108k followers are always pleased with seeing her half naked selfies.
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It’s very hard to find a classic style, blonde pinup lookalike that looks just as great with no makeup on at all. Sara X Mills is the answer for all your desires. Not only does she flood her insta with butt pics, but she can also boob twerk. Must be why she’s got 187k.
And now for our TOP 10
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This party girl deserves a quick follow just because of how entertaining her life looks. Posing in wigs, downing shots and messing around is high on her priority list. We don’t blame her.


Not only is she completely tattooed, and yes even on her face, she has some of the best bone structure I have ever seen. She is probably one of the most badass women I’ve ever laid eyes on. Hot damn.
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Dark and mysterious, edgy as hell and a tad curvy? I’m all about you, Gypsy.
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Holy shit. This girl is a vixen. Not only has she been on the covers of several magazines, but she also co-owns a tattoo shop. Her piercing eyes make you just not want to look away.
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One of my personal faves. She is dog crazy, a mother and an all-over hilarious badass. With her platinum hair and vintage car fetish, she is ranked high on my list of favorite tattooed accounts to follow. I’m sure her 193k followers would agree.
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Not only is she completely tattooed, she also tattoos. Being foreign is also a huge plus. This Swedish goddess posts a lot of her work to her account, but also manages to sneak in some sexy selfless for her 186k.
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Actually obsessed with this girl. She does make up tutorials online but she clearly doesn’t even need make up to be BEAUTIFUL.

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This bad gal is a total bombshell Megan Fox look alike. She even rocks some serious tattoos on her face and still looks like a mega babe.


2. @rubyrose

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Ruby f*ckin’ Rose. Talk about HOT. The Orange is the new black star is BLOWING up the internet with making straight women question their sexuality. Especially after her nude scene in the Netflix series. We understand why…
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All hail the queen. Christy Mack is out of this world, and I’m not just talking about her ghetto booty. She has proved beautiful in every situation. Especially when she shaves her head. This girl has it all going on.
You’re welcome peeps.
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Here’s a Jawbreaker- Geno Smith is OUT

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Photo: Geno Smith Instagarm

Geno Smith is OUT. And the reason why is a jawbreaker… Literally.

IK Enemkpali “sucker punched” Smith in a locker room altercation over something described to be something you might see in “sixth grade” leaving Smith with a broken jaw (two fractures) and a seat on the bench for 6-10 weeks.

According to coach Todd Bowles,

“It was nothing to do with football. … It was very childish,” coach Todd Bowles said. “He got cold-cocked … sucker punched, whatever you want to call it, in the jaw. He’s got a broken jaw, a fractured jaw.”

Let’s go over that again.

I’m sorry, but if you are Enemkpali, you are described as a MARGINAL player and you’re going to SUCKER PUNCH the to be STARTING QB. In what world did that seem like a good idea? Needless to say, Enemkpali was released immediately after the altercation.

“It was something very childish, something sixth-graders could’ve talked about,” Bowles said. “It had no reason to happen.”


But don’t worry NY Jets fans. Your precious pony boy is in high spirits. Smith channelled his inner Arnold Schwarznegger posting this selfie saying “ILL BE BACK!”

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So now the question we’re all wondering about… Who’s stepping up to the QB plate now?

The Jets have Ryan Fitzpatrick and Bryce Petty to work with now, but really were not planning on using them this soon. Just months ago we had coach Bowles over and over reassuring Jets fans Geno Smith would indeed be there starter. But hey, this is sports- In other words, be prepared for anything. Like a marginal player sucker punching your season’s future in the face. Fabulous.

Just before the altercation occurred coaches were telling media how pleased they were with Smith’s performance in practice heading into the season. Until Monday, Smith hadn’t even thrown an interception. That’s not to say the back up QB’s are not prepared or qualified to take over. After all, let’s not go over Smith’s past season records…

Veteran back up QB Fitzpatrick will take over for the Jets, but Bowles did indicate they may be adding another QB into the mix. Cue Bryce Petty. Although Petty hasn’t been giving the best performance we’ve seen during camp, the kid is still talented.

But back to Fitzpatrick.

ryan-fitzpatrick-bad-debutThis is NOT a bad deal for the Jets at all. Yeah, I said it. Numbers never lie folks… Last season with Houston, Fitzpatrick killed it for the Texans and frankly, shamed Smith’s numbers.

Last season Fitzpatrick accumulated a career-high 56.7 Total Quarterback Rating on the strength of a 63.1 completion percentage and a touchdown-completion ratio (2.12) that ranked No. 13 in the NFL. Compare that to Smith, whose 1.0 touchdown-interceptions ratio ranked No. 30 in the league. Smith’s QBR of 44.3 ranked at a low No. 26.

See what I’m saying here? Not a bad deal at all.

Smith is one of the most inconsistent QB’s in the league. Yes, the Jets franchise is trying to prove a point as to making a decision in whether Geno is their go to guy moving forward, but it’s not too far off to say the Jets just got blessed by an angel with this jawbreaking news…

– Courtney 

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Highlights of The Open- On & Off the Course

This past weekend June 16-20th was the British Open, or as Britain likes to call it, The Open. This tournament is golf’s oldest tournament, being around for over 150 years. The Open was founded by pioneering golfers who had one guiding principle – to crown the Champion Golfer of the Year.

Photo: Zach Johnson Twitter

BLAH, BLAH, YADA YADA- Let’s get to the good stuff!

This year, the winner was Zach Johnson (from the United States, whoop whoop ‘MERICUH!).

No, not the Johnson dating ultra babe Paulina Gretzky, but still an American no doubt! God bless America.

It was an unfortunate loss for Jordon Spieth who has already won four times this year, including a pair of playoffs.


And if you saw that bomb of a putt Spieth made on sixteen…

Like, damn. Heartbreaker.

Moving on…

There is absolutely no way to talk about The Open without at least touching on defending champion Bubba Watson’s watch game this past weekend.

Photo: USA Today

I am literally talking about the watch you wear on your wrist game.

The 2012 Masters champion has a casual half-million sitting on his wrist, thanks to a pretty sweet deal with Swiss luxury watchmaker, Richard Mille. This watch is the same type of $525,000 watch he wore en route to the green jacket last April.

Sorry but for a half mil, weren’t you expecting it to look way more blingy or something? Maybe that’s just me…

Speaking of some serious cash, there were a lot of bets placed this past weekend. The most outrageous bet made was three million.



At the end of the day, to me, golf is just golf.

I love a good athlete, I do. And I’d love to learn how to play golf, but the likelihood of that happening is little to none (it’s an attention span thing… Is it football season yet?).

Thus, I’ll stick to drinking in the club house while my man kicks ass on the course.



Cheers to that!

– Alexa

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