Sacks & Give Backs- The NFL Gives Back to the Community

We all watched the ESPY’s, am I right?

Let’s talk about the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. The Walter Payton Man of the Year Award is an award based on humanitarianism while being an extraordinary individual on and off the field.

Congratulations to all the nominees, Anquan Boldin from the 49ers, Aaron Rodgers from the Packers and lastly, a huge congrats to the winner, Thomas Davis from the Panthers.

Anquan Boldin, one of the most trustworthy wide receivers in the game plays for the San Francisco 49ers and was runner up for the award. He was nominated for the award due to his mission to give back to the underprivileged youth.

DSCN0017The Anquan Boldin Foundation started in 2004, and just last year, Boldin and his wife gave a staggering $1 million donation to the foundation to expand their impact.

Throughout Boldin’s career, 11 students have accepted four-year scholarships. Alone in 2014, four students received $10,000 scholarships to start their college careers. Boldin travels to third-world countries to lend personal aid and fight for political issues. Seriously? That’s how he spends his off season? What. A. Guy.

Now I don’t care if you’re a Bears fan or a what, here’s another player you have to show some respect for: Aaron Rodgers.

Photo: NFL

Rodgers the star quarterback for the Green Bay Packers was also a runner up for the award. He was nominated due to his constant and ever-giving attitude to children and young adults.

Rodgers has worked directly with Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer and Make-A-Wish. Just recently he surpassed giving back $1.5 million of his personal efforts such as events and campaigns. He also has co-created an organization called that works directly with charities and builds support in making a difference nationwide. Literally so presh. Shout out: Aaron, we love you!

Thomas Davis, linebacker for the Carolina Panthers received the Walter Payton Man of the Year award at the ESPY’s this year. And he deserved it.

Photo: Panthers

Davis and his wife founded the Thomas Davis Defending Dreams Foundation, a non-profit that was established to enrich the lives of underprivileged children and families. This organization provides mentoring programs and community outreach programs that include holiday activities and meals for children and women in Charlotte, North Carolina.Not only has Davis found his niche in giving back to the community, the Panthers have proved as well that they are fit for task as well by donating $100,000 to victims of the Charleston shooting victims.


Not only do individuals of the National Football League give back, but full on NFL teams participate within the community as well, and contrary to popular belief, not because they’re forced to.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers put on “Bucs Cut for a Cure” where players such as the No.1 draft pick Jameis Winston sat in a chair and let children with cancer shave their heads in an effort to fight pediatric cancer.

Photo: WFLA

The Carolina Panthers put on a “Moms’ Safety” clinic designed to help women who have children who play football. They teach them the safety of proper gear, hydration and how to make it a family and team effort to make sure that safety is a priority on the field.

The Houston Texans hosted the world’s largest kids triathlon that was present by Texas Children’s Hospital in an effort to educate children about staying active and healthy.The Kansas City Chiefs host local special needs children in Play 60 Linebackers Adaptive Training Camp.

The Kansas City Chiefs hosted a Play 60 celebration for local elementary school students which honored children for their commitment to exercise, sports and a healthy lifestyle.The Indianapolis Colts teamed up with country music star Garth Brooks in celebrating the opening of the Child Life Zone at Riley Hospital for Children.

Photo: NY Daily News

Country music and charity? Game on.

These are just a few small examples of how much the NFL does in fact, give back to their surrounding communities. So maybe it’s time we take a page out of their book and do a little help ourselves?!

Not going to lie, I’d love to watch a little guy shave off Tom Brady’s luscious locks just to see the look on his face once they were gone. What? That was only for Tampa Bay? Whatever, a girl can dream can’t she.

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Let the DeflateHate Come in Full Force Because Tom Brady is FREE… For Now

Photo: Patriots Twitter

Let the DeflateHate come in full force because Tom Brady is headed back to the football field. Oh yeah.

Thursday morning it was announced that the judge (who we now all know his name- Richard Berman) has nullified the judging of Tom Brady’s four game suspension to start the 2015 season. Naturally this stirred up everyone and had the internet going on a rampage of hate or happiness.

