Let the DeflateHate Come in Full Force Because Tom Brady is FREE… For Now

Photo: Patriots Twitter

Let the DeflateHate come in full force because Tom Brady is headed back to the football field. Oh yeah.

Thursday morning it was announced that the judge (who we now all know his name- Richard Berman) has nullified the judging of Tom Brady’s four game suspension to start the 2015 season. Naturally this stirred up everyone and had the internet going on a rampage of hate or happiness.

ESPN Insider, Adam Schefter, said this was an embarrassment to the NFL…

Cough, cough- They should.

SportsCenter anchor, Steve Levy said he even heard an announcement over the loud speaker in a Boston hospital that “Tom Brady is free.”


Upon hearing the news the Patriots, who were fined $1 million and docked two draft picks as part of the league’s initial punishment, tweeted…


And of course Gronk tweeted about it…


And Trump…

And Barry Bonds.. Wait- Uh, awkward? Wonder what they have in common…

Not to mention Dunkin’ Donuts all along the East Coast rejoice…


But, were we too quick to jump to the conclusion that Brady’s suspension would actually pull through? I mean, there is the fact that there really was no hard evidence against Brady that was brought forth in court… Even though we all know he def deflated some balls. What? Who said that?

But don’t worry the drama continues- NFL Commish Roger Goodell announced later Thursday that they will be appealing the judge’s decision.

OMG. How many times is this going to happen? For real though.

Goodell said in a statement Thursday:

“We are grateful to Judge Berman for hearing this matter, but respectfully disagree with today’s decision,” Goodell said in a statement. “We will appeal today’s ruling in order to uphold the collectively bargained responsibility to protect the integrity of the game. The commissioner’s responsibility to secure the competitive fairness of our game is a paramount principle, and the league and our 32 clubs will continue to pursue a path to that end.”

Despite the appeal, Brady will see the field for his Thursday debut against the Steelers only because the league didn’t seek an emergency stay, freeing Brady to play while an appeals court considers the case, which likely will take months.

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Photo: ESPN

If I were a Steelers fan man would I be pissssssed…

Or how about if you already drafted for fantasy? Brady moved from 24th among quarterbacks to 6th. Thank the heavens our TCD draft is tonight. MUAHAHA

So after seven months of declarations and appeals, is this it? Is Deflategate over? Not quite.

Hell, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama felt the need to hold a press conference on this matter even though eight police officers have been killed in the past nine days and nobody seems to care about that…

Our world is pretty messed up man.


Stay posted and we will fill you in as details continue to come to us on all this Tom Brady drama…


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Napoli is Going Going, Back Back to TEXAS

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Photo: Mike Napoli Instagram

First Josh Hamilton, and now Mike Napoli.

Oh yeah, Napoli is once again a Texas Ranger. The deal went down last Friday which will send Napoli back to Texas for cash or a player to be named.

This could be huge for Texas. If you can remember, Napoli was a huge contributor to the Rangers during their road to the World Series in 2011. Although they would end up losing to the St. Louis Cardinals, Napoli’s clutch hits did not go unnoticed.

But hey, props to him, because he did what they couldn’t do over at the Red Sox- Won himself a championship and a nice piece of bling in 2013. 💁💍

Nap has said he doesn’t care where he plays back in Texas, he just wants to contribute to the team and help them win. This year he is batting .205, has 13 HR and 40 RBIS.

But what he can bring back to Texas goes beyond the field. Napoli is THAT guy. A leader with playoff and World Series experience. He knows how to fire up his teammates, as well as the stadium with his badass walk up songs.

Globe Life Park in Arlington will be hearing the chants of “NAP­O­LI” once again.

Love ya Nap, you the BOMB!

– Paige

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10 Best Cities to Live in if You’re Single

So you’re single and well, yeah, you’re OVER it.

Sitting on the couch watching Netflix with a bottle of wine to yourself just isn’t how it used to be and you need to get out there and meet people. Start fresh.

So ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 10 best cities to live in if you’re single!

10. Baltimore, MD


Talk about a city full of singles! According to Forbes, there are 124.7 unmarried women per 100 unmarried men. Lucky men! This is on the up and attracting more singles who love a city atmosphere and East Coast lifestyle. Good morning Baltimore!

9. Cleveland, OH


Cleveland is booming with fun and festive singles, especially if you’re a sports fan! These local singles live and breathe their sports teams so embrace the culture and meet a single cutie at a local sports pub and grab a beer!

