Drake & Serena Williams… A Perfect MATCH

Photo: Hollywood Life

Drake and Serena Williams, DATING?!

Well, it wouldn’t be the first time we heard it. This has been discussed years ago (when Drake tweeted some raunchy ish at her)…

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And then, more recently, when he was seen cheering Serena on at Wimbledon in July. But let’s just say that it has been confirmed that they are more than friends again.

The two were recently spotted making out while in a restaurant in Cincinnati. Not sure what the couple ordered to eat, but it was definitely hot and steamy over at their table! One thing we do know they ordered was tequila shots! Aye, aye!

I couldn’t think of a better way to feel more comfortable getting all kissy feely with a man at a high end restaurant, with six other people, might I add. TOTALLY gives justification. A woman and her tequila– ya, there’s a lot of things that can happen. AND, we all know that Drake could have totally been whispering in her ear some of his loveable rap lyrics…

“If you let me, here’s what I’ll do,
I’ll take care of you…”

Mhmm… We don’t doubt that you would Drakey boy.

Drake and Serena are both very private people, and they say that they are both each other’s types.

Serena’s ex, Common even weighed in on the subject…


Although these are both words familiar to Serena on the court, it looks like she might be having a whole lot of love in this match off the court. 😉


hailey headshotHailey Kiss

Drink of the Week! Blue Hawaiian


It’s Friday. And I don’t like it, I love it.

Yeah, summer is basically over but hey, who said we have to act like it?!

Therefore, this week’s Drink of the Week is a Blue Hawaiian- specifically from Luau Larry’s on Catalina Island (and how appropriate that we have two of our TCD girls there this weekend!)

For those of you not in reach of hitting up Luau Larry’s, here’s the ingredients and some instructions on how you’re going to make your own!

1 oz Light Rum
1 oz Blue Curaco
1 oz Sweet and Sour
1 oz Triple Sec
2 oz Pineapple Juice
1 Pineapple Wedge
1 Cherry

1. Find a festive cup, because we know every drink tastes better in a festive cup.
2. Pour in the pineapple juice first.
3. Add the rum, sweet and sour and triple sec.
4. Add the blue curaco last to make it look like the pic and totally instagramable.
5. Add the pineapple wedge to the rim.
6. Plop that cherry in.

That’s it! You have accomplished a Blue Hawaiian. Now all you need is your hula skirt and lei! 😉

Until Next Time,


Why NFL Preseason 100% Does Matter

131526-650-366NFL Preseason.
I’m not going to lie, I do go back and forth on whether or not it really matters. I mean, the Seahawks lost to the Broncos two weeks ago and then to the CHIEFS. BY A POINT… Yeah, that hurt. And when games like that happens it makes me want to be like oh whatever, it’s just preseason. BUT at the end of the day, let me put it this way: Preseason absolutely does matter, 110%. Here’s why.
It not only gives coaching staff the opportunity to look at how their second and third string players play in a real life game situation as opposed to practice walk-throughs, but it in turn gives second and third string players a chance to prove what they’ve got.
Obviously each player is on the team for a reason. Each player works their butt off to get where they are. But nothing is ever handed to you, as it shouldn’t be. And preseason is the perfect time to give it all you got.
Off the field, key players also play an important role.
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Photo: Richard Sherman Instagram

Take Richard Sherman for example, during the Hawks game against the Broncos.

Did you see him sitting around on the side lines cracking jokes? No sir! He was out getting into it (in a playful, supportive manner, of course) with his teammates. He was pumping them up and talking to them, just as he would if he was in the game.
Just because he was not able to be on that field and playing, he was still making an impact. And that’s exactly what coaches are looking for. No coach wants a kick a$$ player who’s lazy AF!
And let’s not forget about another main reason preseason is CRUCIAL. For those of you who watched the Packers vs. Steelers game Sunday or made the horrific mistake of drafting Jordy Nelson to your fantasy team this season, then you already know.
Uhm, HELLO! Jordy Nelson tore his ACL in the game against the Steelers Sunday and will now most likely be out the entire season for the Packers. That’s not chill and I don’t even like the Packers. An injury like that has the capability to make or break your team’s season. Like that really SUCKS.
So yes, at the end of the day, preseason is preseason. You win some, you lose some. The outcome of the game doesn’t necessarily matter. But from kick off to the final whistle, that’s where all the important stuff goes down. The score may be just a score, but what happens during the game can determine the rest of the season.
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Drink of the Week! Thyme Greyhound

Photo: Anthro Blog

Aye, aye! It’s Thirsty Thursday & how convenient it’s FIVE o’clock here! This Thursday we were feeling ultra festive for our drink of the week so prepare yourselves because this one is not for the faint of heart! Thanks to Anthro Blog we got this new recipe and drink to try!

Say hello to the THYME GREYHOUND!


For the thyme simple syrup (yes, you have to make it yourself, calm your titties):
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
4-5 thyme sprigs

For the cocktail:
½ part thyme simple syrup
1 part vodka
2 parts grapefruit juice
Sprigs of fresh thyme, for garnish
Cherry, for garnish

Now before you panic that you have to make your own simple syrup, there’s a reason it’s called SIMPLE.

So here’s what you have to do… Start by making the syrup by combining sugar, water and thyme sprigs in a small saucepan. Let these suckers simmer for a bit on say, medium-low heat. Don’t forget to keep stirring until all the suga’ suga’ is dissolved. Once it’s done, let it chill for a sec and take out the thyme sprigs. FINALLY in a glass filled with ice, stir all that sh*t together and make your drink. Then obviously, garnish that bad boy with a sprig of fresh thyme and a cherry.

Voilà! You’re done! Now drink.


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Exclusive! WCW: Sam Clark

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Drum roll PLEASE… We here at TCD would like to introduce you to our FIRST ever WCW…

Meet Sam Clark!

