Drink of the Week! Serrano Chile Margarita


It’s thirsty Thursday, so you know what that means… Time to quench your thirst with a little bit of alcohol!

With summertime in full swing, let’s turn up the heat.

TBT to how Nelly put it back in 2002, “It’s getting hot in here (so hot), so take off all your clothes.” This drink ain’t too far off from that definition. To be honest, this spicy serrano chile margarita can make you do just that.


I keep it simple & to the point- aka shot glasses are my measurement.

– 1 or 2 shot(s) of Peligroso Silver or Peligroso Anejo Tequila
(Do 2, don’t be a b*tch)
– 2 shots of fresh squeezed lime juice
– 2 shots of simple syrup (So yeah, none of us own simple syrup so here’s how to make it: Bring equal parts of water & sugar/Splenda {if you’z a skinny betch} to a boil. For example, 1 cup water & 1 cup sugar/Splenda)
– 2-5 Serrano peppers (Cut these and use to garnish your drink, or use jalapenos/baby red peppers if you’re a p*ssy and can’t take the extra heat)
– Sea salt for the rim (if you’re feeling feisty add some chili powder to the rim as well)

Look at you go hottie (LITERALLY).



FYI, this drink is best made if you let the cut up serrano’s marinate in the tequila for a day or two before using. Then you have spicy tequila good to go! But if you’re in a hurry and want it quick, use these ingredients, cut up some peppers and toss a few into your glass!

SPIT FIRE MY FRIENDS… Or keep that to yourself until you get home.


– Hailey

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Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off


Every girl has had a tequila infused night in college where she was referred to the next day as “THAT girl dancing on the bar.”


And to that I say, you go chick! Hell, you’ve had country songs written about you! In my book, I’d say that’s killin’ it.

Everyone is allowed to let loose every once in a while, especially when you’re in college and have an excuse like you just aced that impossible chem test (or in my case, when you just think you f*&^ing kill it and deserve it!) And what better way to do that than with TEQUILA?!


There is really no better feeling than that sizzle when tequila hits your lips. As for those of you who prefer vodka, I seriously question what’s wrong with your taste buds, it tastes like nail polish remover.

On top of tequila being the tastiest of them all, it is also the HEALTHIEST (as if that’s a concern when on a bender). But seriously, it has been proven to lower cholesterol (dissolve fats), optimize cardiac functions and aid in digestions. Doesn’t sound bad to me!


So, if you’re looking for a go-to drink, you don’t want to look like a lush, and you’ve graduated from vodka sodas at the local bar, grab yourself a skinny marg and be MVP of the night! Or you know, just skip the marge and head to the shots! If you’re going out big you might as well skip the fluff and get to the good stuff. Tequila, lime and salt baby!

[Note: To be the crowd pleaser at a pre-party, blend together this beautiful elixir– Herradura Reposado, Lime Juice, Triple Sec, Soda Water, Jalapenos and Cucumbers]

That said, happy Tequila Tuesday betches! Make us proud 😉


– Adrienne

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