Pastry School Creates 100-Pound Blackhawks Chocolate Stanley Cup

As you all know Chicago Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup, but they don’t just have one trophy… Courtesy of Chicago’s French Pastry School, the Chicago Blackhawks have received a 6 FOOT, 100-POUND chocolate Stanley Cup.

“It’s made from pure Cacao Berry couverture and took about 150 hours to create before being shown off at the Blackhawks owner Rocky Wirtz’s private party.”

There is nothing better than having two trophies, right!? (Especially when one is made of chocolate!)  It looks like the Blackhawks got their cake and ate it too! 😉


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Urlacher “The Linebreaker”

Okay, I just have to get this out. Being a Packer fan, there are few things I like about the Chicago Bears. One of those things is former linebacker, 8 time Pro Bowl-er BRIAN F***NG URLACHER.

You simply cannot bring up his name and say a negative thing about his 13 year career.

The 37 year-old is simply slaying his retirement. Literally slaying.

The former linebacker got into fishing with some buddies and now currently co-owns a fishing charter boat called the “Linebreaker”.

According to ESPN, the boat got its name when Urlacher couldn’t stop breaking lines off the boat when reeling in fish when a buddy of Brian’s said, “You’re not a linebacker! You’re a linebreaker!”

If you don’t believe me about this guy being a semi-pro fisherman, just check out the photo’s he post on his twitter of his adventures. You won’t be disappointed. (@BUrlacher54).


Well Urlacher, from the bottom of my heart, my hat is off to you. You taught me that defense wins games, and that’s a lesson a girl can never forget!


‪Your dearest Packer Fan

– Carly

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Female Surfers who Give the Boys a Run for their Money


So you think surfing is a men’s sport? Well, let’s put an end to that little, uneducated thought.

Female surfers are attracting more and more eyes to the sport, not only because they are wet women in their bikinis, but also because of their commitment to ride dangerous big waves, HARD.

Today, I am going to talk about three female surfers who give the boys a run for their money: Alana Blanchard, Bethany Hamilton, Layne Beachley.

Let’s start with Alana Blanchard. Alana is a professional surfer and model from Kauai, Hawaii.
According to, “Alana Blanchard is the 10th-ranked female surfer in the world, and she is easily one of the most famous surfers on the planet, male or female.”

Photo: Alana Blanchard tumblr

With her bright blonde hair, sexy body and big airs, Alana is easily an eye-catcher in the water. Plus good luck forgetting that booty when she comes out of the water!

Don’t believe me? Check out the girl’s Instagram. There’s a reason the chick has 1.2 million followers! I believe the saying goes, we hate to watch her go, but love to watch her leave. #Squatspo for sure.


Next Bethany Hamilton, also a professional surfer from Kauai, has been an inspiration to many. In 2003, she was attacked by a 14-foot Tiger Shark, which claimed her left arm and left many wondering if her future surfing career was over. However, she proved the doubters wrong with her unexpected reaction to the attack, returning to the water just one month later!


Just over a year after the attack, she went on to win her first National title. Let me remind you, she was surfing with ONE ARM! Now the famous surfer girl, has a little wahini of her own on the way! And of course this bad ass mama is still surfing! What a true miracle of a story!

Now, lets talk about one of the women who was a true trailblazer for females heading out into the lineup: the most successful female surfer in history, Layne Beachley.


Born in Sydney, Australia and acting as one of Australia’s greatest athletes, Layne has paved the way for women’s surfing. She is a seven-time Women’s World Champion. Yes, I said SEVEN. Even better, Beachley holds the greatest number of consecutive world titles, male or female. Talk about giving the boys a run for their money.

So let me ask again, you still think surfing is a men’s sport?


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