8. Portland, OR


This city is trending by the minute! Sure, plenty of hipsters are maing their way to Oregon, but Portland is great if you like some aspects of city life but still want to get away and enjoy nature! So get out there for a hike and meet your future granola crunching bae.

7. Washington D.C.


Searching for your future politician partner? LOL. But seriously, this isn’t a bad place to start. Take in the scenery and head to the great outdoors for some fun, or take a stroll through the city! This big city holds plenty of potential for fun-loving singles who have a greater appreciation for history and the outdoors. Plus, every Friday during summer, National Gallery of Art has “Jazz in the Garden” which is a great spot to bring out those dance moves and find other single men who have a great taste in music and appreciation for art.

6. Boston, Massachusetts


It’s no wonder Legally Blonde was filmed in this college town! All the top universities are located here, so there is a high likelihood you will find a smart and sexy collegiate man here! And talk about another booming sports town! Whether you’re on the outskirts searching for your sexy grad or in the city arguing sports over a beer, this is a great town to meet singles!

5. Houston, TX


There’s a reason Drake loves it here! Houston has just the right amount of southern mixed with business professional to make any single find their perfect match! Embrace the BBQ and sweet tea lover inside of you and get yourself a southern gentlemen or lady!

4. Seattle, WA


This is headquarters for some of the most prominent Fortune 500 companies. Can you say CEO’s?! There’s plenty of successful businessman here that you can swing and at least find meaningful conversation with when you’re out and about!

3. San Francisco, CA


If you’re a successful, single female San Francisco is the place for you. San Fran has the biggest support system for women startups, so the men here like seeing a girl who can hold her own! Not to mention GOOGLE offices are here for those of you searching for a sexy nerd!

2. Nashville, TN


The home of country music and country cuties! If you’re a single guy, this is the place to be. According to Forbes, for every 100 unmarried men  there are 122.2 women. Be on the lookout for some seriously cute hipsters and up and coming music stars in this star-studded town full of big dreams!

1. New York, NY


You had to see this one coming! Not only is this city HUGE, so there are plenty of opportunities to meet someone, but also you practically have to walk everywhere, thus more opportunities to bump into a future someone! From endless amounts of bars to Central Park, there’s plenty of places to roam as a single, no matter what atmosphere you fancy!

– Taylor

“One, Two, Three Likes You’re Out of the Ball Game”

Red Sox  at Orioles 04/24/15

Pablo Sandoval aka “Panda”, the home run hitting, always smiling, large teddy bear of a third basemen for the struggling Boston Red Sox (sorry Red Sox fans) was benched for liking photos on Instagram during a game, while using the bathroom.

Jimmy Fallon hit it dead on after the instagram fiasco, “One, Two, Three Likes you’re out of the ball game!” YES JIMMY FALLON. YES.

Now I for one can understand how addicting Insta is- a quick double tap in the bathroom, no harm no foul right? WRONG.

Sandoval had to make a public apology to the team, the fans, the general manager, and has been a laughable topic of conversation on Boston sports radio shows and talk shows all week.

People even investigated the time stamp of the likes (approximately 9:20pm) while the Red Sox were batting in the seventh inning aka with Pablo due up in six batters. I now understand why this can be a bad look, not looking invested in the game and could have something to do with the “lax, laid back” vibe that Boston ownership and John Farrell are currently running over there at Yawkey Way.

Which photos did he like you ask? @diva_legacy an Atlanta based woman, and two of her “selfies”.

Barstool Sports’ Jarred Carrabis via twitter first reported the in game slacking.

And Carrabis kept going…

Still going…

And the FINALE of just, YES.

It’s okay Panda, we understand the insta struggle and addiction. Sometimes you just gotta go like a couple selfies on insta… But from now on during games, just keep doing you on the FIELD and not on INSTAGRAM. 😉


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Mike Napoli aka The Fireman

Mike_Napoli_on_July_26,_2013Mike Napoli is hot. I know that. You know that. Everyone knows that. There is no doubt about it. (Oh, you meant on a hot streak? Not physically striking? Oops. Whatever.) Either way, the first baseman for the Boston Red Sox is doing something right. He even made Bleacher Report’s “MLB Team of the Week”. Like hi, are you single?

