Best Cleanses to Try Before Summer Ends

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Me with the Nekter 3 Day Cleanse!

Summer may be coming to a close, but that doesn’t mean it’s too late to get into shape or at least clean your bod of all the day drinking you’ve actively pursued this summer.

Hence, it’s cleanse time.

Let’s talk about two cleanses that will be a kick-start to losing those extra lbs or just getting your body back to a healthy state.

Nekter’s 3 Day Classic Cleanse

This is my fave! The Nekter 3 Day Classic Clense is quoted online as…

“The perfect cleanse to reset your system, assist in breaking you of those sugar cravings and jump starting a new healthier regime with the side benefit of dropping a few pounds.”

But don’t worry, this is NOT a fast! It’s a way to give your body the nutrients it needs. There are six 16.9 oz drinks that consist of different blends of fruits and vegetables. Plus they are delicious! Well, there’s one that kinda sucks, but you’ll get over that because the other ones are so bomb diggity.

Now, let’s talk Chef V…

Chef V

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Our goofy editor trying out Chef V!

Chef V consists of three products, Chef V’s 7 Greens, Ultra Shake and the Detox soup. And they’re all pretty bomb. Plus there’s always the fact you have to drink a sh!t ton of water on this cleanse so you shouldn’t be hungry.

The 7 Greens is the ultimate energy booster (4x 16.0z per day). So now you can look super trendy with your green drink in hand.

The Ultra Shake is the nutritional rejuvenator that helps you stay satisfied throughout the day (2x 16oz per day). Kinda like your average protein shake. Lastly, the Detox Soup is the organic cleanser that detoxifies the body (1x 16oz per day). Soup will get old towards the end, but half the time you don’t even feel like you’re hungry enough to eat it!

So try one of these cleanses and see which one works best for you! Match it with a good workout regimen and it’d be hard not to see some results! Good luck & tweet us @coachsdaughters and let us know what you think!


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