Why NFL Preseason 100% Does Matter

131526-650-366NFL Preseason.
I’m not going to lie, I do go back and forth on whether or not it really matters. I mean, the Seahawks lost to the Broncos two weeks ago and then to the CHIEFS. BY A POINT… Yeah, that hurt. And when games like that happens it makes me want to be like oh whatever, it’s just preseason. BUT at the end of the day, let me put it this way: Preseason absolutely does matter, 110%. Here’s why.
It not only gives coaching staff the opportunity to look at how their second and third string players play in a real life game situation as opposed to practice walk-throughs, but it in turn gives second and third string players a chance to prove what they’ve got.
Obviously each player is on the team for a reason. Each player works their butt off to get where they are. But nothing is ever handed to you, as it shouldn’t be. And preseason is the perfect time to give it all you got.
Off the field, key players also play an important role.
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Photo: Richard Sherman Instagram

Take Richard Sherman for example, during the Hawks game against the Broncos.

Did you see him sitting around on the side lines cracking jokes? No sir! He was out getting into it (in a playful, supportive manner, of course) with his teammates. He was pumping them up and talking to them, just as he would if he was in the game.
Just because he was not able to be on that field and playing, he was still making an impact. And that’s exactly what coaches are looking for. No coach wants a kick a$$ player who’s lazy AF!
And let’s not forget about another main reason preseason is CRUCIAL. For those of you who watched the Packers vs. Steelers game Sunday or made the horrific mistake of drafting Jordy Nelson to your fantasy team this season, then you already know.
Uhm, HELLO! Jordy Nelson tore his ACL in the game against the Steelers Sunday and will now most likely be out the entire season for the Packers. That’s not chill and I don’t even like the Packers. An injury like that has the capability to make or break your team’s season. Like that really SUCKS.
So yes, at the end of the day, preseason is preseason. You win some, you lose some. The outcome of the game doesn’t necessarily matter. But from kick off to the final whistle, that’s where all the important stuff goes down. The score may be just a score, but what happens during the game can determine the rest of the season.
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Shout Out to All the Lefties!

IT’S LEFT-HANDER’S DAY! August 13th that is…

Cheers to a happy, happy day to these pro sports lefties! You da real M.V.P.

Manu Ginobili 🏀


James Harden 🏀

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Clayton Kershaw ⚾️

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Phil Mickelson ⛳️

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Rafael Nadal 🎾

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Shaquille O’Neal 🏀

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Chris Sale ⚾️

White Sox at Orioles August 9,  2011

Tim Tebow 🏈

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Michael Vick 🏈

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Bubba Watson ⛳️

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Stay weird my friends.



Tips for Finding the Best Apartment for YOU!


Finding a perfect apartment in your city is just like finding the perfect outfit to wear on a Friday night out with the girls.

Well, maybe not. Because let’s just say, the commitment of a crop top for a couple hours doesn’t quite compare to picking your new home for the year or years to come.

If you’re like me and like to live a plethoric amount of “mini” lives in your lifetime, then you’ll be packing up and moving out every twelfth month of that lease. But with every move comes the heavy weight of a big commitment decision (yikes.)

So how have I managed to do it these past years, you ask?

I’ll let you in on my dirty, but sensible, secrets on how to find the PERFECT apartment to make all of your friends wonder what you’re doing, how you got it and who your interior decorator is!

  1. Find your SOCIAL AREA and focus in on local apartments— IMG_2483Where do you like to go out?
    Save yourself some money in Ubers on Friday nights and Saturday day drinking and drive
    the extra ten minutes to work instead. Because who doesn’t want to wake up and walk of shame to Sunday brunch in your makeup from last night?
  2. Know the right TIME— A lot of people don’t realize the amount of money you can save on apartments just by the month you start your lease. A $1,400/month apartment can easily go down to $1,100/month in the “off-season.” Try to start your search around October with a lease-start around November-January (Think: no one wants to apartment hunt during holiday season, so snag a deal!) Months to AVOID: May, June, July, August and September.15551350724_3a13ccf9ce_h
  3. Do your RESEARCH— Hire an apartment locator. They can lay out all of the options available in your area and price range and, in most cases, it won’t cost you any money IMG_2484because the apartment you sign a lease with will usually foot the bill. An apartment locator will help you seal the deal on getting that perfect apartment (with the tanning pool!)
  4. STYLE it up— Even the nicest apartment can look like a frat house with the wrong furniture, so don’t do that to yourself! Tap into some discounts and look on websites like: houzz.com, www.jossandmain.com, and www.wayfair.com and get some design on a dime!rbk-home-bar-tutorial-bar-xln

Even though apartment hunting can seem like a huge responsibility, take it with a grain of salt (or a splash of sugar) and realize that it can be fun and easy! Plus, if clothing trends change by the year, doesn’t that mean that housing trends change too? So stay on top of what’s hot and realize that a new apartment is also just a really good excuse to redecorate.

Good luck on your search my friends, but I think it’s time for me to put on some shades and go walk to the nearest bottomless mimosa bar!



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