Best Cleanses to Try Before Summer Ends

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Me with the Nekter 3 Day Cleanse!

Summer may be coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to get into shape or at least clean your bod of all the day drinking you’ve actively pursued this summer.

Hence, it’s cleanse time.

Let’s talk about two cleanses that will be a kick-start to losing those extra lbs or just getting your body back to a healthy state.

Nekter’s 3 Day Classic Cleanse

This is my fave! The Nekter 3 Day Classic Clense is quoted online as…

“The perfect cleanse to reset your system, assist in breaking you of those sugar cravings and jump starting a new healthier regime with the side benefit of dropping a few pounds.”

But don’t worry, this is NOT a fast! It’s a way to give your body the nutrients it needs. There are six 16.9 oz drinks that consist of different blends of fruits and vegetables. Plus they are delicious! Well, there’s one that kinda sucks, but you’ll get over that because the other ones are so bomb diggity.

Now, let’s talk Chef V…

Chef V

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Our goofy editor trying out Chef V!

Chef V consists of three products, Chef V’s 7 Greens, Ultra Shake and the Detox soup. And they’re all pretty bomb. Plus there’s always the fact you have to drink a sh!t ton of water on this cleanse so you shouldn’t be hungry.

The 7 Greens is the ultimate energy booster (4x 16.0z per day). So now you can look super trendy with your green drink in hand.

The Ultra Shake is the nutritional rejuvenator that helps you stay satisfied throughout the day (2x 16oz per day). Kinda like your average protein shake. Lastly, the Detox Soup is the organic cleanser that detoxifies the body (1x 16oz per day). Soup will get old towards the end, but half the time you don’t even feel like you’re hungry enough to eat it!

So try one of these cleanses and see which one works best for you! Match it with a good workout regimen and it’d be hard not to see some results! Good luck & tweet us @coachsdaughters and let us know what you think!


briana headshotBriana Kiss


Why we LOVE Coconut Oil


Every female has their go-to beauty products, from their face wash to their shampoo and conditioner, right down to their MAC lipstick. It’s no secret that we put a lot of chemicals onto our skin and into our bodies for the sake of looking good and feeling better, but what if there was a better alternative? A more organic alternative?

Insert coconut oil. Here are some of the million ways to implement it into your everyday routine:

  1. Homemade conditioner.
    Coconut oil is filled with vitamins and minerals that are amazing in helping restore damaged hair and replenishing protein that many hair products strip from our manes. It also helps to retain moisture, which is especially helpful for those with dry, brittle hair. There are plenty of recipes online for making your own conditioner, however if you just want something easy to whip up:

¼ cup of plain, nonfat yogurt
1 tbsp. of coconut oil
1 tbsp. of honey
1 cup of water, warmed up enough to melt the coconut oil.

Mix together in mixing bowl and apply evenly to hair after shampoo. Keep in hair for at least 30 minutes, under a shower cap or warm towel.


DISCLAIMER: It’s super important to play around with the measurements. Some hair is thicker and coarser than others and may require more of each or less for thinner, finer hair. Please take some time to get to know your hair type and what it needs.

If you don’t have time for the entire process, you can mix a small amount of coconut oil in with your normal conditioner to soften you hair and keep it shiny. Not to mention, your hair will smell amazing.

  1. Moisturizer.
    Instead of using lotion, try replacing it with coconut oil. It helps to prevent
    stretch marks, burning (it’s a natural SPF…yay!) or helps to soothe psoriasis or eczema symptoms. If you’re feeling super fancy, you can mix it with sugar for a nice body scrub to use in the shower.
  2. Lip Balm. lavender-beauty-diys-fro-skin-care-in-spring7
    You can use the coconut oil by itself on your lips as a chap stick if you need a little relief or you can get creative and make your own lip balm or lipstick. All you need is the oil, beeswax and shea butter!
  3. Cooking.
    8209955844_298e87b896_oWhile coconut oil is great externally, there are also many great benefits it contains for your body internally! Try swapping out your heavier oils with coconut oil when cooking   or even try mixing it in with your favorite drink or smoothie. In the past, coconut oil was a no-no for many people because of the high saturated fat, but according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the Annals of Internal Medicine saturated fats aren’t the devils that people made them out to be. Not to mention, the Lauric Acid found in coconut oil helps to kill bacteria and viruses.

I could go on and on about the wonderful benefits that coconut oil provides. Bottomline: Go out and get some! You’ll thank me later. Also, if you know of any other fun, creative ways to use it, share it with me on Facebook, Twitter @CoachsDaughters or Instagram @TheCoachsDaughters!
