Napoli is Going Going, Back Back to TEXAS

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Photo: Mike Napoli Instagram

First Josh Hamilton, and now Mike Napoli.

Oh yeah, Napoli is once again a Texas Ranger. The deal went down last Friday which will send Napoli back to Texas for cash or a player to be named.

This could be huge for Texas. If you can remember, Napoli was a huge contributor to the Rangers during their road to the World Series in 2011. Although they would end up losing to the St. Louis Cardinals, Napoli’s clutch hits did not go unnoticed.

But hey, props to him, because he did what they couldn’t do over at the Red Sox- Won himself a championship and a nice piece of bling in 2013. 💁💍

Nap has said he doesn’t care where he plays back in Texas, he just wants to contribute to the team and help them win. This year he is batting .205, has 13 HR and 40 RBIS.

But what he can bring back to Texas goes beyond the field. Napoli is THAT guy. A leader with playoff and World Series experience. He knows how to fire up his teammates, as well as the stadium with his badass walk up songs.

Globe Life Park in Arlington will be hearing the chants of “NAP­O­LI” once again.

Love ya Nap, you the BOMB!

– Paige

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Winning Winnipeg! US Women’s Soccer Wins World Cup


That’s right! Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past couple days, you should know our USA women’s soccer team won the 2015 World Cup Sunday against Japan. And boy, oh boy, did we dominate! You see what I did there? It’s very clear that our women’s soccer program is much more successful than our mens soccer program. Even though their paycheck doesn’t seem to reflect that. (What’s up with that?!)

Since our guys couldn’t do it, our girls had to bear the duty of getting the World Cup Trophy and bring it home to America. Girls rule, boys drool… duh.

The game started hot and heavy when Carli Lloyd scored the first goal of the game, only three minutes into the game. This happened to be the quickest goal scored in a Women’s World Cup Final.

And she didn’t stop there. Lloyd proceeded to score two more goals: one in the fifth minute, and one in the 16th minute.


Damn girl, we like the way you work it.

In between Lloyd’s goals, Lauren Holiday scored a goal in the 14th minute. And just to top it off, Tobin Heath topped the game off with the final & fifth goal for the United States in the 54th minute. The women finished the final game of the World Cup with a 5-2 win over Japan.

And the post game festivities were definitely tear-worthy if you love this beautiful country as much as we do here at TCD. It could not have been better timing that our girls won the day after our Independence Day, July 4th. Alex Morgan kissing the Cup, Wambach holding the flag up behind her with pride  after playing in her last game… I just get chills thinking about it!

Talk about feeling proud to be an American. GOD BLESS THE USA! And God bless our fabulous US Women’s soccer team!

– Hailey

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