Sacks & Give Backs- The NFL Gives Back to the Community

We all watched the ESPY’s, am I right?

Let’s talk about the Walter Payton Man of the Year Award. The Walter Payton Man of the Year Award is an award based on humanitarianism while being an extraordinary individual on and off the field.

Congratulations to all the nominees, Anquan Boldin from the 49ers, Aaron Rodgers from the Packers and lastly, a huge congrats to the winner, Thomas Davis from the Panthers.

Anquan Boldin, one of the most trustworthy wide receivers in the game plays for the San Francisco 49ers and was runner up for the award. He was nominated for the award due to his mission to give back to the underprivileged youth.

DSCN0017The Anquan Boldin Foundation started in 2004, and just last year, Boldin and his wife gave a staggering $1 million donation to the foundation to expand their impact.

Throughout Boldin’s career, 11 students have accepted four-year scholarships. Alone in 2014, four students received $10,000 scholarships to start their college careers. Boldin travels to third-world countries to lend personal aid and fight for political issues. Seriously? That’s how he spends his off season? What. A. Guy.

Now I don’t care if you’re a Bears fan or a what, here’s another player you have to show some respect for: Aaron Rodgers.

Photo: NFL

Rodgers the star quarterback for the Green Bay Packers was also a runner up for the award. He was nominated due to his constant and ever-giving attitude to children and young adults.

Rodgers has worked directly with Midwest Athletes Against Childhood Cancer and Make-A-Wish. Just recently he surpassed giving back $1.5 million of his personal efforts such as events and campaigns. He also has co-created an organization called that works directly with charities and builds support in making a difference nationwide. Literally so presh. Shout out: Aaron, we love you!

Thomas Davis, linebacker for the Carolina Panthers received the Walter Payton Man of the Year award at the ESPY’s this year. And he deserved it.

Photo: Panthers

Davis and his wife founded the Thomas Davis Defending Dreams Foundation, a non-profit that was established to enrich the lives of underprivileged children and families. This organization provides mentoring programs and community outreach programs that include holiday activities and meals for children and women in Charlotte, North Carolina.Not only has Davis found his niche in giving back to the community, the Panthers have proved as well that they are fit for task as well by donating $100,000 to victims of the Charleston shooting victims.


Not only do individuals of the National Football League give back, but full on NFL teams participate within the community as well, and contrary to popular belief, not because they’re forced to.

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers put on “Bucs Cut for a Cure” where players such as the No.1 draft pick Jameis Winston sat in a chair and let children with cancer shave their heads in an effort to fight pediatric cancer.

Photo: WFLA

The Carolina Panthers put on a “Moms’ Safety” clinic designed to help women who have children who play football. They teach them the safety of proper gear, hydration and how to make it a family and team effort to make sure that safety is a priority on the field.

The Houston Texans hosted the world’s largest kids triathlon that was present by Texas Children’s Hospital in an effort to educate children about staying active and healthy.The Kansas City Chiefs host local special needs children in Play 60 Linebackers Adaptive Training Camp.

The Kansas City Chiefs hosted a Play 60 celebration for local elementary school students which honored children for their commitment to exercise, sports and a healthy lifestyle.The Indianapolis Colts teamed up with country music star Garth Brooks in celebrating the opening of the Child Life Zone at Riley Hospital for Children.

Photo: NY Daily News

Country music and charity? Game on.

These are just a few small examples of how much the NFL does in fact, give back to their surrounding communities. So maybe it’s time we take a page out of their book and do a little help ourselves?!

Not going to lie, I’d love to watch a little guy shave off Tom Brady’s luscious locks just to see the look on his face once they were gone. What? That was only for Tampa Bay? Whatever, a girl can dream can’t she.

carly 3Carly Kiss

Why NFL Preseason 100% Does Matter

131526-650-366NFL Preseason.
I’m not going to lie, I do go back and forth on whether or not it really matters. I mean, the Seahawks lost to the Broncos two weeks ago and then to the CHIEFS. BY A POINT… Yeah, that hurt. And when games like that happens it makes me want to be like oh whatever, it’s just preseason. BUT at the end of the day, let me put it this way: Preseason absolutely does matter, 110%. Here’s why.
It not only gives coaching staff the opportunity to look at how their second and third string players play in a real life game situation as opposed to practice walk-throughs, but it in turn gives second and third string players a chance to prove what they’ve got.
Obviously each player is on the team for a reason. Each player works their butt off to get where they are. But nothing is ever handed to you, as it shouldn’t be. And preseason is the perfect time to give it all you got.
Off the field, key players also play an important role.
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Photo: Richard Sherman Instagram

Take Richard Sherman for example, during the Hawks game against the Broncos.

