Men You Would Consider Dating with Hair Longer than Yours

Admit it ladies, there is nothing sexier than a guy with good hair. So how come when it comes to dating a guy with longer hair than ours, it comes as almost a taboo like dating men shorter than us?

Long hair and the man bun is quite the trend right now, so let’s go through men that we would consider dating that have longer hair than our own.

Jared Leto:


Nothing is more sexy than a rockstar swinging his long hair, which brings me to Jared Leto. He’s the lead vocalist of 30 Seconds to Mars and is making his way up in the acting world!

Charlie Hunnam:


Badass with a motorcycle on Sons of Anarchy. Man, you know we like our bad boys over here at TCD! Count us in. I’d run my fingers through those blonde locks any day.

Clay Matthews:


Apart from looking like the hulk, this sexy athlete blows our minds when he takes his helmet off. And can we talk about when he whips those luscious locks around afterwards and the sweat comes flying off. Ugh, swoon.

Brad Pitt:


I mean, Brad Pitt is on everyone’s bucket list to date. Brad Pitt with long hair not only makes him look sexy, but brings us back to that baby faced hunk we all loved in Fight Club.

Chris Hemsworth:


Whether up in a “man-bun” or hanging freely by his beautiful face, Chris Hemsworth looks stunning with long hair. No wonder Snow White woke up to this long-haired beauty’s magical kiss. Hell, I would have too.

Johnny Depp:


Last but not least, Jonny Depp and his luscious long locks. I mean, can you imagine a pirate with short hair!? He definitely can pull off any length of hair and can still look sexy.

Bonus! OC Local Favorite!
Brock O’Hurn:
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Brock O’Hurn is one of the sexiest things to hit instagram. Well, at least on my instagram feed! From a rockin’ bod and some serious height this is one guys hair you’d like to pull on. Did I mention he’s local So Cal girls! Hopefully I get to him first though!


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