#andSTILL, Rowdy Ronda Rousey Holds the Belt

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Photo: Ronda Rousey Instagram

If you didn’t manage to catch UFC 190 with Ronda Rousey completely knocking Bethe Correia the f*ck out in 34 seconds, I’m here to help you. Let’s start with a recap.

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Photo: Ronda Rousey

The Brazilian Bethe Correia came into this fight with nine wins, no losses.

The reason why there was so much hype surrounding this fight was Correia’s way of letting Rousey know she wasn’t scared of her.

She sh*t talked Rousey the whole time, getting absolutely out of control at the weigh in and even added a “I hope you don’t kill yourself when I beat you” to Rousey.

For those of you who don’t know, Ronda’s father unfortunately took his own life. Once Correia said that, Rousey took this fight more personal. OBVIOUSLY.

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She wanted to “beat (Bethe Correia) in the most embarrassingly way possible, in her hometown.” Which is exactly what the queen of the cage did. Obliterate Correia in just 34 seconds in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. *Evil laugh*

All the fights leading up to the main event seemed to have had Brazilians, which is not uncommon in the UFC. But, all the Brazilians who entered the octagon that night had the crowd on their side. Until, Rowdy Ronda Rousey took the Octagon, walking out to “Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett. The whole arena erupted for Rousey.

Looks like Correia got beat before she got beat. At least in my book.

Money talks, and bullish*t walks.

– Carly

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Mayweather is in Another Fight for his WBO Belt

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Photo: Floyd Mayweather Instagram

Floyd Mayweather has a whole lot of sass built into that 5’8 body champion frame of his!

After he won the most anticipated fight in history against Manny Pacquiao, he let his larger-than-life ego get in the way of holding on to that glorified WBO welterweight title and had it stripped from him.

So yes, now Mayweather is in another fight for his WBO belt, well, a legal fight that is.

As the rules go, he was supposed to forfeit his two junior middleweight titles as owning titles in different weight classes are against WBO regulations and he failed to pay a $200,000 sanctioning fee.

But, he’s Floyd F*CKING Mayweather, so WHY would he do that?!

But don’t fret world, he had his legal team on standby and they are strapped in and ready for the ride to get his title back!

FYI: That fight that had everyone yawning and wanting a refund from their cable company brought him in a nice chunk of change– $220 million to be exact– maybe I should look into boxing?

– Adrienne

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You Can Run, But You Can’t Hide… Jose Aldo vs. Conor McGregor- It Is So On.


Let’s get ready to rumble because this fight is still set to go down.

After Jose Aldo pulled out of UFC 189 with a bruised rib, the pot has been boiling uncontrollably between Aldo and Conor McGregor. Aldo told the doctors that cleared him with his injury, that it was still too painful and there was no fight for the Featherweight belt in sight for Aldo.

McGregor, being the hot-headed Irishman he is, (don’t worry McGregor, I’m cut from the same cloth) took this backing out extremely personally and called Aldo out for being scared. But who knows.
After Aldo said that there would be no fight, Chad Mendes was in line to fight McGregor. “The Notorious” Irishman took down Mendes with 0:03 in Round 2 by TKO. Check out the video highlights of the fight…
During UFC 189 in the battle for the Featherweight title, Mendes had substantially more control over McGregor. Mendes controlled the fight with 5:10 compared to McGregor’s 1:40. Taking this win over Mendes was something McGregor and the crowd saw coming, but it is still ammo for his arsenal against Aldo.
Aldo and McGregor have been set for a rematch, but no date or time has been specifically set. It’s been rumored AT&T Stadium, home of the Dallas Cowboys might be where this all goes down. And let me tell you, it will go DOWN.
Jose Aldo is coming off of a rib injury which kept him out of UFC 189 against McGregor, but remains confident with his 25-1-0 record. Fighting out of Rio de Janerio, we can totally back up his strong aldoground game considering Jiu Jitsu originated in Brazil. Not only is Aldo a force to be reckoned with on the ground, his KO power alone has allowed him to to pull out nine knockouts in his last 18 victories.
At 28 years old, standing 5’7” and weighing 145 lbs, Aldo’s strength is in his numbers. He has not lost a fight since 2005, and is currently on a 18 fight winning streak. Not only is he a force on offense, but his defensive numbers keep him with the cream of the crop of the featherweight division. His takedown defense is a staggering 90% while he avoids 72% of all strikes. Just watch out for McGregor’s knees Aldo.
McGregor is coming off an impressive win over Chad Mendes in UFC 189 and is looking to continue his 14 fight winning streak. With his overall record at 18-2-0, the 27 year old has built his empire. Hailing from Dublin, Ireland, McGregor has 16 wins by KO and one by a rear naked choke.
Standing at 5’9” and weighing in 145 lbs, McGregor is a lethal force in the octagon. His impressive striking is only part of his deadly arsenal. The kid is a master at the rear naked choke, and he’s not afraid to use it. There is a reason why he’s such a hot commodity these days, the Irishman can BRAWL. Going in against Aldo, The Notorious already is favored 2-1, and us ladies here at The Coach’s Daughters couldn’t be more on his side.
And that’s not just because he’s easy on the eyes- But seriously, HOT DAMN.
This fight will be one for the books and everyone knows it.
So, hey, uh Dana White, you want to let us come ringside?
– Carly
carly 3Carly Kiss

This Dad Teaches His Son a Lesson He Will Never Forget

After hearing his son was being a bully at school, as punishment, this father put his son in the ring with a professional boxer. Oh yeah. I said pro boxer.


I have a feeling this kid’s about to get straight Mike Tyson’d.

Continue reading “This Dad Teaches His Son a Lesson He Will Never Forget”

Ronda Rousey’s Next Victim: Bethe Correia


Ronda Rousey is undeniably the most dominant female in her sport. After her 14 second defeat of then undefeated Cat Zingano, Rousey has solidified her title as UFC’s Women’s Bantamweight Champion of the world. With an 11-0 record (9 by submission; 2 by TKO), she will yet again fight to defend her title belt in UFC 190.

Meet Bethe Correia, or as most people call her, “Pitbull.” She is currently ranked as the #7 women’s bantamweight fighter in the UFC. She sports an undefeated record of 9-0 with 3 of her wins coming in the UFC. This will be the third time Rousey will attempt to defend her title and undefeated record against another undefeated opponent.


Rousey has been known for her takedowns and submissions, whereas Correia is known for her explosive striking. Rousey has never taken a fight to a decision and her last three fights combined for a total of 96-seconds of fighting. Her most recent victory has come from a 14 second arm bar submission, the fastest UFC title bout victory, of Cat Zingano. Correia is looking to show the world Rousey’s weaknesses and defeat her no problem.

The bout is set to go down on August 1st in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, the place where Rousey won her bronze Olympic medal in the ’08 games. This site holds even more personal to Correia, as she wants to win her first Top 15 fight in her hometown.

Although many wonder how Correia got this title shot, Ronda believes she will be just another challenger to prove unsuccessful. The initial press conference was full of trash talking and negative comments towards Rousey’s appearance. Rousey ended her part of the conference saying she’ll prove herself in the ring.

Be sure to order UFC 190 on Pay-Per-View on or before August 1st and watch the action yourself. Fights will begin at approximately 10PM with the main card following the lead off matchups.