Did you see him sitting around on the side lines cracking jokes? No sir! He was out getting into it (in a playful, supportive manner, of course) with his teammates. He was pumping them up and talking to them, just as he would if he was in the game.
Just because he was not able to be on that field and playing, he was still making an impact. And that’s exactly what coaches are looking for. No coach wants a kick a$$ player who’s lazy AF!
And let’s not forget about another main reason preseason is CRUCIAL. For those of you who watched the Packers vs. Steelers game Sunday or made the horrific mistake of drafting Jordy Nelson to your fantasy team this season, then you already know.
Uhm, HELLO! Jordy Nelson tore his ACL in the game against the Steelers Sunday and will now most likely be out the entire season for the Packers. That’s not chill and I don’t even like the Packers. An injury like that has the capability to make or break your team’s season. Like that really SUCKS.
So yes, at the end of the day, preseason is preseason. You win some, you lose some. The outcome of the game doesn’t necessarily matter. But from kick off to the final whistle, that’s where all the important stuff goes down. The score may be just a score, but what happens during the game can determine the rest of the season.
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Urlacher “The Linebreaker”

Okay, I just have to get this out. Being a Packer fan, there are few things I like about the Chicago Bears. One of those things is former linebacker, 8 time Pro Bowl-er BRIAN F***NG URLACHER.

You simply cannot bring up his name and say a negative thing about his 13 year career.

The 37 year-old is simply slaying his retirement. Literally slaying.

The former linebacker got into fishing with some buddies and now currently co-owns a fishing charter boat called the “Linebreaker”.

According to ESPN, the boat got its name when Urlacher couldn’t stop breaking lines off the boat when reeling in fish when a buddy of Brian’s said, “You’re not a linebacker! You’re a linebreaker!”

If you don’t believe me about this guy being a semi-pro fisherman, just check out the photo’s he post on his twitter of his adventures. You won’t be disappointed. (@BUrlacher54).


Well Urlacher, from the bottom of my heart, my hat is off to you. You taught me that defense wins games, and that’s a lesson a girl can never forget!


‪Your dearest Packer Fan

– Carly

carly 3Carly Kiss

Exclusive! MCM: Will Blackmon


Ugh, we just love Mondays over here at TCD. I mean how could we complain when we get to man crush each week on some of the hottest stars in the game!

Meet Will Blackmon.

Sound familiar? Yeah, we thought you might say that, only because not only does this guy ball out in the NFL, he’s probably played for your team. And now that we’ve got the boys attention…

Blackmon played CB at Boston College where he then moved on to play in the pros and was drafted in the fourth round by the Green Bay Packers in 2006. With the Packers he scored his first two NFL TDs in the same game on punt returns, one being a recovered fumble- BADASS. In 2008, Blackmon became only the fourth player in team history to return multiple punts for TDs in the same season. Furthermore, he is tied with Desmond Howard for the franchise record for Green Bay Packers with three career punt returns for TDs. But wait there’s more…

After the Packers, Blackmon played for the New York Giants where in 2011, oh yes, he ended the season as a Super Bowl XLVI Champion. But wait, there’s more!

After the Giants, Blackmon played on the Arizona Rattlers (Arena Football), the Seattle Seahawks and the Jacksonville Jaguars. While on the Jags during a game against the Tennessee Titans, he even caused (and recovered!) a Ryan Fitzpatrick fumble, returning it 21 yards for a touchdown, helping the Jags get their first Dubyah of the season.

And guess what Seahawks fans? As of this year, he’s back in Seattle.

As usual, we got in touch with this week’s lovely MCM, Will Blackmon to get all the inside know on the easiest little details of his life including what show he’s a TRUE FAN of! (You won’t ever guess it!)

And hate to break it to you ladies, this lucky fella is already taken by his wife Shauna! But hey, there’s no harm in dreaming! 😉

See what this week’s tall, dark and handsome man had to say to TCD!



