Diddy Do it Or Didn’t He? Sean Combs Arrested for Assaulting a UCLA Coach

DiddyDiddy (aka Sean Combs), father of Justin Combs, was arrested today on UCLA’s campus at the Acosta Athletic Training Complex on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon (a felony charge 😳). The weapon being… a kettle bell?

Wait, what?

So what the hell happened?

Apparently Diddy got into it with the UCLA Strength and Conditioning coach, Sal Alosi because he was riding his son too hard in practice. Diddy had come to confront the coach, when things got pretty fuzzy, as this is where the story starts to change as to what happened.

According to TMZ, Diddy sources say Diddy held the kettle bell up as defense against Alosi, while UCLA sources say Diddy was impatient and swung the kettle bell at the coach, just missing him.

And get this- both this feisty sports dad and aggressive coach have a bit of a reputation that comes along with. Alosi can be remembered as the NY Jets coach who was suspended by the NFL in 201o for tripping a Miami Dolphins player who was covering a punt. And Diddy? Well, he’s just known as a “helicopter dad” for hovering practices.

Fortunately no one was seriously injured during the confrontation. However, I do wonder if Diddy was caught saying “Can’t Nobody Hold Me Down” when he was arrested. (Too soon?)

Photo: Twitter

“I’m thankful that our staff showed the level of professionalism that they did in handling this situation.” UCLA head coach Jim Mora said. “This is an unfortunate incident for all parties involved. While UCPD continues to review this matter, we will let the legal process run its course and refrain from further comment at this time.”

Combs is to be transported to the LA Sheriff’s Department Inmate Reception Center tonight, which doesn’t sound like a Victory in my book. It’s not always the players that ruin sports, it can be the parents too… Or the coaches. But remember, there are always two sides to every story!

Gosh, we just love a good scandal, especially when it involves heavy weights. 😉

So who do you believe?! Tweet to TCD what you think and who should actually be trusted!

So, go, go, GO! FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT!

Too soon again? Whoops.

– Alexa

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