Mayweather is in Another Fight for his WBO Belt

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Photo: Floyd Mayweather Instagram

Floyd Mayweather has a whole lot of sass built into that 5’8 body champion frame of his!

After he won the most anticipated fight in history against Manny Pacquiao, he let his larger-than-life ego get in the way of holding on to that glorified WBO welterweight title and had it stripped from him.

So yes, now Mayweather is in another fight for his WBO belt, well, a legal fight that is.

As the rules go, he was supposed to forfeit his two junior middleweight titles as owning titles in different weight classes are against WBO regulations and he failed to pay a $200,000 sanctioning fee.

But, he’s Floyd F*CKING Mayweather, so WHY would he do that?!

But don’t fret world, he had his legal team on standby and they are strapped in and ready for the ride to get his title back!

FYI: That fight that had everyone yawning and wanting a refund from their cable company brought him in a nice chunk of change– $220 million to be exact– maybe I should look into boxing?

– Adrienne

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