Thanks for giving TCD all the deets Beamin & telling us whiskey kids what to order at the bar this week (Angel’s Envy for sure)!

Until Next Time,


The Best Team Picks of the 2015 NFL Draft


Remember how in Mean Girls when Lindsay Lohan can’t stop talking about the girls and she refers to it as “word vomit.”

Welcome to my life when it comes to football. It’s even worse in the off-season. Like, is it football season yet? Because I could really use some Sunday sessions with beer pitchers and wings, watching a good old game of pigskin. Because now, I’m watching golf on Sunday’s and then some oh, I don’t know, college rugby?

Enough ranting. Let’s talk football. Particularly, let’s talk about the NFL Draft and who really stacked up and is on their way to a good start to the season.


Now you know the Jets were going to make this list. Honestly, the poor team had to. If they didn’t get a good draft this year than YIKES. They can’t afford another season like their past one. However, after the draft picks they snagged this year, they’re bound to move their way up the rankings.

First round: Leonard Williams, USC Defensive End
Leonard Williams was the best player in the 2015 NFL draft, and the Jets got him as the 6th pick?! Lucky dogs. Leonard Williams is a force to be reckoned with on the field. He was like the college version of JJ Watt, in other words, no one wants to line up in front of this kid unless they like pancakes. Williams ended the 2014 season with 80 total tackles, 9.5 tackles for loss, seven sacks, one interception and three forced fumbles. Bottom line? He’s a boss.

Second Round: Devin Smith, Ohio State WR
Talk about opening up some serious play option for Geno Smith. With super quick feet and explosiveness off the line, Smith gives the Jets the opportunity to do something they have struggled with the past couple seasons, SCORE. Smith does a good job of tracking the ball deep and has the opportunity to be a big playmaker, as long as he can keep a hold on the ball. 

Third Round: Lorenzo Mauldin, Louisville OLB
When I hear Lorenzo Mauldin’s name two words come to mind: persistence & character. Let’s start with persistence. Mauldin started all 13 games in 2013 despite the fact he was struck by a vehicle on his mo-ped heading to practice in August. Mauldin never gives up on the play and has a knack for getting his hands into passing lanes. Beyond talent this guy has CHARACTER. After living in 16 different foster homes growing up, Mauldin developed a mindset that nothing would stop him from reaching his dream. Like the Jets or not, this is a player TCD will be rooting for big time this season!

Fourth Round: Bryce Petty, Baylor Quarterback
Yes, Jets head coach Chan Gailey has announced Geno Smith is without a doubt the Jets starting QB for the 2015 season. But hey, it doesn’t hurt to have this guy waiting in the lineup behind him. Petty led Baylor to back-to-back Big 12 championships and went 21-4 as a two year starter. He was also a NFL Combine top performer in four categories.
Vertical Jump: 34 in
Broad Jump: 121 in
3 Cone Drill: 6.91 sec
20 yd Shuttle: 4.13 sec


Obviously, the Dallas Cowboys need to be mentioned. The Cowboys need more man-power on defense and boy did they stack up. Five defensive players to be exact. But after their first round pick they got lucky. Real lucky. Like we’re talking three first round picks, but only had to use one actual first round pick.

First Round: Byron Jones, Connecticut CB
Now don’t be fooled by “Connecticut” being by this kid’s name. The Cowboys had the 27th pick of the first round and they sure got what they bargained for. You might remember Byron Jones from the NFL Combine, because he was the top performer in five of the categories. Yes, FIVE.
Vertical Jump: 44.5 in
Broad Jump: 147 in
3 Cone Drill: 6.78 sec
20 yd Shuttle: 3.94 sec
60 yd Shuttle: 10.98 sec

Second Round: Randy Gregory, Nebraska OLB
Gregory was still left in the draft and the Cowboys made sure to pick him up like a good habit, even though Gregory’s character may not include the best habits. But who other than Jerry Jones is willing to take a risk like that. Do I need to go through a list of players with attitude problems that worked just fine in the Cowboys line up? That’s another story. Overall, Gregory is highly skilled with pass rushing and should be able to add to the Cowboy’s defense. Oh, did I mention after two seasons he ranks ninth on the school’s all-time sack list with 17.5 sacks. In two seasons? OK. We see you Gregory.

