Club W… Stands for #Wine #Winning or Both?



For someone so familiar with wine like myself, I was completely UNFAMILIAR with Club W until checking out the site and boy was I pleasantly surprised. To update you, you may have seen advertisements for Club W via Facebook.

Their slogan: Quality Wine. No middleman. Saving YOU money.

Photo: Club W

The idea is simple: You fill out six simple questions about flavors that you like, Club W gives you
recommendations and then you receive monthly shipments of wine that you are guaranteed to love- amazing right?
I filled out my own “palate profile” and questions ranged from how I like my coffee, preferences on salt or citrus and how adventurous I am with food and drink.

Here are my results: (NOT A SINGLE BOTTLE IS OVER 13$—HELL I’LL TAKE ALL OF EM’ 😉 )

It was a nice mix of reds and whites and I decided to order three:

1. Laughing Owl Chardonnay

2. Invoke Syrah

3. “Pacificana” Sauvignon Blanc

They also had really cute labels and bottles that I save as flower vases or “Pinterest” inspired candle holders around the house. Once you make your selections it gives you food pairings and recipes to match your wine! You also get 50% off the total of your first purchase as a new customer… So I’m thinking it really can’t get much better than this.

Photo: Club W

Only CON’s or negatives would be that the wine arrives via Fed Ex and the orders ship within two days and you must sign for your wine. (I suggest shipping to a home address where someone is available at all times or to an office!) Also, the wines do arrive warm (sometimes warmer than what the normal temperatures wines should be stored at.) Not that I’m picky or anything. And hate to break it to ya, but Club Dubyah isn’t in some states. They are unable to ship to the following states: AK, AL, AR, DE, HI, KY, MS, OK, PA, RI, SD and UT.

But hey for the lucky folk like me in shipping range, ORDER UP!


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You Get Paid to Do WHAT?! Random AF Professions that Make a Dope Living

happy-housewifeAs a little girl I always dreamed of being the cutest little housewife: cooking and cleaning for my husband, tending to the kids, being the hottest MILF on the block, duh. Okay, so maybe the last part was a late addition, whatever you get the point.

Basically, I didn’t want to grow up and get a big girl job, I wanted to do something that I loved: taking care of the people that mean the most to me.

I mean, I’m pretty sure they call what I want to do (without the whole “husband” factor…) “nannying” or “a maid” or “servant.” Erroneous! Erroneous on all counts!

But seriously, why shouldn’t you be able to make a living doing the things that you love? I mean, there are people out there who actually make a living doing the craziest stuff! Here’s a look into just some of the careers (other than my dream of “nannying”) that would be sick AF to have!

Professional Video-Gamers

Pretty sure this is what I would look like if I had to game 14 hours a day… Sorry Penny!

I’m not kidding. Team China composed of Zhang Pan (Mu), Chen Zhihao (Hao), Zhang Ning (xiao8), Wang Jiao (Banana) and Wang Zhaohui (SanSheng) currently make $1,005,661 each. Holy CASUAL?! Where do I sign up?! Oh wait, I can barely beat Mario Kart- Someone bring me a glass of wine to drown my sorrows…

Professional Sleeper

Yes, you read that right. There are people out there who make, on average, around $15,000 a year simply by sleeping. Now that’s not nearly enough to live off of (at least for me, I could blow through that in one trip to Nordstrom 💁.) However, that’s a nice cushion to an already existing job. I’ll take another BIG glass of wine, because, you know, sleep…

Professional Shopper

OKAY. All jokes aside, this must have been made for me. So where do I sign up to be a professional shopper? I’d love to channel my inner Rachel Green and spend other people’s money! This is totally a real career. You get to make your own hours and choose which jobs you do and do not want to do. CRAZY! I’ll take another glass of wine now, because, you know, alcohol and credit cards work really well together. For all you judging me right now, clearly you need a glass of vino yourself.

Professional Water Slide Tester

Again, totally a legitimate thing. How AWESOME would it be to ride water slides all day then write about them at night (and often times be quoted in magazines and brochures)?! SIGN ME UP, again. The job has few responsibilities, although the few you do have are very important and, you know, could mean life or death for the future riders. Livelihood aside, who wants to drink some wine (or margaritas if we’re going to be near water?) and go ride some wild water slides?! Not sure that’s part of the job description though…

Professional Hotel Guest

UHM YES?! This too is a legitimate career and all it requires is that you stay in a hotel for a few days and write about it (strong writers only, I assume). This job would be so kick-ass, because you’re required to enjoy all the amenities in the hotel, heck you enjoy that drink (or three) in the bar then go and enjoy a great massage at the spa, because, well, why the f*ck not?

With all of that being said, I am absolutely considering quitting my day job and enjoying the finer things in life. Because playing video games, sleeping, shopping, riding water slides and staying in fancy hotels all while drinking copious amounts of wine sounds good to me, obviously! Cheers!

– Alexa

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Drink of the Week! Sangria Rosé


It’s still summer people so let’s act like it! Time to sip on some SANGRIA ROSÉ like the fancy ass vetches I know you all are. Thanks to Inspired by Charm we have this fabulous recipe for this week’s drink of the week! It’s literally SO simple to make, so if you manage to screw this up I’d be really surprised.

1 bottle dry rosé wine
1 cup limoncello
1 cup fresh raspberries
1 cup fresh strawberries, hulled and quartered
1 lemon, sliced
1/2 orange, slices and quartered

In a large pitcher, combine the fruit. Pour in the limoncello, then the rosé. Stir and chill at least an hour. Serve in a glass with ice garnish and extra fruit, if desired. (Be fancy AF- Don’t skip this part.)

