Highlights of The Open- On & Off the Course

This past weekend June 16-20th was the British Open, or as Britain likes to call it, The Open. This tournament is golf’s oldest tournament, being around for over 150 years. The Open was founded by pioneering golfers who had one guiding principle – to crown the Champion Golfer of the Year.

Photo: Zach Johnson Twitter

BLAH, BLAH, YADA YADA- Let’s get to the good stuff!

This year, the winner was Zach Johnson (from the United States, whoop whoop ‘MERICUH!).

No, not the Johnson dating ultra babe Paulina Gretzky, but still an American no doubt! God bless America.

It was an unfortunate loss for Jordon Spieth who has already won four times this year, including a pair of playoffs.


And if you saw that bomb of a putt Spieth made on sixteen…

Like, damn. Heartbreaker.

Moving on…

There is absolutely no way to talk about The Open without at least touching on defending champion Bubba Watson’s watch game this past weekend.

Photo: USA Today

I am literally talking about the watch you wear on your wrist game.

The 2012 Masters champion has a casual half-million sitting on his wrist, thanks to a pretty sweet deal with Swiss luxury watchmaker, Richard Mille. This watch is the same type of $525,000 watch he wore en route to the green jacket last April.

Sorry but for a half mil, weren’t you expecting it to look way more blingy or something? Maybe that’s just me…

Speaking of some serious cash, there were a lot of bets placed this past weekend. The most outrageous bet made was three million.



At the end of the day, to me, golf is just golf.

I love a good athlete, I do. And I’d love to learn how to play golf, but the likelihood of that happening is little to none (it’s an attention span thing… Is it football season yet?).

Thus, I’ll stick to drinking in the club house while my man kicks ass on the course.



Cheers to that!

– Alexa

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Jetset Life! Private Jets Are Easier to Get Than You Think

Like Martin Luther King Jr., I have a dream.

I have a dream that one day, I will own a private jet. I have a dream that one day, I will be able to afford MY OWN private jet. Well, with today’s reality my dream can become possible. Well, kind of.

I won’t necessarily “own” the entire jet. In fact, I can just “rent” it when I need it! EVEN BETTER!

But seriously, if you have the cash, why would you fly domestic? Time to move on up people and act like the celebs you are!

So many celebrities and pro-athletes have been saving a chunk of change by getting a hit of these exclusive memberships as well. The most popular? Wheels up & Net Jets. Yes, Net Jets as in the brand you kept seeing on the back of everyone’s shirts during The Open including Jason Day.

Here’s just some of the celebs who are using ‘em.

Speaking of golfers… Jordan Spieth is all about it.

Jordan Spieth https://instagram.com/p/4Sc9-pPIpy/?taken-by=netjets

JJ Watt? Sure.

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Houston Bound!!!

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Roger Federer? Well, DUH.

Erin Andrews? Well, DUH.

Enough of the sports guys & gals, how about some entertainers?

Demi Lovato? Yup.

Entourage? C’mon now.

And of course, Poshy & beau David Beckham.

You name it, they’re using it. Even TCD’s very own Ramsay is staying oh so fab flying’ high eating bacon because why the eft not when you’re on a private jet?!


Some of these riders even get sponsored.

Uhmm, anyone want to sponsor me for being purely fabulous? Like what the eff.

Looking to grab one of these exclusive memberships? Here’s where you can find ‘em:

Keep being fabulous peeps, just not as fabulous as me. Kisses.

– Hailey

zBsDF4Y5mjt2LdMIbZJeGFjnEncvwsnyPbY6D1zWwJgHailey Kiss

Will Tiger Win Another Major?

Screen Shot 2015-06-29 at 1.01.11 PMNow personally, I have zero interest in golf, when it comes to watching at least. I understand that it is a fantastic sport that you can play at all ages of your life and is great for relaxing and honestly; I’d love to learn how to play. However, where’s the aggression? Where’s the physical contact? – Good thing football season is coming up 😉 I will admit though, the fact that the winner of the U.S. Open 2015 was down to the very last putt did make for an intense last few minutes. I’ll give it that!

But on to more important things!

Will Tiger Woods win another Major? If this picture to the left says anything, I’m going to go with no… Kudos on the caption @jrdellinger.

This past weekend at the U.S. Open, Woods placed 150th (out of 155, ouch). In other words, he didn’t even make it to play on Saturday or Sunday (double ouch).

Tiger_Woods_drives_by_AllisonRumor has it Woods is switching his swing around, so maybe this could be why he has been playing so poorly? His playing this past weekend was completely off in every aspect of the game. When it all boils down, Woods didn’t do anything right. Tiger Woods’ U.S. Open was worse than it looked (statistics showed that), and there is no simple fix-all that will change things for poor Woods. Viewers (knowledgeable and unknowledgeable alike) could easily see that Woods was completely lost on the course. Ultimately, his game looks broken and there is little hope for his comeback.

Word on the street is that Jordan Spieth looks like Tiger Woods 2.0 after Masters-U.S. Open Double at 21.

Woods is currently ranked 205th according to the Official World Golf Ranking.


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