Third Round: Chaz Green, Florida OT
Green is a good choice for the Cowboys because he has the potential for position versatility. He can blitz, block and he has a keen sense of football intelligence, which is not to be overlooked, as some of these players can quite literally be described like Turley from The Longest Yard aka “just hit that guy” mentality. Not to say that doesn’t work though. Look at Margus Hunt. That’s another story. Bottom line? Green could fit anywhere on the Cowboys O-line.

Fourth Round: Damien Wilson, Minnesota LB
With Sean Lee’s original health concerns, this is a hole the Cowboys thought to fill just in case. One of Wilson’s strengths that will help bring consistency to the Cowboys defense is Wilson’s ability to block at angles. In order to make the starting line up for the Cowboys he will have some things to improve upon, but overall, good snag for the Cowboys.


Of all the teams picks this year, the Giants did well to fill places they need fixed immediately. Like, possibly fixed as of opening day.

First Round: Ereck Flowers, Miami OT
Let’s get PHYSICAL! PHYSICAL! If anyone is asking for more physicality on the offensive side of things for the Giants, you would think it’s Eli Manning. Manning took 28 sacks last season for 187 yards. Ouch. This is where Flowers comes in. At 6’6, 330lbs, Flowers tips the scales with sheer force and power behind him. I mean, the kid was a top performer at the NFL Combine with 37 reps on bench press. WOW.

Second Round: Landon Collins, Alabama S
If there is a team that needed to fill the safety position for the sake of their season, it is the Giants. Hence forth, Landon Collins. Honestly, the Giants are so desperate to fill this position, there’s a reason they traded up to snag this guy. Don’t be surprised if Mr. Collins gets some starting time in the next year, or you know, starts on opening day.

Third Round: Owamagbe Odighizuwa, UCLA DE
Yet again, here is another player that could see some starting time as a rookie for the Giants. Odighizuwa has no problem converting speed to power as a run defender and is as persistent as they come when it comes to pass rush.


SAN-DEE-AYE-GO (clap) SUPA-CHAR-JAS! Let’s just say the Chargers need just that. A super charge. And what better way to do that than add some super speed to the lineup.

First Round: Melvin Gordon, Wisconsin RB
A running back picked in the first round aye? If that’s not a dead giveaway on some speedy talent at this offensive position than I don’t know what is. Besides being one of the most exciting players to watch this past college season, Gordon does WORK on the field. He totaled 2,587 single-season rushing yards (the second most in FBS History.) Barry Sanders holds the number one spot with 2,628 yards in 1988, and let’s be real. Gordon would’ve passed Sanders if he wasn’t pulled after the third quarter of the Nebraska game, aka the massacre of a game where Wisconsin won 59-24 and Gordon broke the FBS single-game rushing record (at the time) with 408 yards. He also won the Doak Walker award, was Heisman runner up to Marcus Mariota and was a combine top performer in four categories.
40 yd Dash: 4.52 secs
Broad Jump: 126 in
20 yd Shuttle: 4.07 secs
60 yd Shuttle: 11.00 secs
No wonder the Bolts traded up to snag Gordon while he was still available.

Second Round: Kyle Emanuel, North Dakota State OLB
Now here’s the defensive super charge the Chargers needed. Emanuel totaled 19.5 sacks his senior year and against top 25 opponents, he tallied 16.5 tackles for loss and 10 sacks… in just eight games. Granted, Emanuel’s numbers may be considered a bit “inflated” as he is a small school prospect. Bottom Line? Emanuel is a big physical hitter, and should be a good match up with Denzel Perryman at linebacker for the Chargers.


Here is another team that really needed some fresh talent and a good draft. With the third overall pick in the draft, it would be pretty hard not to get a good update.

First Round: Dante Fowler Jr., Florida OLB
Third pick overall in the draft, and Fowler is obviously a catch. Just check his numbers. Fowler led the Gators with 15 tackles for loss, 17 quarterback hurries and 8.5 sacks. In 2014, Fowler also tallied at LEAST one tackle for loss in every game except one. Impressive.

