Sacks & Give Backs- The NFL Gives Back to the Community

We all watched the ESPY’s, am I right?

Let’s talk about the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. The Walter Payton Man of the Year Award is an award based on humanitarianism while being an extraordinary individual on and off the field.

Congratulations to all the nominees, Anquan Boldin from the 49ers, Aaron Rodgers from the Packers and lastly, a huge congrats to the winner, Thomas Davis from the Panthers.

Anquan Boldin, one of the most trustworthy wide receivers in the game plays for the San Francisco 49ers and was runner up for the award. He was nominated for the award due to his mission to give back to the underprivileged youth.

DSCN0017The Anquan Boldin Foundation started in 2004, and just last year, Boldin and his wife gave a staggering $1 million donation to the foundation to expand their impact.

Throughout Boldin’s career, 11 students have accepted four-year scholarships. Alone in 2014, four students received $10,000 scholarships to start their college careers. Boldin travels to third-world countries to lend personal aid and fight for political issues. Seriously? That’s how he spends his off season? What. A. Guy.

Now I don’t care if you’re a Bears fan or a what, here’s another player you have to show some respect for: Aaron Rodgers.

Photo: NFL

Rodgers the star quarterback for the Green Bay Packers was also a runner up for the award. He was nominated due to his constant and ever-giving attitude to children and young adults.

Rodgers has worked directly with Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer and Make-A-Wish. Just recently he surpassed giving back $1.5 million of his personal efforts such as events and campaigns. He also has co-created an organization called that works directly with charities and builds support in making a difference nationwide. Literally so presh. Shout out: Aaron, we love you!

Thomas Davis, linebacker for the Carolina Panthers received the Walter Payton Man of the Year award at the ESPY’s this year. And he deserved it.

Photo: Panthers

Davis and his wife founded the Thomas Davis Defending Dreams Foundation, a non-profit that was established to enrich the lives of underprivileged children and families. This organization provides mentoring programs and community outreach programs that include holiday activities and meals for children and women in Charlotte, North Carolina.Not only has Davis found his niche in giving back to the community, the Panthers have proved as well that they are fit for task as well by donating $100,000 to victims of the Charleston shooting victims.


Not only do individuals of the National Football League give back, but full on NFL teams participate within the community as well, and contrary to popular belief, not because they’re forced to.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers put on “Bucs Cut for a Cure” where players such as the No.1 draft pick Jameis Winston sat in a chair and let children with cancer shave their heads in an effort to fight pediatric cancer.

Photo: WFLA

The Carolina Panthers put on a “Moms’ Safety” clinic designed to help women who have children who play football. They teach them the safety of proper gear, hydration and how to make it a family and team effort to make sure that safety is a priority on the field.

The Houston Texans hosted the world’s largest kids triathlon that was present by Texas Children’s Hospital in an effort to educate children about staying active and healthy.The Kansas City Chiefs host local special needs children in Play 60 Linebackers Adaptive Training Camp.

The Kansas City Chiefs hosted a Play 60 celebration for local elementary school students which honored children for their commitment to exercise, sports and a healthy lifestyle.The Indianapolis Colts teamed up with country music star Garth Brooks in celebrating the opening of the Child Life Zone at Riley Hospital for Children.

Photo: NY Daily News

Country music and charity? Game on.

These are just a few small examples of how much the NFL does in fact, give back to their surrounding communities. So maybe it’s time we take a page out of their book and do a little help ourselves?!

Not going to lie, I’d love to watch a little guy shave off Tom Brady’s luscious locks just to see the look on his face once they were gone. What? That was only for Tampa Bay? Whatever, a girl can dream can’t she.

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Will Smith Takes the NFL Head On in New Movie “Concussion”

Photo: Youtube Screenshot
Looks like Will Smith may be taking the NFL head on, literally.

The trailer for the new movie Concussion has been released, and Will Smith is playing the main role. If you read the GQ article “Game Brain” (by Jeanne Marie Laskas) back in 2009, this story will sound familiar to you.

Photo: Chocolate City
Directed by Peter Landesman, the film is based on the true story of the Nigerian-born forensic neuropathologist, Dr. Bennet Omalu (played by Will Smith).

Dr. Bennet Omalu? WHOOO-DEE-WHOOOO?

Oh ya know, just the first Doctor to discover and prove that repeated head trauma can cause a neuro-degenerative disease, called chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE), which can lead to death.  

Yes, Dr. Omalu made his discovery after performing an autopsy on Mike Webster, the former Pittsburgh Steeler. Furthermore, he backed his discovery case after examining the brains of other NFL stars, including Terry Long, Andre Waters and Dave Duerson.

As if making the discovery wasn’t enough, Dr. Omalu had to fight to tell this new truth and make it known. And, well, the NFL wasn’t going to surrender to that fight easily.

As seen in the trailer, while Dr. Omalu is fighting for the truth, he is told, “You’re going to war with a corporation that owns a day of the week.” In fact, the NFL would continue to deny the connection, try to discredit him, accuse him of “fraud,” and even try to silence him.

This had all gone the exact opposite way that Dr. Omalu had predicted. Dr. Omalu said initially…

 “So I was excited. I thought the football industry would be happy with our new discovery. I thought naively that discovery of new information, unraveling new information, redefining concepts, I thought the football industry would embrace it — again, about my business experience — utilize it, turn it into some type of utility, some type of utility function to enhance the game. […] That was what I thought in my naive state of mind. But unfortunately I was proven wrong, that it wasn’t meant to be that way.”

Think about that for a second…

On top of all this, there is email proof that Sony altered the film to make sure it did not displease the NFL or cause protest. Seriously?! TELL THE TRUTH!

The movie will be hitting theaters on December 25, Christmas and, oh wait, smack dab before the NFL playoffs.



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Geno Smith at Starting QB Is Still Raising Some Eyebrows


Geno Smith is currently the penciled-in starting quarterback for the New York Jets.

In other words, the squad is still counting on Smith to carry their team to victory each and every Sunday afternoon this Fall. But after last season, is this really going to be what’s best for the team? The new Offensive Coordinator Chan Gailey has some great offensive additions brought on to the team for this upcoming season, but is that really enough?

According to ESPN’s QBR metric, Smith was the second WORST passer in the league (my man Russell was number twelve, just sayin’) right in front of Blake Bortles. Putting up these kinds of numbers is not going to get Smith, let alone the Jets, anywhere. Granted the team does also have Ryan Fitzpatrick, and rookies Jake Heaps (out of Washington, what what!) and Bryce Petty, who can also step up to the plate if need be.

Screen Shot 2015-06-30 at 11.45.14 AMFrankly, with Petty as a fourth round draft pick out of Baylor University, why not take advantage of the new talent? If you take even just a quick glance at his stats from Baylor (see right for just a few), you can see that he has quite the resume, and these aren’t even all of his accomplishments.

The team wants to win and the team wants to succeed and at the end of the day, Smith isn’t going to be able to provide that. Smith has proven to be a fabulous quarterback in the past, but the truth of the matter is, he is no longer performing like he used to.

If the Jets want to succeed this season, they’re better off without Geno Smith.

– Alexa

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