Why Is Everyone Freaking Out About Steve Sarkisian Wanting to F*&%ing Fight On

2008-0808-USC19-SteveSarkisianHere at TCD we’re about three things: Babes 💋 Booze đŸș and Ball Games 🏈. Steve Sarkisian covers two of the three in the past week (sorry for passive aggressively implying that you’re not a babe, Sark #GoCougs!)


On Saturday, August 22nd Sarkisian allegedly mixed prescription medication and alcohol and yelled a long string of profanities before he was pulled off stages, resulting in him embarrassing himself in the public eye.

Here’s a video of the best clip of the speech…

I don’t know about everyone else, but I’ve seen a dude (or five) embarrass themselves at many a frat party back in my day. The only difference between that and Sarkisian, is that he is in the public eye (being the HEAD COACH at USC) and frat stars simply aren’t. Being in the public eye at almost all times requires you to really keep your sh!t together.

But here’s what gets me: SO F*&%ING WHAT! If anyone else was to go out and get plastered and string together choice words, I’m pretty sure you wouldn’t hear people making a big deal about it (unless someone dare say anything politically incorrect… But I digress). Yes he’s in the spotlight, yes he’s a role model for younger men (and women), yes he has an example to set, yes I’m sure he has university guidelines he has to follow, but at the end of the day, he’s only human!

While I do believe it was the wrong place and wrong time to say these things, what are you going to do? We can debate, and debate, and debate; we can argue about how he has a problem, how he needs to go to rehab; we can go as far as saying he needs to be fired. Apparently it has come to light that Sarkisian is also going through a divorce and man, we know that’s tough. It may not be an excuse but it should be enough for people to give the poor guy some slack.Washington-steve-sarkisian

At the end of the day, Steve Sarkisian is just like you and me. A dude who loves to get his booze on and fight on. Just like Miley Cyrus (LOL) says, “everybody makes mistakes, everybody has those days.”

WE NEED TO GET OVER IT. Even though let’s face it, this may or may not have occurred because he’s a former UW Husky
 What? Who said that?

Sarkisian issued an apology Tuesday, and also stated that he will not being consuming ANY alcohol during the 2015 season. We’ll see how long that lasts… Either way, good luck with that, Sark. We all know the Cougs wouldn’t be so concerned with this BS because let’s be real #WinOrLoseCougsStillBooze.

– Alexa

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10 Things That Happened 10 Years Ago


Let’s take a trip down memory lane shall we
 Here are 10 things that happened 10 years ago. Prepare to feel old…

1. The last season of Newlyweds. AKA the MTV reality television show that gave fans the chance to see the everyday marriage life between Jessica Simpson & Nick Lachey. The term “blonde moment” becomes insanely common in 2005, due to Jessica Simpson’s fair share of contributions. We all remember the “Chicken or Tuna” moment. We thought Nick wasn’t amused, but perhaps it was the other way around. Jessica Simpson filed for divorce in December of 2005. I could still cry. I am still crying. It just felt so perfect at the time.


2. ABC announced that they will no longer be airing “Monday Night Football”, and that it will be televised by ESPN starting in 2006. Apparently ABC was losing money during that telecast.

3. The Pussycat Dolls released the hit song, “Don’t Cha.” TALK ABOUT MY JAM. Every millennial girl sang these lyrics as if they were the one that wrote the song. A gentle (not) reminder to your ex boyfriend that he totally effed up.


4. It’s gettin’ hectic in here, it’s gettin’ CHAOTIC!” Britney Spears and her second husband, Kevin Federline, had their own five episode reality tv series called “Britney & Kevin: Chaotic.”  Not going to lie, LOVED the song. STILL love the song (clearly).

5. Carrie Underwood won American Idol. And boy, oh boy, did that pay off. She is one of country music’s biggest superstars as of now.


6. Rihanna released her FIRST single, “Pon de Replay,” which also made the Billboard Hot 100 that year.


7. The movie, “Mr & Mrs. Smith” took the world by storm. Hence, the love affair between Brad Pitt & Angelina Jolie began. Or Brangelina, I should say. Buh Bye, Jenn(ifer Anniston)! (Shed a tear).


8. Michael Jackson was found not guilty of all 10 felony counts against him. The charges against him included: four counts of child molestation charges, one attempted child molestation charge, four counts of serving alcohol to a minor and one conspiracy charge.

9. Lil’ Kim got sentenced to prison. Sentenced to one year and one day in prison, and fined $50,000 as consequence for lying to a federal grand jury about her accounts of a shooting that took place in 2001. Let’s be real, the prison jumpsuit would just add to her list of outrageous outfits. The icing on the cake, if you will.

10. Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn starred in the hit movie, “Wedding Crashers.” This wasn’t the first time that this duo made us laugh until we peed. It’s okay to admit it when it comes to this movie. Oh, and this movie only made women realize how potentially vulnerable we could be at weddings. DON’T FALL FOR THEIR TRAPS LADIES! Unless you’re feel in’ frisky of course


11. Oh and how could we forget? Hurricane Katrina. DON’T YOU REMEMBER THAT? THAT WAS INSANE and such a tragedy. It has been estimated that Hurricane Katrina cost more than $100 billion dollars of damage. Never forget ❀


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Miranda Lambert & Blake Shelton: Not So Forever

THE 48TH ANNUAL CMA AWARDS - "The 48th Annual CMA Awards" airs live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (8:00-11:00 PM/ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Image Group LA) BLAKE SHELTON, MIRANDA LAMBERT
THE 48TH ANNUAL CMA AWARDS – “The 48th Annual CMA Awards” airs live from the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville on WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 5 (8:00-11:00 PM/ET) on the ABC Television Network. (ABC/Image Group LA)

One of Country Music’s hottest couples is calling it QUITS.

Six years of dating and then four years of marriage, but it’s over now. That’s right, Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert are getting divorced. It’s been rumored that Blake was the one that filed the paperwork.

Now, if Miranda was surprised with that news, we’d all be anxiously awaiting the moment that she’d “show him what little girls are made of – [aka] gunpowder and lead.”

Stop biting your nails people. That’s not the case here.

After the news hit, the couple released a statement.

“This is not the future we envisioned. And it is with heavy hearts that we move forward separately. We are real people, with real lives, with real families, friends and colleagues. Therefore, we kindly ask for privacy and compassion concerning this very personal matter.”  

Not individual statements, but a couple’s statement. Is that a thing?

Just shows that they really did care for each other taking on this last publicity battle together. AWW. That’s kind of lovely in a mushy way. ❀

I hate to say, “I called it,” but I’m not gonna lie, (that’s the one thing I will never do to you guys, is lie, duh) I really did call this though! I don’t know what exactly it is about their chemistry, but I just didn’t  feel it with them two. (I act like I’m standing in between them feeling every emotion & touch, HAHA I haven’t.)

What I did know, is that these two are making it big at the same time.


Not gonna lie, I do get all in my feelings when I think of one of the only private moments these two ever shared with the public. That moment you ask? Blake Shelton’s music video “God Gave Me You”.


Alright, Alright. The uber private moment they share is presh. But, like, at the same time, it felt so minimal. I WANT MORE.

And, apparently getting “more us time” just didn’t work out.  I mean, we are talking about two country music singers at the climax of their careers. What’d we expect? Of course they aren’t going to get as much time to spend together. As Miranda put it, “Blake’s person is pulling him that way and my person is pulling me this way.”

Either way, we are sorry to hear this devastating news for Miranda & Blake.

Maybe one day, when they’re careers die down, they’ll find each other again
 And ride off into the sunset… On a white horse. What? A girl can dream, can’t she?

– Hailey

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