ESPN Insider, Adam Schefter, said this was an embarrassment to the NFL…

Cough, cough- They should.

SportsCenter anchor, Steve Levy said he even heard an announcement over the loud speaker in a Boston hospital that “Tom Brady is free.”


Upon hearing the news the Patriots, who were fined $1 million and docked two draft picks as part of the league’s initial punishment, tweeted…

And of course Gronk tweeted about it…

And Trump…

And Barry Bonds.. Wait- Uh, awkward? Wonder what they have in common…

Not to mention Dunkin’ Donuts all along the East Coast rejoice…

But, were we too quick to jump to the conclusion that Brady’s suspension would actually pull through? I mean, there is the fact that there really was no hard evidence against Brady that was brought forth in court… Even though we all know he def deflated some balls. What? Who said that?

But don’t worry the drama continues- NFL Commish Roger Goodell announced later Thursday that they will be appealing the judge’s decision.

OMG. How many times is this going to happen? For real though.

Goodell said in a statement Thursday:

“We are grateful to Judge Berman for hearing this matter, but respectfully disagree with today’s decision,” Goodell said in a statement. “We will appeal today’s ruling in order to uphold the collectively bargained responsibility to protect the integrity of the game. The commissioner’s responsibility to secure the competitive fairness of our game is a paramount principle, and the league and our 32 clubs will continue to pursue a path to that end.”

Despite the appeal, Brady will see the field for his Thursday debut against the Steelers only because the league didn’t seek an emergency stay, freeing Brady to play while an appeals court considers the case, which likely will take months.

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Photo: ESPN

If I were a Steelers fan man would I be pissssssed…

Or how about if you already drafted for fantasy? Brady moved from 24th among quarterbacks to 6th. Thank the heavens our TCD draft is tonight. MUAHAHA

So after seven months of declarations and appeals, is this it? Is Deflategate over? Not quite.

Hell, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if Obama felt the need to hold a press conference on this matter even though eight police officers have been killed in the past nine days and nobody seems to care about that…

Our world is pretty messed up man.


Stay posted and we will fill you in as details continue to come to us on all this Tom Brady drama…


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You Get Paid to Do WHAT?! Random AF Professions that Make a Dope Living

happy-housewifeAs a little girl I always dreamed of being the cutest little housewife: cooking and cleaning for my husband, tending to the kids, being the hottest MILF on the block, duh. Okay, so maybe the last part was a late addition, whatever you get the point.

Basically, I didn’t want to grow up and get a big girl job, I wanted to do something that I loved: taking care of the people that mean the most to me.

I mean, I’m pretty sure they call what I want to do (without the whole “husband” factor…) “nannying” or “a maid” or “servant.” Erroneous! Erroneous on all counts!

But seriously, why shouldn’t you be able to make a living doing the things that you love? I mean, there are people out there who actually make a living doing the craziest stuff! Here’s a look into just some of the careers (other than my dream of “nannying”) that would be sick AF to have!

Professional Video-Gamers

Pretty sure this is what I would look like if I had to game 14 hours a day… Sorry Penny!

I’m not kidding. Team China composed of Zhang Pan (Mu), Chen Zhihao (Hao), Zhang Ning (xiao8), Wang Jiao (Banana) and Wang Zhaohui (SanSheng) currently make $1,005,661 each. Holy CASUAL?! Where do I sign up?! Oh wait, I can barely beat Mario Kart- Someone bring me a glass of wine to drown my sorrows…

Professional Sleeper

Yes, you read that right. There are people out there who make, on average, around $15,000 a year simply by sleeping. Now that’s not nearly enough to live off of (at least for me, I could blow through that in one trip to Nordstrom 💁.) However, that’s a nice cushion to an already existing job. I’ll take another BIG glass of wine, because, you know, sleep…

Professional Shopper

OKAY. All jokes aside, this must have been made for me. So where do I sign up to be a professional shopper? I’d love to channel my inner Rachel Green and spend other people’s money! This is totally a real career. You get to make your own hours and choose which jobs you do and do not want to do. CRAZY! I’ll take another glass of wine now, because, you know, alcohol and credit cards work really well together. For all you judging me right now, clearly you need a glass of vino yourself.

