Drake & Serena Williams… A Perfect MATCH

Photo: Hollywood Life

Drake and Serena Williams, DATING?!

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time we heard it. This has been discussed years ago (when Drake tweeted some raunchy ish at her)…

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And then, more recently, when he was seen cheering Serena on at Wimbledon in July. But let’s just say that it has been confirmed that they are more than friends again.

The two were recently spotted making out while in a restaurant in Cincinnati. Not sure what the couple ordered to eat, but it was definitely hot and steamy over at their table! One thing we do know they ordered was tequila shots! Aye, aye!

I couldn’t think of a better way to feel more comfortable getting all kissy feely with a man at a high end restaurant, with six other people, might I add. TOTALLY gives justification. A woman and her tequila– ya, there’s a lot of things that can happen. AND, we all know that Drake could have totally been whispering in her ear some of his loveable rap lyrics…

“If you let me, here’s what I’ll do,
I’ll take care of you…”

Mhmm… We don’t doubt that you would Drakey boy.

Drake and Serena are both very private people, and they say that they are both each other’s types.

Serena’s ex, Common even weighed in on the subject…


Although these are both words familiar to Serena on the court, it looks like she might be having a whole lot of love in this match off the court. 😉


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Russell Wilson… A Freak on the Field, but Not in the Sheets


I Just Had Se-… Oh Wait…

Cue The Lonely Island’s “I Just Had Sex”… Or don’t…

Seattle Seahawks quarterback, Russell Wilson, a man of God, is not engaging in physical actions with now-girlfriend Ciara (still bitter, WHAT ABOUT ME, RUSSELL?!).


Anyone who knows anything about Russell Wilson knows how strong his faith is. So this news should not come as a shocker to anyone.

Ciara, just know that when Russell invites you over to “watch Netflix and chill,” that’s literally all he wants to do. So you stay at that other end of the couch.

So, I mean, enjoy the celibacy you two! I’ll be waiting Russ!

– Alexa

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