Second Round: TJ Yeldon, Alabama RB
Straight from the belly of the beast, the crimson tide beast that is, Yeldon is to be credited with a good amount of Alabama’s success the past couple seasons. My favorite stat showing Yeldon’s athleticism that is sure to impress, is that Yeldon is the first true Alabama freshman to rush for 1,000 yards. But wait there’s more to it. Yeldon did all that while (wait for it) backing up Eddie Lacy, Green Bay Packers superstar RB.  Not too shabby. The only concern here is that the Jaguars may be relying too heavily on Yeldon. But I mean, who else do they really have to rely on? Sorry I’m not sorry. #truth

Other Notable Picks:

Houston Texans
Third Round: Jaelen Strong, ASU WR
Atlanta Falcons
Third Round: Tevin Coleman, Indiana RB
Chicago Bears
Fourth Round: Jeremy Langford, Michigan State RB
Minnesota Vikings
Fourth Round: TJ Clemmings, Pittsburgh OT

Cleveland Browns
First Round: Danny Shelton, Washington DT
San Francisco 49ers
First Round: Arik Armstead, Oregon DT
Chicago Bears
Second Round: Eddie Goldman, FSU DT
Minnesota Vikings
Second Round: Eric Kendricks, UCLA ILB

Phewph! Glad I got that out of my system. Only 93 more days until the NFL season starts… Great.


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Other References:
Best and Most Worrisome Picks of the 2015 NFL Draft
NFL Draft Grades: Bears, Texans, Falcons Earn High Marks

Men You Would Consider Dating with Hair Longer than Yours

Admit it ladies, there is nothing sexier than a guy with good hair. So how come when it comes to dating a guy with longer hair than ours, it comes as almost a taboo like dating men shorter than us?

Long hair and the man bun is quite the trend right now, so let’s go through men that we would consider dating that have longer hair than our own.

Jared Leto:


Nothing is more sexy than a rockstar swinging his long hair, which brings me to Jared Leto. He’s the lead vocalist of 30 Seconds to Mars and is making his way up in the acting world!

Charlie Hunnam:


Badass with a motorcycle on Sons of Anarchy. Man, you know we like our bad boys over here at TCD! Count us in. I’d run my fingers through those blonde locks any day.

Clay Matthews:


Apart from looking like the hulk, this sexy athlete blows our minds when he takes his helmet off. And can we talk about when he whips those luscious locks around afterwards and the sweat comes flying off. Ugh, swoon.

Brad Pitt:


I mean, Brad Pitt is on everyone’s bucket list to date. Brad Pitt with long hair not only makes him look sexy, but brings us back to that baby faced hunk we all loved in Fight Club.

Chris Hemsworth:


Whether up in a “man-bun” or hanging freely by his beautiful face, Chris Hemsworth looks stunning with long hair. No wonder Snow White woke up to this long-haired beauty’s magical kiss. Hell, I would have too.

Johnny Depp:


Last but not least, Jonny Depp and his luscious long locks. I mean, can you imagine a pirate with short hair!? He definitely can pull off any length of hair and can still look sexy.

Bonus! OC Local Favorite!
Brock O’Hurn:
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Brock O’Hurn is one of the sexiest things to hit instagram. Well, at least on my instagram feed! From a rockin’ bod and some serious height this is one guys hair you’d like to pull on. Did I mention he’s local So Cal girls! Hopefully I get to him first though!


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Our Trip to Lambeau


What type of Southern Californians go to the Midwest in December?
Diehard Packer fans, that’s who.

A Monday night game, mediocre weather forecast (thanking the man above) and the best team in the National Football League? Sign me up. Our trip to Titletown, USA was filled with booze (lots of it), bratwursts and the coolest fans the NFL has to offer.

One of the two, Hailey, had made this journey once before, however her trip ended in misery as it was the dreaded 2008 playoff game against the Giants. YIKES. Regardless, can we pause on how SWEET IT IS to be best friends with the same favorite NFL team. Sure does make life a little easier.

Bars & Days Leading up to the Game

Our group of four consisted of the two of us and our two guy friends Blake and Brett. It’s always nice to have some men around when you plan on drinking your liver sideways in an unfamiliar town, always remember that.

We had three nights in Green Bay so we did what college taught us to do… Bar hop. A little bit of pregame, then we headed out to Kroll’s West, a total hit among the locals. Oh, and it’s located right across the street from Lambeau.

