#andSTILL, Rowdy Ronda Rousey Holds the Belt

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Photo: Ronda Rousey Instagram

If you didn’t manage to catch UFC 190 with Ronda Rousey completely knocking Bethe Correia the f*ck out in 34 seconds, I’m here to help you. Let’s start with a recap.

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Photo: Ronda Rousey

The Brazilian Bethe Correia came into this fight with nine wins, no losses.

The reason why there was so much hype surrounding this fight was Correia’s way of letting Rousey know she wasn’t scared of her.

She sh*t talked Rousey the whole time, getting absolutely out of control at the weigh in and even added a “I hope you don’t kill yourself when I beat you” to Rousey.

For those of you who don’t know, Ronda’s father unfortunately took his own life. Once Correia said that, Rousey took this fight more personal. OBVIOUSLY.

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She wanted to “beat (Bethe Correia) in the most embarrassingly way possible, in her hometown.” Which is exactly what the queen of the cage did. Obliterate Correia in just 34 seconds in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. *Evil laugh*

All the fights leading up to the main event seemed to have had Brazilians, which is not uncommon in the UFC. But, all the Brazilians who entered the octagon that night had the crowd on their side. Until, Rowdy Ronda Rousey took the Octagon, walking out to “Bad Reputation” by Joan Jett. The whole arena erupted for Rousey.

Looks like Correia got beat before she got beat. At least in my book.

Money talks, and bullish*t walks.

– Carly

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