Ladies, It’s Time to Turn Down… For WATT- JJ is Single & Ready to Settle Down

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Photo: JJ Watt Instagram

So the world is freaking out about JJ Watt.

Right now you’re saying, “DUH Hailey.”

It’s no secret that JJ Watt is one of the hottest players in the NFL right now, if not arguably THE BEST player in the NFL. And when I say “hottest,” it comes with two equally important meanings. 🔥🏈

Catch my drift?

Turns out the most current “hot” topic on JJ Watt isn’t about his stats though. It’s about his personal life. More precisely, his difficult, yet hopeful search “to find the right one.” So, yes – you heard me – the whole world (every girl that watches the NFL) is freaking out about JJ Watt.

In his interview with, Watt commented on how his dating life has been going lately.

“People [I know] think that I’ve never dated before, or whatever. But I’m trying. I’m trying. I’m just unsuccessful. My schedule’s so crazy and life’s so busy, it just hasn’t worked.”

And now it’s my turn to chime in on the chiseled all-world Houston Texans defensive end.🏆 Did I mention chiseled?💪🏼

Well JJ, you stole the words from my mouth. Like, sorry I’m not sorry for being a career driven woman with a busy schedule! Squeezing in a full-time boyfriend just hasn’t quite fit into my whole “building an empire” schedule yet.💁🏼

And, as all of this hit the internet this week, Watt posted an Instagram to drop the mic.

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Oh yes JJ, you are fine. You are doing just fine, I meant. Just keep doin’ you.

But now that I’m thinking JJ, LIGHT BULB💡… We both lead similar lives- You’re single. I’m single.

Hey, just thought I’d throw it out there…😉


– Hailey

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Tulsa Ready to “Shock” in DFW Area

Photo: NY Times
Photo: Tulsa Shock

After starting 8-­1, the Tulsa Shock seemed unsure how the rest of their season would go after losing Skylar Diggins (ACL).

However, they were able to secure a playoff spot for the first time since moving to Oklahoma.

And the playoffs aren’t the only thing they are moving on to.

The WNBA officially approved to move the team to the Dallas/­Fort Worth area for next season, where they will play at the University of Texas at Arlington.

Shock majority owner said,

“The move makes sense because the Dallas area is the largest underserved market for women’s sports and has the nation’s fifth ­biggest media market.”

With all the news on moving, the Shock need to stay focused on the playoffs and hopefully leave the city of Tulsa with a parting gift!

Until Next Time!

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Why Johnny Manziel Should Be Cleveland’s Starting QB


Let me start out this article by saying that I am a diehard Cleveland Browns fan and I will be for life.

Just to give you an idea of this fandom I have for my team, here’s a quick story about the photo above. I went out and bought that jersey in Times Square in NYC on my first payday Friday at my first job post grad. I changed in the bathroom and wore it around work all day because it was “casual Friday.”

I grew up cheering for the Brownies and even “attended” many games in the DAWG POUND via my mother’s womb. So you can say we go back pretty FARR 😉

As a team, we have gone through 23 quarterbacks in my 23 years of life.

1427428447215The most recent? Johnny, Johnny, Johnny.

Johnny_Manziel_2014_Browns_training_camp_(2)Here’s my case for why Manziel deserves to be the starter, after just two preseason games:

1. Josh McCowan is downright awful. Sorry, but someone has to say it. Literally terrible. Old. He threw two interceptions in his dismal preseason performance.

2. Johnny Manziel has matured. He has learned from his lessons, and is continually learning.

3. He brings a competitive fire, an ability to scramble and excitement to the fans and the front office.

4. Cleveland had a solid run game last season and adds upon it this season with Isaiah Crowell, Duke Johnson (*great under the radar fantasy RB pick up*) and Terrance West. Johnny is a running QB, and one of the best of ’em.Johnny_Manziel_training_camp_Browns_2014_(3)

5. Throughout the preseason, Manziel has gone 17 for 20 for 160 passing yards and a touchdown.

6. Most importantly, the game has appeared to slow down for him. He’s making better decisions on and off the field. He looks more poised in the pocket. And he wants to win.

The issue may be that his temporary long term elbow soreness may be caused from his throwing motion and could result in longer term issues.

“He does change his arm angle a lot, and quarterbacks that tend to drop their elbow on some throws will have a tendency for this to happen,” Pettine said earlier Monday during an interview with ESPN Radio’s Mike & Mike.

The team believes that rest and maintenance can take care of the issue and the Browns expect Johnny Manziel to play on Saturday in the third preseason game in Tampa.

Now it’s time for the Browns to make the right decision and start their first round draft pick, now and for the rest of the season. It’s what the people want.


And that’s not just me saying it! 😉


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Shout Out to All the Lefties!

