How to Smuggle Alcohol into Events without Getting Caught

So let’s face it. Smuggling in alcohol to events can make or break an event. Especially if you’re on a budget and don’t want to pay twelve bucks for a beer. Alas, here are the best way to smuggle a ton of alcohol into events without getting caught or even suspected at the security line!

  1. The Sunscreen Flask
    Hiding booze in your sunscreen bottle comes in clutch when going to an event or concert. Especially for events like Stagecoach and Coachella where you are outside, it is so common for people to have a sunscreen bottle, that security doesn’t think to question it.
  2. The Wine Rack
    This allows you to bring up to 25 ounces of whatever alcohol you want in a place nobody will think to look because they are too busy staring at your recent growth in chest size! The only problem with this method is that it isn’t the hottest looking bra, so make sure it is hidden under a hot outfit.
  3. The Beerbelly
    If you are in the mood to rock or embrace the new trend of having a beer belly while in public (I mean, the “Dad Bod” is in,) this shouldn’t be a problem when it comes to getting through security as long as you have the right shirt to pull it off!
  4. The Binocular Flask
    Or the ultimate BEER GOGGLES?! This method allows you to bring up to 16 ounces of alcohol in each lens. IS THIS NOT THE COOLEST INVENTION YET? While also not the most attractive at least you’re bringing humor to your peers. Just make sure the event you’re going to makes sense for bringing binocs!
  5. Tampon Flasks
    BEWARE-most men might freak out at the site of these, but as soon as they realize they need a shot, all their cares go out the window! But use this male fear to your advantage and make sure a male security guard is checking out your bag, so he won’t even bother wanting to question what type of tampon your rocking in that bag. Just be careful with these suckers as they tend to spill easily if you don’t get the top on correctly! These came in CLUTCH at Stagecoach this year for us TCD gals and no security guard bothered to ask questions! ;))

These tricks are bound to work, and if they are not, then maybe you don’t need the extra drink and need to re-evaluate your smuggling skills. For real though, these tips will work, just make sure you have your poker face on and a little “Mission Impossible” mentality!

Happy smuggling people!


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Best Cocktails to Order when You’re Dieting but Don’t Want to Look like a Priss


Let me start with a warning that this article is geared to anyone that wants to look hot while they’re drinking and after the drinking is over. You’re going to order that drink like a boss and keep you’re figure while you’re at it. No one wants to be the “I’ll take a skinny vodka Splenda yadda yadda.” Now, if you’re the person continuously waking up in a Taco Bell wrapper and/or vomit in your hair, my tricks can only go so far to help you.

For starters, here is a general rule of thumb: go for the clear alcohols. Darker alcohols, most of the time, contain more sugar that is harder for our body to breakdown. If you can’t think of some, here are some simple go-to’s:

  1. Rum & Diet Coke (with lime)
    My personal favorite. It’s MY go-to. Ask anyone that knows me. Even Mr. Atkins himself approves of this beverage for his low-carb diet! This drink is zero carbs. If that’s not proof, I don’t know what is!
  2. Vodka Soda (with lime/lemon)FullSizeRender-4
    Sure, this drink may sound girly to some readers. But, let’s be real. It’s simple and to the point. AKA hard liquor & chaser. You’re basically taking a shot. Hardcore cred? I think so.
  3. Tequila Water (with lime/lemon)
    Okay, you’re hardcore. There’s no time to mess around. Let’s cut to the chase. I notice that bartenders even freeze for a second when you order one of these. I mean, it’s hard to process those words coming out of my Barbie pink painted lips. AKA you’re now the genius that is dehydrating & hydrating your body at the same time. The guy standing next to you holding his “Coors Light” is cringing inside, since he now looks and feels like the priss. Or if you really want to face the music just go with the straight tequila shot.
  4. Bloody Mary
    Spice it up! Doesn’t everyone know by now that spicy food can boost your metabolism? Why wouldn’t you burn some extra calories while drinking them?



This sure as hell isn’t a cocktail recipe book, but it is a few drink ideas to keep in mind in order to help you avoid any tight (literally suffocating in your high waisted jean short) situations. Take my advice or leave it, either way enjoy getting wasted!

– Hailey

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Drink of the Week: Strawberry Basil Margarita

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Who doesn’t love a good margarita, am I right? Not much sounds better than coming home from a long day at work and whipping up a quick and easy margarita. Or two. Or three. Or, screw it, four. Heck, who says you can only consume these after work? I mean, it is 5 o’clock somewhere! Just make sure to make some yummy tacos to enjoy these with! #tacosandtequila


1 cup chopped strawberries
¼ tequila (approximately 2 shots)
2 tablespoons agave (any kind works)
3 large basil leaves
8 ice cubes
Juice of half a lime
Juice of half an orange

Prep Time: 4 minutes
Mixing time: 2 minute
Total time: 6 minutes


  1. Combine strawberries, tequila, agave, basil, ice cubes, and fruit juices in a blender
  2. Mix on medium until smooth
  3. Add the ice and puree until the ice is completely crushed (about 1 minute)
  4. OPTIONAL: Salt the rim of the glass
  5. Pour into glass and enjoy
  6. Repeat step 5
  7. Repeat step 6
  8. Repeat step 7 if you’re feeling fun!
    Let’s be real, you know us TCD girls will be!
