Baywatch is BACK & You Won’t Believe the New Cast! (Cue the Slow Motion Running)

In the words of Juvenile, MOVE IT SLOW MOTION FOR ME because that’s right- Baywatch is back. babes, bikini’s, beaches and a lot of slow motion running is coming back to the big screen. And why wouldn’t TCD be all about it?

As far as the babes, Zac Efron and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson have committed to the remake film that is expected to start shooting at the beginning of 2016.  THE ROCK? ZAC EFRON? I know try not to faint…


Let’s just say that it’s highly possible that around filming time I may have a near death drowning experience where I need a lifeguard to save me. And somehow I feel like I won’t be alone?

Efron told Reuters,

“It’s going to be R-rated and it’s going to be badass.” Efron went on to say, ”I think we’re going like pretty big with it and I don’t think it’s going to be much like the old Baywatch to be honest. I think we’re going to kind of reinvent it in a big way, and he [Johnson] has big plans for it. I know he’s very ambitious.”

Johnson shared his excitement on Instagram with an oh-so glorious picture of the two wearing their bare-skin washboard abs.

Screen Shot 2015-08-26 at 4.39.52 PM
Photo: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson Instagram

Not to mention that he left us hanging on a real cliff hanger in his caption:

“[…] and one more thing.. just wait ’til you see who we cast for our girls…”



Apparently, Pam isn’t too thrilled on the remake idea. When asked about the new movie, she has commented “no one appreciates the remakes.” She believes that there ’90s were a “simpler, sweeter time” for television, and that the remake won’t work in today’s modern day and era.

Maybe Pam is a little bitter since she didn’t get asked to be a part of the remake. Perhaps she is scared someone will top her original performance?

Guess we’ll just have to find out for ourselves who will be the new BAE of Baywatch….

Until then, I’ll be the swimmer who cried wolf. HELP Mr. Lifeguards! Save me! Mouth to mouth resuscitation!


hailey headshotHailey Kiss

The “Dad Bod”


It’s the latest trend to sweep the U.S.


And to the much misfortune of us ladies, guys are under the impression that we love it?

The “Dad Bod.”

Reality Check, WE DON’T. The dad bod is a balance between working out and rocking the beer belly. According to, the dad bod states “I go to the gym occasionally, but I also drink occasionally on the weekends and enjoy eating eight slices of pizza at a time.” In other words, these guys want to show us how committed they are to looking good, but also show us their commitment to drinking beer.

The dad bod is obviously popular amongst the older crowd hence it’s name, but it seems to be being taken over by retired frat boys who still think they can party like they are in college, but skip the gym. Maybe girls are loving it, because it takes away the need for us to workout and we don’t feel fat or intimidated?


No. I’m still not loving it.

But really, why should we workout and look hot if they are going to slack off? What if we decided to start a new trend called the “Mom Bod”? Oh, they would hate it.

At least with the dad bod he isn’t going to be opposed to watching you eat or drink just about everything because if he does, HELLO MOM BOD!

Sorry boys, but this is one trend we’re not catching on to. We’ll stick to Zac Efron thanks! (But we still love you Seth Rogan!)


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