MLB & FBI- The Communist Cardinals (SMH)

The 2015 season thus far for the St. Louis Cardinals was almost too good to be true. Clenching 1st in the NL Central and holding the best record in the MLB, they literally had it all.

Oh yeah, until they were hit with an FBI investigation.

And as usual, an animated show predicted it (just like with Bruce Jenner’s gender change). The Simpsons to be exact.

There are accusations that a Cardinals employee hacked into the Houston Astros’ database in attempts to steal the team’s statistics, trades, scouting reports, and the list goes on. Since the initial investigation began, William Dewitt, Jr., the owner of the Cardinals, has been working closely with the FBI to determine if this breach of privacy did, in fact, happen and identify the employee(s) of the Cardinals’ organization who were involved. He has reported that the Cardinals are “committed to getting to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible, and if anyone within our organization is determined to be involved in anything inappropriate, they will be held accountable.”

Jose Bautista took a stab at the Cardinals and even took a stab at good ole Bill Belichick.

Here’s what Bautista said in an interview with Yahoo Sports Radio:

“I’m, though, intrigued to know why the FBI is involved and not just the MLB’s investigations department,” Bautista said. “So, that’ll be interesting to see. But it looks like they just took a page out of Bill Belichick’s book.”

Thank the internet for this photo.


SMH. America you’re doing too much.

Safe to say this little scandal will be all over our radar the next few days. But, in the meantime, hats off to the Houston Astros for still being seen as the team to beat!


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Let’s Talk Balls, Deflated Balls That is..


In reference to the Deflategate scandal that the New England Patriots and QB/Playboy Tom Brady are now knee deep in, Forbes hit the nail on the head in their article about why deflategate matters and is still mattering when they discussed the integrity of the game.

Yes, the Patriots have a dynasty that, love it or hate it, isn’t going anywhere (unfortunately.) But, the scandal doesn’t just affect the Patriots. This is a matter of the National Football League as a whole. America loves football and once again as told by Leigh Steinberg for Forbes, “The public was outraged that America’s favorite pastime could involve a form of cheating.”

So where do we go from here? Here’s a bit of a timeline summary to refresh your deflategate memory:

January 18th: Patriots defeated the Colts 45-7.
January 19th: Tom Brady says accusations are false.
January 21st: Reports surface of 11 out of 12 balls were under inflated.
January 22nd: Belichick’s super weird interview?

And for fun, here is our favorite scientist Bill Nye calling BS on Belichick.

Brady adds “this isn’t ISIS, no ones dying.” in a press conference like a typical douche would say.

February 1st: Patriots win Super Bowl.

Everything after that is absolutely pointing fingers.

The Wells Report on Deflategate issued last week found it “more probable than not” that Jastremski and McNally, the equipment managers for the Patriots at the time, tampered with footballs and that Brady was “at least generally aware” of their actions.” McNally and Jastremski are now indefinitely suspended (aka suspended longer than Brady himself.)

Since the tricky New Englanders including Mr. Pretty Boy Brady himself refused to hand over theirTom_Brady_2011 cell phone text messages, Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, took a stand for the integrity of the league itself and took two draft picks from Robert Kraft and the Patriots while fining them one million dollars. (Chump change for the tainted dynasty.)

Goodell also suspended Brady for the first four games of the season while making sure the public knew part of the disciplinary action against Brady was because of his lack of cooperation. (F-yeah.)

Since then, Brady has of course appealed his suspension, but the positive about Brady going through with this appeal is that hopefully more information will come out and provide us with more understanding of who, how, and what the hell else the Patriots have been up to behind closed locker doors.

Oh, and there’s always this lovely video clip to end on.

Until next time!


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