Drink of the Week! Serrano Chile Margarita


It’s thirsty Thursday, so you know what that means… Time to quench your thirst with a little bit of alcohol!

With summertime in full swing, let’s turn up the heat.

TBT to how Nelly put it back in 2002, “It’s getting hot in here (so hot), so take off all your clothes.” This drink ain’t too far off from that definition. To be honest, this spicy serrano chile margarita can make you do just that.


I keep it simple & to the point- aka shot glasses are my measurement.

– 1 or 2 shot(s) of Peligroso Silver or Peligroso Anejo Tequila
(Do 2, don’t be a b*tch)
– 2 shots of fresh squeezed lime juice
– 2 shots of simple syrup (So yeah, none of us own simple syrup so here’s how to make it: Bring equal parts of water & sugar/Splenda {if you’z a skinny betch} to a boil. For example, 1 cup water & 1 cup sugar/Splenda)
– 2-5 Serrano peppers (Cut these and use to garnish your drink, or use jalapenos/baby red peppers if you’re a p*ssy and can’t take the extra heat)
– Sea salt for the rim (if you’re feeling feisty add some chili powder to the rim as well)

Look at you go hottie (LITERALLY).



FYI, this drink is best made if you let the cut up serrano’s marinate in the tequila for a day or two before using. Then you have spicy tequila good to go! But if you’re in a hurry and want it quick, use these ingredients, cut up some peppers and toss a few into your glass!

SPIT FIRE MY FRIENDS… Or keep that to yourself until you get home.


– Hailey

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Mike Napoli aka The Fireman

Mike_Napoli_on_July_26,_2013Mike Napoli is hot. I know that. You know that. Everyone knows that. There is no doubt about it. (Oh, you meant on a hot streak? Not physically striking? Oops. Whatever.) Either way, the first baseman for the Boston Red Sox is doing something right. He even made Bleacher Report’s “MLB Team of the Week”. Like hi, are you single?

If you follow baseball at all, you are well aware of how AWFUL his OPS really was: .533. We’re talking one of the worst hitters in the league. Like okay, even I could do better than that. And I haven’t hit a ball since my dad stuck me in front of a tennis ball machine in the back yard with a helmet and a bat and told me to hit as many as I could, as far as I could! I was maybe 12, by the way. *Hair flip*

But then something changed. First, he watched film and realized he was making several mechanical errors at the plate. And second, a 9-year-old signed his bat. No really, a 9-year-old signed his bat. And the best part is that is where he has attributed some of his successes ever since (can I bring you home to meet my mom now, or…). Now obviously just switching a few minor things around with the way you bat isn’t going to change everything, but obviously having a 9-year-old sign your bat will (duh). But in all seriousness, with a combination of his batting corrections, the faith (and signature) of a 9-year-old, and his hot momentum, Napoli is going off (and up, and not just on Tuesdays, people). Currently, Napoli’s OPS has been raised up to 1.080 over the course of the last few games.

Maybe this correlates with this year being his 9-year anniversary since his MLB debut? Maybe? Probably not.

When batters are on a hot streak the way Napoli is, pitchers want to avoid them at all costs. No one wants to face the hot guy, well, except for me. I want to face the hot guy. (Wait, you still mean on a hot streak? Dang!) Still, when a batter is on fire and absolutely killing the game, you want to stay far away from them like the game depends on it, because, well, it does.

So here’s to hoping this hot streak continues!

And Mike, if you see this (and your hot streak has ended, or maybe it hasn’t…but you’re still hot), call me. 😉


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