Besides being a total babe, Sam puts the cherry on top for fitting the role of America’s Sweetheart every day she puts on that Dallas Cowboys uniform. Oh yeah. She’s a DALLAS COWBOYS CHEERLEADER. Aka what every girl DREAMS of doing! Oh and if that wasn’t enough she also managed to snag the cover girl spot of the Dallas Cowboys Swimsuit Edition! Killing it.

Plus the girl’s got brains- Sam graduates from SMU in December and is a sorority gal! (She’s a Theta! Shout out Theta ladies!) Sam calls California home but loves being in the great state of Texas.

But enough of us telling you about her! Check out what Sam had to tell TCD about her lifestyle and the fun fact she told us that some people wouldn’t know about her- it’s a good one!

So without further a due… Meet TCD’s first ever WCW…


001And just because we can here’s some more pictures of Sam for your enjoyment. You’re welcome…

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Thanks for chatting with TCD Sam, you’re a doll! We’ll be keeping our eye out for your cute face next to the boy’s big ole star this season! Pony Up girlfriend! 😉

Until Next Time,


Speak Easy, Will Ya?


Let’s go to the bar.

But nowadays it’s not like you can just go to any bar. You need to go to the bar that’s the hot new thing. You know- super exclusive, trendy as hell. Some may even be a secret…


Oh yes, I’m talking about speakeasies.

Like the Gatsby era, there are some secret “speakeasy”-like bars that are still in our midst for us to rage in. LET’S GO. Wait, I just realized, it’s a secret. WELL, let’s just see if you guys can actually get in.

What? Get into a speakeasy? What, like it’s hard?


My friends and I went to one in Los Angeles, more specifically Culver City, called the Blind Barber. 

The name carries significant meaning. For starters, the entrance is a full on barber shop. And, this entrance isn’t just for show. It literally runs as a barber shop by day, & then the entrance to a secret bar by night. When you imagine what a barber shop looks like, that’s what this was. Think: black and white floors, the classic red, white, & blue barber pole, scissors, razors, two rows of barber chairs. The whole shebang.


Before even entering the barber shop, we had to state the entrance password to a man. The man acts really nonchalant & doesn’t look like a super obvious body guard standing next to an entrance door. He actually just looks like a guy that happens to be walking on the curb past these shops. Perhaps, he paces down a few shops back and forth all night? I’ll never know because I wasn’t there to hang out with guard.


Once we stated the entrance password to him, he escorted us through the barbershop, a bunch of right & left turns, & then VOILA! Next thing I know we were at the top of a staircase and could hear some bumpin’ music and a sh*t-ton of people. We all looked at each other with a twinkle in our eye and shared a couple fist pumps to the music – AKA HERE WE GO, IT’S RAGE TIME BETCHES.


Not only was it a full bar, but the Blind Barber happens to be known for their gourmet grilled cheeses. Drunk girls and carbs- Yeah, they go well together. 🙋

Now, this is just my account of one of the speakeasies I have been to. Of course, there are other speakeasies out there. It’s just a matter of whether or not you can find them and then know the password… Good luck! 😉



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#andSTILL, Rowdy Ronda Rousey Holds the Belt

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Photo: Ronda Rousey Instagram

If you didn’t manage to catch UFC 190 with Ronda Rousey completely knocking Bethe Correia the f*ck out in 34 seconds, I’m here to help you. Let’s start with a recap.

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Photo: Ronda Rousey

The Brazilian Bethe Correia came into this fight with nine wins, no losses.

The reason why there was so much hype surrounding this fight was Correia’s way of letting Rousey know she wasn’t scared of her.

She sh*t talked Rousey the whole time, getting absolutely out of control at the weigh in and even added a “I hope you don’t kill yourself when I beat you” to Rousey.

For those of you who don’t know, Ronda’s father unfortunately took his own life. Once Correia said that, Rousey took this fight more personal. OBVIOUSLY.

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Staredowns…. Born Ready #UFC190 #Aug1st #andSTILL

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She wanted to “beat (Bethe Correia) in the most embarrassingly way possible, in her hometown.” Which is exactly what the queen of the cage did. Obliterate Correia in just 34 seconds in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. *Evil laugh*

All the fights leading up to the main event seemed to have had Brazilians, which is not uncommon in the UFC. But, all the Brazilians who entered the octagon that night had the crowd on their side. Until, Rowdy Ronda Rousey took the Octagon, walking out to “Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett. The whole arena erupted for Rousey.

Looks like Correia got beat before she got beat. At least in my book.

Money talks, and bullish*t walks.

– Carly

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Napoli is Going Going, Back Back to TEXAS

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Photo: Mike Napoli Instagram

First Josh Hamilton, and now Mike Napoli.

Oh yeah, Napoli is once again a Texas Ranger. The deal went down last Friday which will send Napoli back to Texas for cash or a player to be named.

This could be huge for Texas. If you can remember, Napoli was a huge contributor to the Rangers during their road to the World Series in 2011. Although they would end up losing to the St. Louis Cardinals, Napoli’s clutch hits did not go unnoticed.

But hey, props to him, because he did what they couldn’t do over at the Red Sox- Won himself a championship and a nice piece of bling in 2013. 💁💍

Nap has said he doesn’t care where he plays back in Texas, he just wants to contribute to the team and help them win. This year he is batting .205, has 13 HR and 40 RBIS.

But what he can bring back to Texas goes beyond the field. Napoli is THAT guy. A leader with playoff and World Series experience. He knows how to fire up his teammates, as well as the stadium with his badass walk up songs.

Globe Life Park in Arlington will be hearing the chants of “NAP­O­LI” once again.

Love ya Nap, you the BOMB!

– Paige

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