Professional Water Slide Tester

Again, totally a legitimate thing. How AWESOME would it be to ride water slides all day then write about them at night (and often times be quoted in magazines and brochures)?! SIGN ME UP, again. The job has few responsibilities, although the few you do have are very important and, you know, could mean life or death for the future riders. Livelihood aside, who wants to drink some wine (or margaritas if we’re going to be near water?) and go ride some wild water slides?! Not sure that’s part of the job description though…

Professional Hotel Guest

UHM YES?! This too is a legitimate career and all it requires is that you stay in a hotel for a few days and write about it (strong writers only, I assume). This job would be so kick-ass, because you’re required to enjoy all the amenities in the hotel, heck you enjoy that drink (or three) in the bar then go and enjoy a great massage at the spa, because, well, why the f*ck not?

With all of that being said, I am absolutely considering quitting my day job and enjoying the finer things in life. Because playing video games, sleeping, shopping, riding water slides and staying in fancy hotels all while drinking copious amounts of wine sounds good to me, obviously! Cheers!

– Alexa

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Highlights of The Open- On & Off the Course

This past weekend June 16-20th was the British Open, or as Britain likes to call it, The Open. This tournament is golf’s oldest tournament, being around for over 150 years. The Open was founded by pioneering golfers who had one guiding principle – to crown the Champion Golfer of the Year.

Photo: Zach Johnson Twitter

BLAH, BLAH, YADA YADA- Let’s get to the good stuff!

This year, the winner was Zach Johnson (from the United States, whoop whoop ‘MERICUH!).

No, not the Johnson dating ultra babe Paulina Gretzky, but still an American no doubt! God bless America.

It was an unfortunate loss for Jordon Spieth who has already won four times this year, including a pair of playoffs.


And if you saw that bomb of a putt Spieth made on sixteen…

Like, damn. Heartbreaker.

Moving on…

There is absolutely no way to talk about The Open without at least touching on defending champion Bubba Watson’s watch game this past weekend.

Photo: USA Today

I am literally talking about the watch you wear on your wrist game.

The 2012 Masters champion has a casual half-million sitting on his wrist, thanks to a pretty sweet deal with Swiss luxury watchmaker, Richard Mille. This watch is the same type of $525,000 watch he wore en route to the green jacket last April.

Sorry but for a half mil, weren’t you expecting it to look way more blingy or something? Maybe that’s just me…

Speaking of some serious cash, there were a lot of bets placed this past weekend. The most outrageous bet made was three million.



At the end of the day, to me, golf is just golf.

I love a good athlete, I do. And I’d love to learn how to play golf, but the likelihood of that happening is little to none (it’s an attention span thing… Is it football season yet?).

Thus, I’ll stick to drinking in the club house while my man kicks ass on the course.



Cheers to that!

– Alexa

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Mayweather is in Another Fight for his WBO Belt

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Photo: Floyd Mayweather Instagram

Floyd Mayweather has a whole lot of sass built into that 5’8 body champion frame of his!

After he won the most anticipated fight in history against Manny Pacquiao, he let his larger-than-life ego get in the way of holding on to that glorified WBO welterweight title and had it stripped from him.

So yes, now Mayweather is in another fight for his WBO belt, well, a legal fight that is.

As the rules go, he was supposed to forfeit his two junior middleweight titles as owning titles in different weight classes are against WBO regulations and he failed to pay a $200,000 sanctioning fee.

But, he’s Floyd F*CKING Mayweather, so WHY would he do that?!

But don’t fret world, he had his legal team on standby and they are strapped in and ready for the ride to get his title back!

FYI: That fight that had everyone yawning and wanting a refund from their cable company brought him in a nice chunk of change– $220 million to be exact– maybe I should look into boxing?

– Adrienne

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