IDFWU! Kourtney Kardashian & Scott Disick’s Relationship Is So Last Season

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Photo: Scott Disick Instagram

It’s official: Kourtney Kardashian and Scott Disick have broken up. Nine years and three babies later, the couple split on the fourth of July weekend.

Honestly, it’s about time.

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Photo: Scott Disick Instagram

Sorry Scott, really do love ya and think you’re absolutely hilarious, but Kourt needs more. Like more time, more maturity, more effort, MORE EVERYTHING FOR GOSH SAKE.

Whoever wants to defend Scott- GET REAL and GET OUT.

Three babies later and Kourtney still continuously deals with his alcohol and partying issues, ups and downs. Like, GROW UP. One would think that he learned to “grow up” before three babies, am I right? Can I get an AMEN?

The last straw, you ask? Scott hanging out with his ex, Chloe Bartoli, in Monaco. Wait, not just hanging. There were several pictures released of Scott and Chloe playfully touching each other, laying with each other and even feeding each other.

UHMMMM GTFO. I mean, any person pictured with an ex in any of those fashions is asking for it. Plain and simple.  And guys wonder why girls go crazy…


The cherry on top of the last straw (as if there needed to be more)- According to a source on E, “Scott has been running around saying he’s single.”

First of all, HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! We all know who you are and if we wanted to find out your marital status I’m sure we could just ask Siri to prove you wrong.

Regardless, it’s obvious that Kourtney is fed up and has put up with his BS for far too long.

Kourtney made it back on to Instagram on Tuesday, since the breakup over the weekend. Her first post back: a picture of her getting her endorphins on with sisters Khloe and Kim.

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Photo: Kourtney Kardashian Instagram


Her next two posts happened to be a picture of her, Khloe, and Kim having a fun dinner at Casa Escobar in Los Angeles.

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Photos: Kourtney Kardashian Instagram

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All white everything and looking oh so bossy.

Khloe also posted the same picture, using Big Sean’s hit song and break up anthem as the caption: “IDFWU!!!!!”  For those that don’t understand the abbreviation of letters, try “I Don’t F**k With You”.


Sending a message? I think so.

Looks like Queen K doesn’t need a “Lord” to rule her tower anymore. Buh-bye Scott!

– Hailey

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The “Dad Bod”


It’s the latest trend to sweep the U.S.


And to the much misfortune of us ladies, guys are under the impression that we love it?

The “Dad Bod.”

Reality Check, WE DON’T. The dad bod is a balance between working out and rocking the beer belly. According to, the dad bod states “I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink occasionally on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time.” In other words, these guys want to show us how committed they are to looking good, but also show us their commitment to drinking beer.

The dad bod is obviously popular amongst the older crowd hence it’s name, but it seems to be being taken over by retired frat boys who still think they can party like they are in college, but skip the gym. Maybe girls are loving it, because it takes away the need for us to workout and we don’t feel fat or intimidated?


No. I’m still not loving it.

But really, why should we workout and look hot if they are going to slack off? What if we decided to start a new trend called the “Mom Bod”? Oh, they would hate it.

At least with the dad bod he isn’t going to be opposed to watching you eat or drink just about everything because if he does, HELLO MOM BOD!

Sorry boys, but this is one trend we’re not catching on to. We’ll stick to Zac Efron thanks! (But we still love you Seth Rogan!)


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10 Questions Everyone Asks You when You’re on a Diet

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Hardcore diets are something I have experience with since I’ve been an athlete all my life and like to stay in as best shape as possible. I’ve tried everything from no-carb diets to a full 24-day cleanse. So, of course, I’ve heard every question in the book. Here are a few of the best ones I’ve ever been asked…

  1. There is of course, the most simple and basic question:
    What are you allowed to eat/drink?
  2. The question only other dieters would ask:
    Are you on a fasting schedule? (AKA eat within an 8-10 hour window?)
    If you’re asking if I’m hungry, the answer is yes.
  3. The question that reminds you why you’re border line limping into work: What is your exercise routine to go along with your diet?
    It’s called getting up and kicking serious booty at the gym.
  4. The question people always seem to ask on a Friday:
    Can you drink alcohol at all?
  5. The question that reminds you even though you think you’re close, you’re so far away:
    How long does your diet last?
  6. The question that doesn’t even deserve a response:
    Are you starving everyday?
    Oh no you did not.
  7. The question you can’t answer as soon as it’s asked because you’re already off to the bathroom:
    How much water do you need to drink along with your diet?
    So you know the Great Lakes….
  8. Another “Are you serious?” question:
    Are you having any side effects?
    Uhm, yes. I’m hopefully losing weight. Duh.
  9. The “I spend too much time in GMC” question:
    Are you taking any supplements?
    Anything and everything.
  10. And lastly, the obvious:
    What are your plans for once your diet is over?
    To become a Victoria’s Secret model, obviously. I’m ready for my close up!

All of these questions I have heard multiple times and they’re pretty straight forward. For example, the first few questions always entail what you’re allowed to eat and drink and what your exercise routine is. Also, everyone always wants to know if you’re consuming alcohol or what the limits are. Basically, if you’re trying to be good, you won’t be drinking (although that’s hard for the Irish in me.)

All these are great questions regarding diets. Just remember, you don’t have to go on some crazy no-fat, no-carb, no-sugar diet to reach your goals. Life is all about being flexible! Work hard, workout harder and enjoy all life has to offer!

Oh, and make sure to show off that rockin’ bod you earned once you finish putting up with all these questions. 😉

Until next time, B.

– Brittany