If you follow baseball at all, you are well aware of how AWFUL his OPS really was: .533. We’re talking one of the worst hitters in the league. Like okay, even I could do better than that. And I haven’t hit a ball since my dad stuck me in front of a tennis ball machine in the back yard with a helmet and a bat and told me to hit as many as I could, as far as I could! I was maybe 12, by the way. *Hair flip*

But then something changed. First, he watched film and realized he was making several mechanical errors at the plate. And second, a 9-year-old signed his bat. No really, a 9-year-old signed his bat. And the best part is that is where he has attributed some of his successes ever since (can I bring you home to meet my mom now, or…). Now obviously just switching a few minor things around with the way you bat isn’t going to change everything, but obviously having a 9-year-old sign your bat will (duh). But in all seriousness, with a combination of his batting corrections, the faith (and signature) of a 9-year-old, and his hot momentum, Napoli is going off (and up, and not just on Tuesdays, people). Currently, Napoli’s OPS has been raised up to 1.080 over the course of the last few games.

Maybe this correlates with this year being his 9-year anniversary since his MLB debut? Maybe? Probably not.

When batters are on a hot streak the way Napoli is, pitchers want to avoid them at all costs. No one wants to face the hot guy, well, except for me. I want to face the hot guy. (Wait, you still mean on a hot streak? Dang!) Still, when a batter is on fire and absolutely killing the game, you want to stay far away from them like the game depends on it, because, well, it does.

So here’s to hoping this hot streak continues!

And Mike, if you see this (and your hot streak has ended, or maybe it hasn’t…but you’re still hot), call me. 😉


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Guess Who’s Back.. Back Again.. Hammy’s Back! Tell Your Friends.


As we all know, Josh Hamilton has had his fair share of ups and downs. Perhaps that’s all over now. But who really knows. I guess we’ll just have to watch and see.

Brief recap: In February of this year, Hamilton suffered from a shoulder injury while with the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim. Unfortunately, this injury then led to his relapse into his drug addiction which has been a battle for him in the past. He did report the relapse directly to the MLB, but the Angels still made an executive decision to trade him to  (dah, dahh, dahh) the Texas Rangers.

Right back to where he started.

It should be safe to say that Josh is home sweet home.

Before his first game back in Globe Life Park, he did play with the Rangers in three away games but was a bit rusty. Hamilton’s first at-bat in Globe Life Park was welcoming and heart-warming. The fans gave him a standing ovation.



According to USA Today, Hamilton said, “It’ll be a game I’ll remember forever.”

So, in return, Hamilton gave his fans something to cheer even more about: a double past right field.

But he had plenty more up his sleeve. The next day, Josh was listed in the Texas Rangers lineup against the Boston Red Sox once again. Hamilton hit TWO home runs that game.

It looks like Hamilton was ready to run home sweet home rather than walk. Quite the analogy huh? The Rangers ended that game with a win, 7-4.

Hamilton was not listed in the lineup for the series finale against the Red Sox, but with a tie game in the bottom of the ninth guess who gets brought in as a pinch hitter? Oh yeah. Hamilton. While at-bat, Hamilton drilled the third pitch for a walk-off double to win the game.

Talk about a welcome back that might as well be scripted for a movie.

Five of Hamilton’s six hits have come at “home” at Globe Life Park and if that doesn’t show a comfort level for Hamilton, I don’t know what would.

Clearly Hamilton is showing everyone, including his loyal Texas fan folk that he’s back & he’s ready.

And most importantly, Hamilton is showing Texas that their minimum investment is definitely paying off thus far.


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Tips for Finding the Best Apartment for YOU!


Finding a perfect apartment in your city is just like finding the perfect outfit to wear on a Friday night out with the girls.

Well, maybe not. Because let’s just say, the commitment of a crop top for a couple hours doesn’t quite compare to picking your new home for the year or years to come.

If you’re like me and like to live a plethoric amount of “mini” lives in your lifetime, then you’ll be packing up and moving out every twelfth month of that lease. But with every move comes the heavy weight of a big commitment decision (yikes.)

So how have I managed to do it these past years, you ask?

I’ll let you in on my dirty, but sensible, secrets on how to find the PERFECT apartment to make all of your friends wonder what you’re doing, how you got it and who your interior decorator is!