We got some kickass apps and some drinks and decided to call a cab to head to the next bar. The bartender serving us overhead Blake trying to find a cab and offered to drive us to the bar. Uhm, yes?! Looking back on it, maybe it wasn’t the smartest decision, but regardless, Lisa the bartender from Kroll’s got us to Stadium View safe and sound. They do say the locals of Green Bay are the best people you’ll ever meet and we can now attest to that.

Stadium View was your typical busy bar, fun and got us inebriated. Thanks Fireball. Needless to say, time got away from us that night and we headed back to the hotel. But this time, we got Uber. Oh how we love you Uber.IMG_2443

We woke up the next day on a mission: to be tourists. We went to the Pro Shop at Lambeau and kicked our hangover with what other than burgers, cheese curds and Bloody Mary’s at a true classic, Curly’s Pub. Curly’s, named after the late and great Earl Louis “Curly” Lambeau the first coach of the professional Packers team.

After drinking our hangovers away, we made a move to downtown Green Bay and after wandering, we landed at Anduzzi’s. Highly rated and highly recommended. So much so that we actually spent the pregame before the pregame before the game at that bar the next day (yeah, we go hard like that.)

Game Day

Waking up for game day was rough on all of us. I mean, Anduzzi’s will get you. So naturally, we started out there on Monday. Hair of the dog mentality, you know?

They put on a pregame tailgate party where you drink at your car in the parking lot and then party there all day under a tent, because yes, it started snowing. We participated in the tented outdoor live band and dance party. Let’s just say that we think the boys might have enjoyed the dance party more than us! And yes, we got video to prove it.

Thanks Brett for this!

After that, we decided to venture on to a locals’ tailgate that we got invited to thanks to Brett’s Uncle who happens to be a Green Bay expert! En route to this tailgate we almost gave up, as we were lost wandering the streets of Green Bay, in 20 degree snowy weather, without a proper liquor coat. Than like an oasis in a desert, there it was.


Once we saw it, I think all of our faces looked like any kid’s on Christmas morning. If you get one thing from this article, that tailgate before the game was one of the coolest tailgates we have ever seen. And trust us, we’ve been to our fair share of tailgates.

A huge warehouse building with a full tip-only bar inside that had WARM bathrooms. If you’ve ever been to the North in the winter, you know the importance of this. The tip was simply a courtesy contribution to keep this tailgate alive and running time & time again. There was a fire pit with a grill making some of the best bratwursts you’ve ever tried. They even had a school bus that they re-vamped as a Green Bay bus for this tailgate party. The bus was revamped with a bar inside, the ultimate sound system, & colored strobe lighting, movie theater-like seats and a big screen just in case you needed to stay out of the cold to watch. We were shot-gunning beers and making as many local friends as we could.

To be honest, the locals probably got a bigger hit out of us than we did of them. They thought we were hysterical with how we “oo’ed and awe’d” to their lifestyle. Can’t forget to mention that that this warehouse was WALKING DISTANCE from the stadium. Clearly, these people really know what they’re doing.

It was hands down the best part of the trip, other than watching the Packers beat the Falcons. Duh.

Next, we headed to the game. And boy were we amped after that pregame.

Although we were freezing, we had done some pre-planning preparation and packed some vodka in IMG_2445flasks that we smuggled in our seven layers of clothing. Pat-down checks upon entering the snowy stadium while wearing seven layers of clothing were a breeze. We ended up putting it in some hot chocolate and (shockingly) it was magical. And let’s talk about the brats. I thought the bratwursts at the tailgate were good, but the ones at Lambeau were the greatest ever.

The game was incredible and our offense was as usual, on fire. There is nothing like seeing Jordy Nelson catch a ball from Aaron Rodgers and run it into the endzone for an 80-some yard touchdown.

All in all, the trip to Green Bay was not only something to check off the bucket list, but doing it in the beginning of December for a Monday night game, was the best decision we have ever made. The four of us made a promise to return once every year just to bask in the glory of it all. Let’s just say anybody can turn into a cheesehead, but when you go to Lambeau for a Packers game, it’s hard to leave Wsiconsin without gaining a heart full of gold… gold cheese that is.


Carly & Hailey

carly 3Carly KisszBsDF4Y5mjt2LdMIbZJeGFjnEncvwsnyPbY6D1zWwJgHailey Kiss