Urlacher “The Linebreaker”

Okay, I just have to get this out. Being a Packer fan, there are few things I like about the Chicago Bears. One of those things is former linebacker, 8 time Pro Bowl-er BRIAN F***NG URLACHER.

You simply cannot bring up his name and say a negative thing about his 13 year career.

The 37 year-old is simply slaying his retirement. Literally slaying.

The former linebacker got into fishing with some buddies and now currently co-owns a fishing charter boat called the “Linebreaker”.

According to ESPN, the boat got its name when Urlacher couldn’t stop breaking lines off the boat when reeling in fish when a buddy of Brian’s said, “You’re not a linebacker! You’re a linebreaker!”

If you don’t believe me about this guy being a semi-pro fisherman, just check out the photo’s he post on his twitter of his adventures. You won’t be disappointed. (@BUrlacher54).


Well Urlacher, from the bottom of my heart, my hat is off to you. You taught me that defense wins games, and that’s a lesson a girl can never forget!


‪Your dearest Packer Fan

– Carly

carly 3Carly Kiss

Exclusive! MCM: Will Blackmon


Ugh, we just love Mondays over here at TCD. I mean how could we complain when we get to man crush each week on some of the hottest stars in the game!

Meet Will Blackmon.

Sound familiar? Yeah, we thought you might say that, only because not only does this guy ball out in the NFL, he’s probably played for your team. And now that we’ve got the boys attention…

Blackmon played CB at Boston College where he then moved on to play in the pros and was drafted in the fourth round by the Green Bay Packers in 2006. With the Packers he scored his first two NFL TDs in the same game on punt returns, one being a recovered fumble- BADASS. In 2008, Blackmon became only the fourth player in team history to return multiple punts for TDs in the same season. Furthermore, he is tied with Desmond Howard for the franchise record for Green Bay Packers with three career punt returns for TDs. But wait there’s more…

After the Packers, Blackmon played for the New York Giants where in 2011, oh yes, he ended the season as a Super Bowl XLVI Champion. But wait, there’s more!

After the Giants, Blackmon played on the Arizona Rattlers (Arena Football), the Seattle Seahawks and the Jacksonville Jaguars. While on the Jags during a game against the Tennessee Titans, he even caused (and recovered!) a Ryan Fitzpatrick fumble, returning it 21 yards for a touchdown, helping the Jags get their first Dubyah of the season.

And guess what Seahawks fans? As of this year, he’s back in Seattle.

As usual, we got in touch with this week’s lovely MCM, Will Blackmon to get all the inside know on the easiest little details of his life including what show he’s a TRUE FAN of! (You won’t ever guess it!)

And hate to break it to you ladies, this lucky fella is already taken by his wife Shauna! But hey, there’s no harm in dreaming! 😉

See what this week’s tall, dark and handsome man had to say to TCD!



Thanks for giving TCD all the deets Beamin & telling us whiskey kids what to order at the bar this week (Angel’s Envy for sure)!

Until Next Time,