  1. Find your SOCIAL AREA and focus in on local apartments— IMG_2483Where do you like to go out?
    Save yourself some money in Ubers on Friday nights and Saturday day drinking and drive
    the extra ten minutes to work instead. Because who doesn’t want to wake up and walk of shame to Sunday brunch in your makeup from last night?
  2. Know the right TIME— A lot of people don’t realize the amount of money you can save on apartments just by the month you start your lease. A $1,400/month apartment can easily go down to $1,100/month in the “off-season.” Try to start your search around October with a lease-start around November-January (Think: no one wants to apartment hunt during holiday season, so snag a deal!) Months to AVOID: May, June, July, August and September.15551350724_3a13ccf9ce_h
  3. Do your RESEARCH— Hire an apartment locator. They can lay out all of the options available in your area and price range and, in most cases, it won’t cost you any money IMG_2484because the apartment you sign a lease with will usually foot the bill. An apartment locator will help you seal the deal on getting that perfect apartment (with the tanning pool!)
  4. STYLE it up— Even the nicest apartment can look like a frat house with the wrong furniture, so don’t do that to yourself! Tap into some discounts and look on websites like: houzz.com, www.jossandmain.com, and www.wayfair.com and get some design on a dime!rbk-home-bar-tutorial-bar-xln

Even though apartment hunting can seem like a huge responsibility, take it with a grain of salt (or a splash of sugar) and realize that it can be fun and easy! Plus, if clothing trends change by the year, doesn’t that mean that housing trends change too? So stay on top of what’s hot and realize that a new apartment is also just a really good excuse to redecorate.

Good luck on your search my friends, but I think it’s time for me to put on some shades and go walk to the nearest bottomless mimosa bar!



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Best Towns for Sports in the United States

For starters, this is one of those articles that everyone will want to hate on when they realize their city was not included on such a prestigious list. However, if you want to play with the BIG dogs, you better be able to hang with the BIG dogs.

Thus, I give you the best towns for sports in the U.S.:


  1. New York


Oh Jay Z, how much we love you. The lyrics “in New York, concrete jungle where dreams are made of, there’s nothin’ you can’t do, now you’re in New York” perfectly explain what can be done in New York: Everything. If you are a big sports fan, New York is the ultimate place for you to live. They have every type of sports team, and have hosted some pretty big name games (ie Super Bowl XLVIII.) New York is absolutely a city to visit if you are wanting the full experience. Plus, New York has THE Yankees.


  1. Boston


Boston is home to Fenway Park, which is another historical stadium that needs to be acknowledged (no wonder Elle and Emmett wanted to get married there.) Since the stadium has come under new ownership it is even more beautiful and breathtaking than ever. Boston is fortunate to be home to many sports teams as well, including football, basketball, baseball, and hockey. And I guess it should be acknowledged that since they won the most recent Super Bowl, the Patriots need to be celebrated and recognized for being a fabulous city for sports (even if they came home to minimal support.)


  1. San Francisco Bay Area


Talk about an abundance of sports teams, the Bay Area has it all. They have anything from collegiate sports to professional, and basketball to baseball to football, and everything in between. Bleacher Report worded it perfectly when they said, “if you can’t find a team or sport to follow in the Bay Area, you’ve got a problem.” The great atmosphere along with the beautiful establishments, make for a great time to be had when attending any event. Plus, out of all these cities, the weather in California is hard to beat. We cannot go without saying that most stadiums are located within walking distance to an abundance of bars. And if that doesn’t make you happy, then I don’t know what will.


  1. Chicago


Chicago hits almost every base when it comes to sports teams (see what I did there.) They have a basketball team, a football team, a hockey team, a soccer team, and two baseball teams! Of course we can’t go without mentioning Wrigley Field, which is one of the most historic baseball fields in the nation, even though the place probably resembles one of those grimy hole-in-the-wall bars you partied your way through college at. Another notable thing that make Chicago stand out from the crowd is their loyalty when it comes to their fans. According to a study done in 2013, the Bears have some of the most loyal fans in the nation. On another note, who doesn’t love visiting the bean!


  1. Seattle

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Aside from Pete Carrol’s foolish (sorry Pete, I STILL LOVE YOU) call to NOT hand the ball off to Marshawn Lynch during the last play of Super Bowl 49 (TO WIN THE FREAKIN’ GAME – sorry, still bitter,) Seattle obviously is the #1 best sports town in the United States, and not just because I am from there. Seattle has many things to offer the most avid sports fan: the Seattle Seahawks, Seattle Sounders, Seattle Mariners, Seattle Sonics (RIP), and the list goes on. While Seattle teams may not consistently rack up one championship after another, their fan base is as consistent as they come.  And can we talk for one second about how cute Russell Wilson is?!


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