Shout Out to All the Lefties!

IT’S LEFT-HANDER’S DAY! August 13th that is…

Cheers to a happy, happy day to these pro sports lefties! You da real M.V.P.

Manu Ginobili 🏀


James Harden 🏀

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Clayton Kershaw ⚾️

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Phil Mickelson ⛳️

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Rafael Nadal 🎾

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Shaquille O’Neal 🏀

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Chris Sale ⚾️

White Sox at Orioles August 9,  2011

Tim Tebow 🏈

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Michael Vick 🏈

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Bubba Watson ⛳️

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Stay weird my friends.



Mini Camp is Over- How’s Chip Kelly’s College Dream Team of QBs Look?


Is Chip Kelly genius or clinically insane for trying to put together the college dream team of QBs? Coaches in the past have tried to pull off similar stunts, but four star QBs seems a bit excessive. Even more so, the fact that they’re all good players with even better track records.

Let’s recap:

Tim Tebow- Heisman. Sam Bradford- Heisman. Mark Sanchez- NFL 1st Round Pick. Matt Barkley- Record Breaking QB for USC (after Sanchez).

And of course, they just acquired their newest hot shot that doesn’t need the “glory days” to back up his talent on the field, DeMarco Murray. Not a QB, obviously, but still needs to be mentioned when in discussion of the Eagles upcoming season forecast.

So now that mini camp just wrapped up Thursday, we want to know how the so-called College Dream Team is looking… without pads.

It’s been made clear that Sanchez is in command of the Eagles offense thus far, however, Bradford was a starter during 7 on 7 in the final day of mini camp. And let’s just say Bradford looked okay. And okay is not used lightly.

Bradford threw a pass into the end zone through double coverage for an interception the last day. Once Sanchez came in, it was clear he looked a lot better than okay, getting to the end zone multiple times during 7 on 7 and 11 on 11 drills.

As for Tebow, he struggled with consistency during mini camp. (I mean, who could blame him, he has been off the field way longer than any of these guys!) And just to clarify, Tebow is throwing passes, not receiving them. But, boy he looks good when he takes off and runs with the ball. (Speaking totally from an athletic, and not attractive stand point of course.) Tebow even had one more TD pass than Bradford on the last day.

And then there’s Matt Barkley. He struggled with overthrowing all mini camp. Had a couple good passes for TD’s but also needs to work on his consistency, similar to Tebow.

Quick Non-QB Update for the Eagles:

Josh Huff is actually awesome. It was pouring rain the last day of mini camp, and as he had done in the other two days of camp, he stayed afterward and did this.

That’s dedication, and we love it.

As for DeMarco Murray, he’s still DeMarco Murray. Epic. No dropped passes and is still a star without needing to wear one.

So what do you think? Is Kelly genius or clinically insane? Tweet @coachsdaughters and let us know! Because right now I’m thinking the line-up he’s got going doesn’t look too shabby. And that’s from an athletic AND attractive perspective. 😉


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