IT’S LEFT-HANDER’S DAY! August 13th that is…

Cheers to a happy, happy day to these pro sports lefties! You da real M.V.P.

Manu Ginobili 🏀


James Harden 🏀

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Clayton Kershaw ⚾️

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Phil Mickelson ⛳️

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Rafael Nadal 🎾

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Shaquille O’Neal 🏀

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Chris Sale ⚾️

White Sox at Orioles August 9,  2011

Tim Tebow 🏈

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Michael Vick 🏈

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Bubba Watson ⛳️

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Stay weird my friends.



Napoli is Going Going, Back Back to TEXAS

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Photo: Mike Napoli Instagram

First Josh Hamilton, and now Mike Napoli.

Oh yeah, Napoli is once again a Texas Ranger. The deal went down last Friday which will send Napoli back to Texas for cash or a player to be named.

This could be huge for Texas. If you can remember, Napoli was a huge contributor to the Rangers during their road to the World Series in 2011. Although they would end up losing to the St. Louis Cardinals, Napoli’s clutch hits did not go unnoticed.

But hey, props to him, because he did what they couldn’t do over at the Red Sox- Won himself a championship and a nice piece of bling in 2013. 💁💍

Nap has said he doesn’t care where he plays back in Texas, he just wants to contribute to the team and help them win. This year he is batting .205, has 13 HR and 40 RBIS.

But what he can bring back to Texas goes beyond the field. Napoli is THAT guy. A leader with playoff and World Series experience. He knows how to fire up his teammates, as well as the stadium with his badass walk up songs.

Globe Life Park in Arlington will be hearing the chants of “NAP­O­LI” once again.

Love ya Nap, you the BOMB!

– Paige

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10 Best Cities to Live in if You’re Single

So you’re single and well, yeah, you’re OVER it.

Sitting on the couch watching Netflix with a bottle of wine to yourself just isn’t how it used to be and you need to get out there and meet people. Start fresh.

So ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 10 best cities to live in if you’re single!

10. Baltimore, MD


Talk about a city full of singles! According to Forbes, there are 124.7 unmarried women per 100 unmarried men. Lucky men! This is on the up and attracting more singles who love a city atmosphere and East Coast lifestyle. Good morning Baltimore!

9. Cleveland, OH


Cleveland is booming with fun and festive singles, especially if you’re a sports fan! These local singles live and breathe their sports teams so embrace the culture and meet a single cutie at a local sports pub and grab a beer!

8. Portland, OR


This city is trending by the minute! Sure, plenty of hipsters are maing their way to Oregon, but Portland is great if you like some aspects of city life but still want to get away and enjoy nature! So get out there for a hike and meet your future granola crunching bae.

7. Washington D.C.


Searching for your future politician partner? LOL. But seriously, this isn’t a bad place to start. Take in the scenery and head to the great outdoors for some fun, or take a stroll through the city! This big city holds plenty of potential for fun-loving singles who have a greater appreciation for history and the outdoors. Plus, every Friday during summer, National Gallery of Art has “Jazz in the Garden” which is a great spot to bring out those dance moves and find other single men who have a great taste in music and appreciation for art.

6. Boston, Massachusetts


It’s no wonder Legally Blonde was filmed in this college town! All the top universities are located here, so there is a high likelihood you will find a smart and sexy collegiate man here! And talk about another booming sports town! Whether you’re on the outskirts searching for your sexy grad or in the city arguing sports over a beer, this is a great town to meet singles!

5. Houston, TX


There’s a reason Drake loves it here! Houston has just the right amount of southern mixed with business professional to make any single find their perfect match! Embrace the BBQ and sweet tea lover inside of you and get yourself a southern gentlemen or lady!

4. Seattle, WA


This is headquarters for some of the most prominent Fortune 500 companies. Can you say CEO’s?! There’s plenty of successful businessman here that you can swing and at least find meaningful conversation with when you’re out and about!

3. San Francisco, CA


If you’re a successful, single female San Francisco is the place for you. San Fran has the biggest support system for women startups, so the men here like seeing a girl who can hold her own! Not to mention GOOGLE offices are here for those of you searching for a sexy nerd!

2. Nashville, TN


The home of country music and country cuties! If you’re a single guy, this is the place to be. According to Forbes, for every 100 unmarried men  there are 122.2 women. Be on the lookout for some seriously cute hipsters and up and coming music stars in this star-studded town full of big dreams!

1. New York, NY


You had to see this one coming! Not only is this city HUGE, so there are plenty of opportunities to meet someone, but also you practically have to walk everywhere, thus more opportunities to bump into a future someone! From endless amounts of bars to Central Park, there’s plenty of places to roam as a single, no matter what atmosphere you fancy!