This should serve six people, but let’s be real that’s enough for three of us TCD gals! Always double up! Enjoy fools and happy Friday! 😉

–  Courtney

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Drown in the Drought! California Drought is Actually Making Better Wine


California girls, yes, we’re unforgettable.

I mean, it’s obviously the truth if Katy Perry wrote a song about it! Well, KP actually does get one thing (partially) wrong. Sh*t, I’m so sorry to go against you at the this very moment Katy because you’re one of my faves, literally. This is a rare moment in time for me.

It’s definitely warm and wild over here on the West Coast, but as of right now, it’s definitely not “wet” or “where the grass is really greener.”

Yes, we, California, are in a drought. IN THE SUMMER. 🆘

Before you get your panties in a bundle, you’ll be happy to know that I have a solution as to how we can quench our parched throats due to this drought.



Yes, wine is the solution my people. In fact, why don’t we just drown ourself in my solution? Perhaps Jesus should just come back to Earth and turn all our water into wine and in turn, solve World Peace.


Apparently this drought, one of the worst droughts in history, is actually making its wines taste better!

How you ask? Well let me get all scientific on you… When grapevines are deprived of water, the roots dig deeper into the soil to find water. This process produces smaller grapes that get more ripe, concentrated and flavorful. I’m salivating just thinking about my glass of wine right now.


Although the grapes are getting tastier, the number of grapes being produced has gone down. This might cause an obvious problem, especially for the cheaper wines aka less grapes being produced = higher wine prices people.




Because for now, the wine is better than what it’s worth. Go on and buy me a bottle or two while you’re at it, because I’m seriously parched over here.


– Hailey

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Best Excuses if You’re Late to Your First Meeting


There’s no way it’s that time.


It can’t be 8:55am. My alarm was set for…. Wait. Did I forget to set a… OH SH*T, I GOTTA GO.

Yes, we’ve all been here. And we’re here to help.

Don’t worry we got the best for you ladies and the best for you gentlemen (or gentle boys if you’re still showing up to meetings late).

Best Excuses If You’re Late To Your First Meeting (Girls):

  1. The drive through line at Starbucks was sooooooooooo long.
    Heaven forbid you actually get out of your car and wait in line in the actual store.
  1. The *insert freeway here* on ramp was closed.
    Instead of just taking the 55 to the 5, you have to take the 55 to the 405 to the 22 to the 5 (or something ridiculous like that). Screw this, I’m going back to Washington.
  1. I had nothing to wear out of my three closets and Nordstrom doesn’t open until 9:30.
    Heaven forbid I repeat an outfit people, let’s get our priorities straight!
  1. Wine.
    Enough said.
  1. My car wouldn’t start and the AAA guy was cute.
    He was like a cross between Adam Levine and Chris Evans (YUM), so I HAD to take my time.

Best Excuses If You’re Late To Your First Meeting (Guys)

  1. Mom forgot to do my laundry.
    Ugh, second time this month!
  1. Mom didn’t have my breakfast ready in time.
    Sorry I like my bacon crispy.
  1. I had to Google how to tie a tie (three times).
    Okay maybe it was the fourth or fifth video that I finally figured it out. Whatever.
  1. I cut myself shaving.
    I couldn’t decide how much to trim and I think I hit my jugular doing it and may be bleeding out.
  1. I lost my nice shoes.
    The last time I wore them was cousin Charlie’s wedding… In 2010…

Obviously if these don’t work for you you’re a little rusty on your sales technique. Hell, when I told the teacher the dog ate my homework, I was so persuasive she was buying training for my dog like it was her job. So if you can’t get these to work I call “user error.”

Oh, and get a new alarm clock.


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How to Smuggle Alcohol into Events without Getting Caught

So let’s face it. Smuggling in alcohol to events can make or break an event. Especially if you’re on a budget and don’t want to pay twelve bucks for a beer. Alas, here are the best way to smuggle a ton of alcohol into events without getting caught or even suspected at the security line!

  1. The Sunscreen Flask
    Hiding booze in your sunscreen bottle comes in clutch when going to an event or concert. Especially for events like Stagecoach and Coachella where you are outside, it is so common for people to have a sunscreen bottle, that security doesn’t think to question it.
  2. The Wine Rack
    This allows you to bring up to 25 ounces of whatever alcohol you want in a place nobody will think to look because they are too busy staring at your recent growth in chest size! The only problem with this method is that it isn’t the hottest looking bra, so make sure it is hidden under a hot outfit.
  3. The Beerbelly
    If you are in the mood to rock or embrace the new trend of having a beer belly while in public (I mean, the “Dad Bod” is in,) this shouldn’t be a problem when it comes to getting through security as long as you have the right shirt to pull it off!
  4. The Binocular Flask
    Or the ultimate BEER GOGGLES?! This method allows you to bring up to 16 ounces of alcohol in each lens. IS THIS NOT THE COOLEST INVENTION YET? While also not the most attractive at least you’re bringing humor to your peers. Just make sure the event you’re going to makes sense for bringing binocs!
  5. Tampon Flasks
    BEWARE-most men might freak out at the site of these, but as soon as they realize they need a shot, all their cares go out the window! But use this male fear to your advantage and make sure a male security guard is checking out your bag, so he won’t even bother wanting to question what type of tampon your rocking in that bag. Just be careful with these suckers as they tend to spill easily if you don’t get the top on correctly! These came in CLUTCH at Stagecoach this year for us TCD gals and no security guard bothered to ask questions! ;))

These tricks are bound to work, and if they are not, then maybe you don’t need the extra drink and need to re-evaluate your smuggling skills. For real though, these tips will work, just make sure you have your poker face on and a little “Mission Impossible” mentality!

Happy smuggling people!


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