– Taylor

Some Like It Hot! Spiciest Meals Across America

You want spicy? I’ll give you spicy. In fact, I’ll give you effing blow your head off spicy. Like, steam coming out of your ears spicy.

The Four Horseman Burger- San Antonio, TX


The Four Horseman Burger, served at Chunky’s in San Antonio, Texas, is one that will be sure to put up a fight. I mean, this restaurant will offer you complimentary gloves to eat the burger with, as the burger may cause burns. And those are just for your fingers, think about your tongue! The toppings on this burger include: jalapeño peppers, serrano peppers, habanero peppers, & the Bhut Jolokia pepper (otherwise known as the ghost chile). In order to participate in the challenge at Chunky’s, (yes, there is a challenge to eat this beastly burger), you must sign a consent waiver, eat the burger in 25 minutes with no restroom breaks, and then last an additional 5 minutes (after the 25 minutes of misery) without vomiting your intestinal track. Uhm, excuse me? That’s spicy. The Four Horseman Burger was featured on the Food Network show, “Man vs. Food”.

P’haal- New York, NY


In Manhattan of New York City, the P’haal at Brick Lane Curry House also comes with a liability disclaimer. Per the Indian Restaurants’ rules, anyone willing to try the P’haal must give “a verbal disclaimer not holding us liable for any physical or emotional damage after eating the curry”. The torching level of this dish comes from about 10 different ground chilies. Like the Four Horseman Burger, this dish was featured on “Man vs. Food” as well. Right when you needed to let out a sigh of relief (and flames), The Brick Lane Curry House offers “a bottle of beer […] on us, […] a certificate of completion and your picture in the (P)hall of fame” to all those that complete their serving.

Great Balls of Fire- Portland, Oregon


Salvador Molly’s of Portland, Oregon will have you singing Jerry Lee Lewis’ lyrics “goodness gracious great balls of fire”. I’m not joking. The dish they serve is called the “Great Balls of Fire”. The Great Balls of Fire are fritters covered in habanero cheese and a spicy sauce. If one manages to get five of these balls down, their picture goes up in “Salvador Molly’s Hall of Flame”! And but of course, this dish was featured on Man vs. Food also.

Bushido Spicy Tuna Rolls- Charleston, SC


Welcome to Charleston, South Carolina: where the humidity causes people to sweat like it’s an everyday norm, and then drink some sweet tea to cool down. Apparently, the humidity isn’t the only thing making these people sweat. The Spicy Tuna Rolls served at Bushido can cause enough internal heat that an individual will easily break a sweat. In order to complete the challenge at Bushido, one must eat 10 of the habanero tuna rolls. The problem: each hand roll gets spicier and spicier. Unlike other challenges, Bushido does not give their willing competitors a time frame on when they need to finish the meal, so take your time!

So, eat up if you dare my friends…


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Ford v. Chevy

Growing up in Texas, there was nothing sexier than a guy with a big… TRUCK. Get your minds out of the gutter, TCD readers!

When a high school hottie’s 16th birthday came around and he rolled up to the school parking lot in a big, fully-loaded truck, girls heads definitely turned. I don’t know what it is about a guy in a big truck, but it definitely makes you want him to take you for a ride. So, for those of you men reading this deciding what truck to go out and buy now, Chevy or Ford?

This debate has been hot & heavy for years and every time there always seems to be a different winner. And we’ve heard all the acronyms from both sides…

Ford: Fix Or Repair Daily
Ford: Found On Road Dead

a9413dc3304b9c0a18e43586fc488455Chevy: Charged Heavily
Chevy: Cheapest Heap Ever enVisioned Yet


I’ll make my case for both…



Living in Dallas, you might as well assume that the guy picking you up for a date is going to pull up in a Tahoe. If you live and/or work in Uptown Dallas, there is a 90% chance you have driven this car, in black of course, and I can’t say I’m complaining. There really isn’t anything better than a hot guy stepping out of a Tahoe… especially if he’s stepping out to open the door for you.



Now this is the alpha male vehicle. Any true Southern guy, you know the hunter, fisher, camping type, is going to be driving a fully-loaded Ford (preferably a King Ranch). I am all for this car, mainly because I presumptuously jump to the conclusion that the driver is a true-to-form Southern gentlemen.

Old_Pick-up_Truck_(6234934912)But let’s be real here. If he shows up to pick us up in any jacked up truck older than 1980 we’re going to fall in love with the idea that it’s his grandfather’s truck he fixed up and that he must be a southern gentlemen who drinks lemonade on the porch while eating his mom’s homemade apple pie. Duh.


Overall, what’s the better choice? The Ford may win the truck pull, but this southern girl would rather be stepping into a Chevy Tahoe! But then again, you won’t see me hauling hay in there countryside anytime soon so you be the judge if that’s your case!



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